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star-cf-l - Re: [Star-cf-l] STAR presentation by Liang Zhang for Quark Matter 2023 submitted for review

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Subject: STAR Correlations and Fluctuations PWG

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  • From: "Li'Ang Zhang" <liangzhang AT>
  • To: "Grigory Nigmatkulov" <nigmatkulov AT>, "STAR Correlations andFluctuation" <star-cf-l AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Star-cf-l] STAR presentation by Liang Zhang for Quark Matter 2023 submitted for review
  • Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2023 14:58:40 +0800

Hi Grigory,

Thanks very much for you suggestions. Please found the new version poster at here:

- Motivation section:
- The first part is very good but not sure that one can measure it experimentally (there is no way one can distinguish Ks and antiKs, or register Klong).
A:Agree with your point that the Ks and antiKs can not be distinguished experimentally. While the K0 and K0bar will have different FSI contribution, which could be measured indirectly in principle.
- Precast sentence should be proofreaded. Last sentence: remove comma.
A: A reference [1] was added to the precast sentence. The comma of last sentence was removed.

- Particle reconstruction section:
- STAR Preliminary label is missing on the plot. Please add.
A:Added. It seems technical plots are not requested to apply for Preliminary label in STAR.

- K0s acceptance section:
- Replace ~ with -
-  -> The STAR detector
A: Done

- K0s-K0s correlation function:
- Where the points for Data are coming from for the right figure?
A: The point for data is from: J. Adams et al. (STAR Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 112301 (2004). Other points are from UrQMD calculations.

- Results section:
- -> show reasonable agreement with the data
A: Done.

- Particle emission source parameters section:
-Systematic uncertainties on the plots for neighboring energies look unreliable because
  that cannot vary this much from energy to energy.
A: We consider several systematics sources for the extracted particle emission source parameters, such as topological cuts for K0s reconstruction, nHitsFit, side-band region, K0s signal mass window width, normalization range between same event and mixed event, momentum smearing effect, background estimation, etc., and all of them are undergo barlaw test. Finally the topological cuts contribute dominant systematics in all energies.

- Last bullet. I suggest to drop the last part of the sentence ", where …"
A: Done

- References section:
- Currently, the reference style is different for different items. Please make reference style consistent.
A: Done

Li'Ang Zhang
------------------ Original ------------------
From:  "Grigory Nigmatkulov"<nigmatkulov AT>;
Date:  Wed, Aug 30, 2023 03:53 AM
To:  "STAR Correlations andFluctuation"<star-cf-l AT>;
Cc:  "张李昂"<liangzhang AT>;
Subject:  Re: [Star-cf-l] STAR presentation by Liang Zhang for Quark Matter 2023 submitted for review

Hi Li'Ang,

STAR Management has asked me to take a look at a few posters, including yours. The poster looks very nice.

Please find some minor suggestions below:

- Motivation section:
- The first part is very good but not sure that one can measure it experimentally (there is no way one can distinguish Ks and antiKs, or register Klong).
- Precast sentence should be proofreaded. Last sentence: remove comma.
- Particle reconstruction section:
- STAR Preliminary label is missing on the plot. Please add.
- K0s acceptance section:
- Replace ~ with -
-  -> The STAR detector
- K0s-K0s correlation function:
- Where the points for Data are coming from for the right figure?
- Results section:
- -> show reasonable agreement with the data
- Particle emission source parameters section:
- Systematic uncertainties on the plots for neighboring energies look unreliable because
  that cannot vary this much from energy to energy.
- Last bullet. I suggest to drop the last part of the sentence “, where …"
- References section:
- Currently, the reference style is different for different items. Please make reference style consistent.

Best regards,

On Aug 27, 2023, at 3:01 AM, Li'Ang Zhang via Star-cf-l <star-cf-l AT> wrote:

Dear Hanna and Toshihiro,

Thanks very much for you comments. I have implemented them and reupload my poster.

Li'Ang Zhang
------------------ Original ------------------
From:  "STAR Correlations andFluctuation"<star-cf-l AT>;
Date:  Fri, Aug 25, 2023 08:24 PM
To:  "STAR Correlations andFluctuation"<star-cf-l AT>; 
Cc:  ""< AT>; 
Subject:  Re: [Star-cf-l] STAR presentation by Liang Zhang for Quark Matter 2023 submitted for review
Dear Li’Ang,

I have a few comments on your nice poster presentation.

With these considered, I sign off.

Best regards,

- I think you are missing \bar for K^0 for many places

- final state interaction

- K0s acceptance -> K^0_s acceptance

(K0S-K0S correlation function)
- can be described

- Model calculations considering FSI …

差出人: Star-cf-l <star-cf-l-bounces AT> が Hanna Paulina Zbroszczyk via Star-cf-l <star-cf-l AT> の代理で送信
送信日時: 2023年8月25日 18:02
宛先: star-cf-l AT <star-cf-l AT>
CC: Hanna Paulina Zbroszczyk <hanna.zbroszczyk AT>
件名: Re: [Star-cf-l] STAR presentation by Liang Zhang for Quark Matter 2023 submitted for review
Hi Li’Ang,

Please find my comments on your nice poster.

Please remove the comma after your email.

Consider making the motivation part shorter. The content can remain the same but I suggest to make the statement shorter to give a space to some extra definitions.
Correct \bar{K^0} where appropriate,
Define S(\vec{r}), \vec{r}, \Psi.
k* usually denotes momentum of the first particle in PRF (if PRF is used, but at your measurements I see q_{inv} instead, which is also undefined). Instead of k* formalism I suggest to work with q, that you can define as relative momentum.
Define q_{inv}

Particle reconstruction:
Add please a reference [3] to KF where you describe the 3rd bullet.

Correlation function:
Can you add missing \bar at some K^0?
Please briefly define all symbols you use in the LL parametrization.

Define \epsilon

Particle emission source parameters:
Lednicky-Lyuboshitz Weight -> Lednicky-Lyuboshitz model.
Please add a reference to CRAB

With those implemented, I sign off.

Hanna Paulina Zbroszczyk
PhD DSc Eng, Professor WUT

Tel: +48 22 234 5851 (office)

Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Physics
Nuclear Physics Division
Koszykowa 75
Office: 117b (via 115)
00-662 Warsaw, Poland

Wiadomość napisana przez webmaster--- via Star-cf-l <star-cf-l AT> w dniu 25.08.2023, o godz. 08:25:

Dear star-cf-l AT members,

Liang Zhang (liangzhang AT has submitted a material for a  
review, please have a look:

Deadline: 2023-09-03
If you have any problems with the review process, please contact  
webmaster AT
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Star-cf-l AT

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