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star-cf-l - Re: [Star-cf-l] Paper Proposal

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Subject: STAR Correlations and Fluctuations PWG

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  • From: Jinjin Pan <jinjin.pan AT>
  • To: "Westfall, Gary" <westfal3 AT>, STAR Correlations and Fluctuations PWG <star-cf-l AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Star-cf-l] Paper Proposal
  • Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2021 13:58:35 -0500

Hi Gary,

Thanks for sharing your results. I just emailed you the root file of my B(Delta-phi) for all the species pairs, including proton-proton and kaon-kaon.

For detailed information about my results (ex: kinematic cuts, etc), please refer to the following my CF PWG presentation:

Please let me know if you have any questions. Hope that our results compare well.

Thanks and regards,

Dr. Jinjin  Pan

Postdoc Fellow in Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics
ALICE Collaboration at CERN

STAR Collaboration at Brookhaven National Lab
Texas A&M University


On Tue, Oct 19, 2021 at 2:18 PM Sergei Voloshin via Star-cf-l <star-cf-l AT> wrote:
Dear Gary,

Thanks for sending your results to Jinjin - hopefully both results would compare well.

I have a different question - you refer for Pratt-Plumberg PRC 102, 044909 for theory calculations and mention that their calculations account for STAR acceptance and efficiency, but I can not find anything in that paper saying that. I looked for "acceptance" and "STAR" -- basically nothing. Is it the correct paper, do I miss something, or they just overlooked to mention that (which will be unfortunate, as nobody would be able to compare to them) ?  BTW, what acceptance/efficiency "filter" they might have used? Eta cut and constant efficiency or more complicated than that?

best regards,

On Tue, Oct 19, 2021 at 2:09 PM Westfall, Gary via Star-cf-l <star-cf-l AT> wrote:
I updated my presentation to include the efficiency correction for B(Delta-phi) for protons and kaons.
You can find the plots in my updated presentation at the following link:
The new information is on slides 54 and 55.
I just emailed you files that you can use to compare your results to ours.
Please send me your results and I will compare with them.

Gary Westfall
University Distinguished Professor, Emeritus
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824

On Oct 14, 2021, at 7:09 AM, Jinjin Pan <jinjin.pan AT WAYNE.EDU> wrote:

Hi Gary,

Thanks for the interesting proposal.

As we discussed earlier in CF PWG meetings and at the Scott Pratt's Balance Function workshop, your balance function results have not been corrected for efficiency, which results in significantly smaller balance function values than they should be. In addition, your BF results are significantly smaller compared with the analysis by Launa and Nandita and my analysis.

So my major comment would be that the efficiency needs to be corrected properly in your analysis so that the BF magnitude will be correct before going to publication. And it would be nice that we could have a consistency between the three analyses.

Thanks and best regards,

Dr. Jinjin  Pan
Postdoc Fellow in Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics
ALICE Collaboration at CERN
STAR Collaboration at Brookhaven National Lab
Texas A&M University

On Tue, Oct 12, 2021 at 2:15 PM Westfall, Gary via Star-cf-l <star-cf-l AT> wrote:


Hanna, Xiaofeng, and CF PWG:
I would like to present the paper proposal for our paper "Using Balance Functions in Au+Au Collisions at 200 GeV to Determine the Diffusivity of Light Quarks in the QGP” at the next CF PWG meeting.
You can find the presentation at the following link:

Gary Westfall
University Distinguished Professor, Emeritus
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824

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 Sergei A. Voloshin
 Professor of Physics,  Wayne State University,
 666 W. Hancock,  Detroit,  Michigan,  48201
 e-mail: sergei.voloshin AT
 Phone: 1-313-577-1630;  Fax: 1-313-577-0711     
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