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sphenix-tracking-l - [[Sphenix-tracking-l] ] Seed Production

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Subject: sPHENIX tracking discussion

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  • From: "Osborn, Joseph" <josborn1 AT>
  • To: Anthony Frawley via sPHENIX-tracking-l <sphenix-tracking-l AT>
  • Subject: [[Sphenix-tracking-l] ] Seed Production
  • Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2025 13:46:49 +0000

Hi all,

Thomas Marshall started the production of the seed DSTs last night (thanks Thomas!) and they will show up here


These include the following calibration updates
  1. Drift velocity and t0 calibrations from Zhenyu Ye and Bade Sayki
  2. The space charge distortion corrections based on the lamination fitting from Ben Kimelman
The runs for which we had time for the drift velocity and t0 calibrations to converge are 53534, 53631, 53632, 53687, 53716, 53744, 53756, 53876, 53877. From the HFTG meeting yesterday, the run with the most data is 53877.

As we discussed yesterday there are condor issues ongoing that are trying to be resolved by SDCC, so some of the jobs are failing right out of the gate. We will have to resubmit them, but for those who want to do some studies already the jobs that are running will end up there.


Joe Osborn, Ph.D
Physics Department
Brookhaven National Laboratory
josborn1 AT

  • [[Sphenix-tracking-l] ] Seed Production, Osborn, Joseph, 03/06/2025

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