sphenix-tracking-l AT lists.bnl.gov
Subject: sPHENIX tracking discussion
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Re: [Sphenix-tracking-l] [Sphenix-calibration-l] TPC Distortions meeting, 11am tomorrow.
- From: Hugo Pereira Da Costa <hugo.pereira-da-costa AT cea.fr>
- To: sphenix-calibration-l AT lists.bnl.gov, "sphenix-tracking-l AT lists.bnl.gov" <sphenix-tracking-l AT lists.bnl.gov>
- Subject: Re: [Sphenix-tracking-l] [Sphenix-calibration-l] TPC Distortions meeting, 11am tomorrow.
- Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2022 09:33:48 -0700
As discussed during today's meeting here are the set of distortion maps and reconstructed maps that I have been using
Static distortions
G4TPC::static_distortion_filename =
G4TPC::correction_filename =
Beam induced, time averaged distortions
G4TPC::static_distortion_filename =
G4TPC::correction_filename =
Joe has been using slightly different ones, but they should not
have major differences
G4TPC::static_distortion_filename =
G4TPC::correction_filename =
Let's meet at the usual time tomorrow, Tuesday, 11AM EDT, to discuss status and intentions for the upcoming collaboration meeting. Other topics are welcome of course. If you let me know in advance, I will add a slot to the agenda for you.
Dr. Ross Corliss
If it's work hours, and I'm not in a meeting, feel free to look for me in my virtual office:
_______________________________________________ sPHENIX-calibration-l mailing list sPHENIX-calibration-l AT lists.bnl.gov https://lists.bnl.gov/mailman/listinfo/sphenix-calibration-l
#include <TFile.h> #include <TH3.h> #include <array> #include <cmath> namespace { // print histogram void print_histogram( TH3* h ) { std::cout << "InvertDistortions - name: " << h->GetName() << std::endl; for( const auto& axis:{h->GetXaxis(), h->GetYaxis(), h->GetZaxis() } ) { std::cout << " " << axis->GetName() << " bins: " << axis->GetNbins() << " min: " << axis->GetXmin() << " max: " << axis->GetXmax() << std::endl; } std::cout << std::endl; } } TString InvertDistortionMap( // const TString inputFile = "/star/u/rcorliss/sphenix/workfest2021/empty_distortion.workfest2021.distortion_map.hist.root", // const TString outputFile = "distortion_maps-new/empty_distortion_converted.root", const TString inputFile = "distortion_maps-new/average_minus_static_distortion_converted.root", const TString outputFile = "distortion_maps-new/average_minus_static_distortion_inverted_10.root", const int scale = 10 ) { std::cout << "InvertDistortionMap - inputFile: " << inputFile << std::endl; std::cout << "InvertDistortionMap - outputFile: " << outputFile << std::endl; std::cout << "InvertDistortionMap - scale: " << scale << std::endl; auto input = TFile::Open( inputFile ); auto output = TFile::Open( outputFile, "RECREATE" ); std::array<TString,2> suffix = { "negz", "posz" }; for( int iside = 0; iside < 2; ++iside ) { // load relevan histograms from inputFile auto hdp = static_cast<TH3*>( input->Get( Form( "hIntDistortionP_%s", suffix[iside].Data() ) ) ); auto hdr = static_cast<TH3*>( input->Get( Form( "hIntDistortionR_%s", suffix[iside].Data() ) ) ); auto hdz = static_cast<TH3*>( input->Get( Form( "hIntDistortionZ_%s", suffix[iside].Data() ) ) ); print_histogram( hdp ); // create converted histograms. /* they have different names to avoid conflicts */ auto hdp_new = static_cast<TH3*>( hdp->Clone( Form( "hIntDistortionP_%s_inverted", suffix[iside].Data() ) ) ); auto hdr_new = static_cast<TH3*>( hdp->Clone( Form( "hIntDistortionR_%s_inverted", suffix[iside].Data() ) ) ); auto hdz_new = static_cast<TH3*>( hdp->Clone( Form( "hIntDistortionZ_%s_inverted", suffix[iside].Data() ) ) ); // also create entries histogram auto h_entries = static_cast<TH3*>( hdp->Clone( Form( "entries_%s", suffix[iside].Data() ) ) ); // reset for( const auto& h:{hdp_new, hdr_new, hdz_new, h_entries} ) { h->Reset(); } // get then number and limits of active bins const int npbins = hdp->GetNbinsX()-2; const auto p_min = hdp->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(2); const auto p_max = hdp->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(npbins+2); std::cout << "InvertDistortionMap - npbins: " << npbins << " p_min: " << p_min << " p_max: " << p_max << std::endl; const int nrbins = hdp->GetNbinsY()-2; const auto r_min = hdp->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(2); const auto r_max = hdp->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(nrbins+2); std::cout << "InvertDistortionMap - nrbins: " << nrbins << " r_min: " << r_min << " r_max: " << r_max << std::endl; const int nzbins = hdp->GetNbinsZ()-2; const auto z_min = hdp->GetZaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(2); const auto z_max = hdp->GetZaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(nzbins+2); std::cout << "InvertDistortionMap - nzbins: " << nzbins << " z_min: " << z_min << " z_max: " << z_max << std::endl; // scan inputs histograms for( int ip = 0; ip < npbins*scale; ++ip ) { std::cout << "InvertDistortionMap ip: " << ip << "/" << npbins*scale << std::endl; for( int ir = 0; ir < nrbins*scale; ++ir ) { for( int iz = 0; iz < nzbins*scale; ++iz ) { // get initial position const double alpha_p = double(ip)/(npbins*scale-1); const double p = p_min*(1.-alpha_p) + p_max*alpha_p; const double alpha_r = double(ir)/(nrbins*scale-1); const double r = r_min*(1.-alpha_r) + r_max*alpha_r; const double alpha_z = double(iz)/(nzbins*scale-1); const double z = z_min*(1.-alpha_z) + z_max*alpha_z; // std::cout << "InvertDistortionMap - position: (" << p << ", " << r << ", " << z << ")" << std::endl; // get distortions from source histograms const double drp = hdp->Interpolate(p,r,z); const double dp = drp/r; const double dr = hdr->Interpolate(p,r,z); const double dz = hdz->Interpolate(p,r,z); // get new position double p_new = p+dp; if( p_new < 0 ) p_new += 2.*M_PI; if( p_new >= 2*M_PI ) p_new -= 2.*M_PI; const double r_new = r+dr; const double z_new = z+dz; // important to multiply dp correction by r_new and not reuse drp const double drp_new = dp*r_new; // fill converted histogram hdp_new->Fill( p_new, r_new, z_new, drp_new ); hdr_new->Fill( p_new, r_new, z_new, dr ); hdz_new->Fill( p_new, r_new, z_new, dz ); h_entries->Fill( p_new, r_new, z_new ); } } } // scale down by number of entries for( int ip = 0; ip < hdp_new->GetNbinsX(); ++ip ) for( int ir = 0; ir < hdr_new->GetNbinsY(); ++ir ) for( int iz = 0; iz < hdz_new->GetNbinsZ(); ++iz ) { const double entries = h_entries->GetBinContent( ip+1, ir+1, iz+1 ); std::cout << "InvertDistortionMap - (" << ip << ", " << ir << ", " << iz << ") - entries: " << entries << std::endl; if( entries > 0 ) { for( const auto& h:{hdp_new, hdr_new, hdz_new} ) { h->SetBinContent( ip+1, ir+1, iz+1, h->GetBinContent( ip+1, ir+1, iz+1 )/entries ); } } } // write to ouput TFile, using new name output->cd(); hdp_new->Write( Form( "hIntDistortionP_%s", suffix[iside].Data() ) ); hdr_new->Write( Form( "hIntDistortionR_%s", suffix[iside].Data() ) ); hdz_new->Write( Form( "hIntDistortionZ_%s", suffix[iside].Data() ) ); } output->Close(); return outputFile; }
Re: [Sphenix-tracking-l] [Sphenix-calibration-l] TPC Distortions meeting, 11am tomorrow.,
Hugo Pereira Da Costa, 01/04/2022
- Re: [Sphenix-tracking-l] [Sphenix-calibration-l] TPC Distortions meeting, 11am tomorrow., pinkenburg, 01/04/2022
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