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Re: [Star-cf-l] STAR presentation by Jin Wu for Quark Matter 2022 got commented by Xin Dong
- From: Hanna Paulina Zbroszczyk <hanna.zbroszczyk AT>
- To: "star-cf-l AT" <star-cf-l AT>
- Subject: Re: [Star-cf-l] STAR presentation by Jin Wu for Quark Matter 2022 got commented by Xin Dong
- Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2022 11:11:12 +0200
Dear Jin,
Can you use official STAR poster template?
Hanna Paulina Zbroszczyk
PhD DSc Eng, Professor WUT
E-mail: hanna.zbroszczyk AT
Tel: +48 22 234 5851 (office)
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Physics
Nuclear Physics Division
Koszykowa 75
Office: 117b (via 115)
00-662 Warsaw, Poland
Wiadomość napisana przez webmaster--- via Star-cf-l <star-cf-l AT> w dniu 27.03.2022, o godz. 20:47:Dear star-cf-l AT members,
Xin Dong ( xdong AT ) has commented on a material originally submitted
by Jin Wu ( wj2016113394 AT ) at
Hi Jin,
I was asked by Rongrong and Tafafumi to review your nicely prepared QM poster
draft. Please find my comments/suggestions below.
1) General comments:
a) Slide 2-5, in the title, you have some numbers in the front which I
assume you try to indicate the ordering. I see this is redundant since you
have page numbers at the bottom and as it has no separation from the rest
text, this may cause some confusion. e.g. Slide 3, it may read like 2*F_q
b) you may save the foot region on each slide to give your space on each
slide. The left and middle texts are not necessary, you may just leave the
page numbers on the bottom right corner.
c) In all the figures on Slide 3,4,5, please label (pT, eta) region of
this analysis.
2) Slide 1
a) Third sentence, "The scaling exponent is related to the critical
component ..". I am not sure what you mean by "critical component" here? I
find this part is not needed, since in the next sentence you mention the
potential relation to the CP search. I would suggest dropping "is related to
the critical component and".
b) Third line from bottom, my understanding is the analysis is for
charged particle at |eta|<0.5. This should be also mentioned here.
c) The abstract ends with the observations, but doesn't contain any
physics message (see my comment to the last slide)
3) Slide 2
a) Right figure, need a title on what distribution this is (presumably
particle density distribution within one single event (what event,
real/model)). Need units for (X,Y)-axis titles.
b) Second bullet, for completeness, need to define n_i. And for M_D, is
the current analysis done in 2D (px,py)? If so, you can simplify by removing
the superscript D and explain how the 2D space is partitioned.
c) One technical question on the calculation for my own understanding,
what if (n_i-q+1)<=0, so the contribution from this cell will be zero or do
you truncate? In the case of M sufficiently large, all cells will have only 1
or 0 tracks, for q>=2, will F_q turn to zero? In the case of M=1, for
mixed-event, shall I expect F_q to be 1?
d) Analysis techniques:
i) Hadrons? Did you do particle identification? Or is the
analysis done with all charged particles? Then we need to be precise here.
ii) Centrality: presumably, these are "uncorrected" charged
particle multiplicity.
iii) Can you elaborate how the mixed event is constructed? Shall
we call "to remove backgrounds" or "to estimate statistical contribution"
(one is interested in the dynamic contribution)?
iv) For interested particles, what is the pT region and how the
space is partitioned, in (px,py) or (pT, phi)?
v) The analysis is done within each centrality bin or each
multiplicity bin and then averaged within the centrality? In either case, how
the finite centrality bin width effect is considered in this analysis?
vi) Efficiency correction, the observable is looking at the
fluctuation with the local momentum bin. However, if two or more tracks have
very close momenta, I am worried that they may be reconstructed as one merged
track (clusters in TPC merge). I don't know how our efficiency correction
takes this into account.
4) Slide 3
a) Please also label the (pT, eta) region.
b) What is the reason for the X-axis starting from ~100? Why not start
from 1?
c) It seems all distributions seem to jump up a bit at 2nd, 5th, 8th
data points for all energies? Is there any reason for this?
5) Slide 4
a) in both top and bottom figures, Y-axises are missing the labels for
b) bottom figure, data points in the first panel have uncertainties
along the X-axis, but not in other panels? Any reason?
c) I would strongly recommend adding a figure showing beta_q vs. q
which you use to extract the exponential quantity which is the key quantity
d) top right formula, you introduced DeltaF_q ~ (M^2)^phi_q, but didn't
discuss phi_q?
d) The two statements in the bottom.
i) first bullet, first, not sure what you mean by
"DeltaF_q(M)/M scaling function". Second "DeltaF_q(M)/M scaling behavior is
observed but not strong." I don't quite follow what scaling behavior you mean
here. The top figure shows dF_q vs. M^2, it increases slower than a linear,
but not clear about the exact relation.
ii) second bullet, as commented in (c), we need beta_q vs. q to
illustrate this point.
6) Slide 5
a) As I mentioned in the General Comment, please label (pT,eta)
regions on each figure.
b) Right figure, I understand you want to scale up some energy data
points so they can be separated, but the choice of these scaling factors
seems too random. The point here is you want to illustrate the centrality
dependence. I think you can make a six-panel figure for energies from 19.6 -
200 GeV (low energies don't matter here), and you don't need to apply a
scaling factor for each panel.
c) On the physics discussion, are there any model calculations one can
compare to? Hijing, AMPT or UrQMD? If not available, I would still need to
add a bullet point to comment on the to-do studies, something like "Model
studies to understand the baseline for the extracted quantity nv etc.". On
the analysis side, I think we need to perform the Model + GEANT studies to
understand the impact of the detector effect on multiplicities in the local
momentum bin as I commented in 3-d-v.
Thanks and Best Regards
If you have any problems with the review process, please contact
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[Star-cf-l] STAR presentation by Jin Wu for Quark Matter 2022 got commented by Xin Dong,
webmaster, 03/27/2022
- Re: [Star-cf-l] STAR presentation by Jin Wu for Quark Matter 2022 got commented by Xin Dong, Hanna Paulina Zbroszczyk, 03/29/2022
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- [Star-cf-l] STAR presentation by Jin Wu for Quark Matter 2022 got commented by Xin Dong, webmaster, 03/30/2022
- [Star-cf-l] STAR presentation by Jin Wu for Quark Matter 2022 got commented by Xin Dong, webmaster, 03/31/2022
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