sphenix-tracking-l AT lists.bnl.gov
Subject: sPHENIX tracking discussion
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Re: [Sphenix-tracking-l] Tracking software meeting Monday January 10 at 10 am ET
- From: Hugo Pereira Da Costa <hugo.pereira-da-costa AT cea.fr>
- To: sphenix-tracking-l AT lists.bnl.gov
- Subject: Re: [Sphenix-tracking-l] Tracking software meeting Monday January 10 at 10 am ET
- Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2022 09:40:28 -0700
Hello all, especially Christof
Following yesterday's discussion, please find attached
- a trimmed down Fun4All_sPHENIX steering macro to generate flat pions (2 per events) and the TrackEvaluation module, suited for studying pulls in our Tracking detectors
- a post-processing macro, for inspiration that generate the rphi
pulls distributions in one of the TPC layers (there are several
sets of possible variables to draw in there that you can
comment/uncomment at will, depending on the pulls you are
interested in)
You would need to update your local code, if any, to make sure it
In principle you could then run the two macros in a row and get the pulls in layer 23 of the TPC
Hope this helps,
We will have our usual tracking software meeting at 10 am ET tomorrow, January 10. The Zoom link is: https://fsu.zoom.us/j/98126117840
There is an Indico page at:
_______________________________________________ sPHENIX-tracking-l mailing list sPHENIX-tracking-l AT lists.bnl.gov https://lists.bnl.gov/mailman/listinfo/sphenix-tracking-l
#include <fun4all/SubsysReco.h> #include <fun4all/Fun4AllServer.h> #include <fun4all/Fun4AllDummyInputManager.h> #include <fun4all/Fun4AllDstOutputManager.h> #include <g4main/PHG4SimpleEventGenerator.h> #include <phool/PHRandomSeed.h> #include <phool/recoConsts.h> #include <g4eval/TrackEvaluation.h> // local macros #include "G4Setup_sPHENIX.C" #include "G4_Bbc.C" #include "G4_Global.C" #include "G4_Tracking.C" R__LOAD_LIBRARY(libfun4all.so) R__LOAD_LIBRARY(libqa_modules.so) //____________________________________________________________________ int Fun4All_G4_sPHENIX_cr( const int nEvents = 2000, const char *outputFile = "dst_eval_cr.root" ) { // options Enable::PIPE = true; Enable::BBC = true; Enable::MAGNET = true; Enable::PLUGDOOR = false; // enable all absorbers // this is equivalent to the old "absorberactive" flag Enable::ABSORBER = true; // central tracking Enable::MVTX = true; Enable::INTT = true; Enable::TPC = true; Enable::MICROMEGAS = true; Enable::BLACKHOLE = true; // TPC // space charge distortions G4TPC::ENABLE_STATIC_DISTORTIONS = false; G4TPC::static_distortion_filename = "/star/u/rcorliss/sphenix/trackingStudySampleNov2021/static_only.distortion_map.hist.root"; // space charge corrections G4TPC::ENABLE_CORRECTIONS = false; G4TPC::correction_filename = "distortion_maps-new/static_only_inverted_10-new.root"; // micromegas configuration G4MICROMEGAS::CONFIG = G4MICROMEGAS::CONFIG_BASELINE; // tracking configuration G4TRACKING::use_full_truth_track_seeding = false; G4TRACKING::use_truth_tpc_seeding = false; G4TRACKING::SC_CALIBMODE = false; // server auto se = Fun4AllServer::instance(); se->Verbosity(1); // make sure to printout random seeds for reproducibility PHRandomSeed::Verbosity(1); // reco const auto rc = recoConsts::instance(); { // event generation auto gen = new PHG4SimpleEventGenerator; gen->add_particles("pi+",1); gen->add_particles("pi-",1); gen->set_eta_range(-1.0, 1.0); gen->set_phi_range(-1.0 * TMath::Pi(), 1.0 * TMath::Pi()); // flat pt distribution gen->set_pt_range(0.2, 20.0); // vertex gen->set_vertex_distribution_function( PHG4SimpleEventGenerator::Uniform, PHG4SimpleEventGenerator::Uniform, PHG4SimpleEventGenerator::Uniform); gen->set_vertex_distribution_mean(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); gen->set_vertex_distribution_width(0.0, 0.0, 5.0); gen->set_vertex_size_function(PHG4SimpleEventGenerator::Uniform); gen->set_vertex_size_parameters(0.0, 0.0); gen->Embed(2); se->registerSubsystem(gen); } // Geant4 initialization G4Init(); G4Setup(); // BBC BbcInit(); Bbc_Reco(); // cells Mvtx_Cells(); Intt_Cells(); TPC_Cells(); Micromegas_Cells(); // digitizer and clustering Mvtx_Clustering(); Intt_Clustering(); TPC_Clustering(); Micromegas_Clustering(); TrackingInit(); Tracking_Reco(); // track evaluation se->registerSubsystem( new TrackEvaluation ); // for single particle generators we just need something which drives // the event loop, the Dummy Input Mgr does just that se->registerInputManager( new Fun4AllDummyInputManager("JADE")); // output manager se->registerOutputManager( new Fun4AllDstOutputManager("DSTOUT", outputFile) ); // process events se->run(nEvents); // terminate se->End(); se->PrintTimer(); std::cout << "All done" << std::endl; delete se; gSystem->Exit(0); return 0; } // This function is only used to test if we can load this as root6 macro // without running into unresolved libraries and include files void RunFFALoadTest() {}
#include <TCanvas.h> #include <TChain.h> #include <TCut.h> #include <TGraphErrors.h> #include <TH1.h> #include <TH2.h> #include <TStyle.h> //____________________________________________________________________________ Float_t delta_phi( Float_t phi ) { if( phi >= M_PI ) return phi - 2*M_PI; else if( phi < -M_PI ) return phi + 2*M_PI; else return phi; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void Pulls_cr() { const TString inputFile = "dst_eval_cr.root"; const TString pdfFile = "Pulls_cr.pdf"; std::cout << "Pulls_cr - inputFile: " << inputFile << std::endl; std::cout << "Pulls_cr - pdfFile: " << pdfFile << std::endl; auto tfile = TFile::Open( inputFile ); if( !tfile ) { std::cout << "Pulls_cr - invalid input file: " << inputFile << std::endl; return; } auto tree = dynamic_cast<TTree*>( tfile->Get("T") ); if( !tree ) { std::cout << "Pulls_cr - invalid tre \"T\"" << std::endl; return; } // define variables and cuts /* this is cluster - truth pulls, for clusters on tracks */ const TString var( "delta_phi(m_tracks.clusters.phi - m_tracks.clusters.truth_phi)/m_tracks.clusters.phi_error" ); /* same thing with z */ // const TString var( "(m_tracks.clusters.z - clusters.truth_z)/m_tracks.clusters.z_error" ); /* * this is cluster - track pulls, for clusters on tracks * in principle one should also add the track error quadratically to the denominator. * It is expected to be small and its validity should be checked anyway */ // const TString var( "delta_phi(m_tracks.clusters.phi - m_tracks.clusters.trk_phi)/m_tracks.clusters.phi_error" ); /* same thing with z */ // const TString var( "m_tracks.clusters.z - m_tracks.clusters.trk_z)/m_tracks.clusters.z_error" ); // layer selection /* 23 is the first layer of the R2 GEMS in TPC */ const int ilayer = 23; const TCut layer_cut = Form( "m_tracks.clusters.layer == %i", ilayer ); // cluster size cut /* no cut */ const TCut csize_cut = ("m_tracks.clusters.phi_size > 0 && m_tracks.clusters.z_size > 0" ); // create histogram const TString hname = "h_pullsrph"; auto h = new TH1F( hname, "", 100, -5, 5 ); h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "#Delta#phi_{clus-truth}/#sigma#phi" ); // h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "#Deltaz_{clus-truth}/#sigmaz" ); // project tree tree->Project( hname, var, layer_cut && csize_cut ); // fit h->Fit( "gaus", "0" ); // draw auto cv = new TCanvas( "cv", "cv", 900, 900 ); h->Draw(); auto f = h->GetFunction("gaus"); f->SetLineColor(2); f->Draw("same"); cv->SaveAs( pdfFile ); }
[Sphenix-tracking-l] Tracking software meeting Monday January 10 at 10 am ET,
Anthony Frawley, 01/09/2022
- Re: [Sphenix-tracking-l] Tracking software meeting Monday January 10 at 10 am ET, Hugo Pereira Da Costa, 01/11/2022
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