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star-cf-l - Re: [Star-cf-l] STAR presentation by Daniel Kincses for CPOD 2024 submitted for review

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Subject: STAR Correlations and Fluctuations PWG

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  • From: Kincses Dániel <kincses AT>
  • To: STAR Correlations and Fluctuations PWG <star-cf-l AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Star-cf-l] STAR presentation by Daniel Kincses for CPOD 2024 submitted for review
  • Date: Sat, 11 May 2024 12:18:35 +0000

Dear Hanna, Nu,

Thank you for the comments and suggestions, I updated the slides accordingly.
I also compiled a list of answers here:


Feladó: Star-cf-l <star-cf-l-bounces AT>, meghatalmazó: Nu Xu via Star-cf-l <star-cf-l AT>
Elküldve: 2024. május 11., szombat 4:01
Címzett: STAR Correlations and Fluctuations PWG <star-cf-l AT>
Másolatot kap: Nu Xu <nxu AT>
Tárgy: Re: [Star-cf-l] STAR presentation by Daniel Kincses for CPOD 2024 submitted for review
Dear Daniel and All,

I agree with all comments/suggestions offered by Hanna.
In addition, I have the following two suggestions:

1) slide 19 - Summary: (i) “Increasing particle density → rescattering decreases 𝜶?”  the HBT refers to the freeze-out particle correlation. Why does it sensitive to density before freeze-out? It appears that at higher collision energy or more central collisions, the source is further away from Gaussian. I suggest remove the speculation. (ii) Lower - right figure: remake the plot till x-axis to 300 GeV;

2) slide 18 - last bullet: replace "No non-monotonic trend observed yet” by “No non-monotonic trend in alpha observed yet”;

Hope this is helpful.


On May 10, 2024, at 3:34 PM, Hanna Paulina Zbroszczyk via Star-cf-l <star-cf-l AT> wrote:

Dear Daniel,

Thanks for your update, I have a few more remaining comments:

Slide 3: 
I still don’t understand why S function depends on spatial and momentum coordinates.
Provide a reference here. Why do you use different to Koonin-Pratt equation?

Slide 4:
Once more about the statement dla Levy shape of the correlation function is not a consequence of conversion from 3D to 1D case. Can you prove this? Do you have any example that if your source can be described by Gaussian distributions in 3D, you will end up with Gaussian in 1D as well?

Slide 6:
Again: speaking about critical behavior, do you have prediction of D(r) when \alpha is 0.5?
Do you have an example of the correlation function for such a case? 

Slide 15:
Can you discuss here how S_{core} and S_{halo} look like?

Slide 18:
I suggest not to discuss CMS results, especially when you don’t show them (which is ok).

Kind regards,

Prof. Hanna Zbroszczyk, PhD, DSc, Eng.
E-mail: hanna.zbroszczyk AT
Tel: +48 22 234 5851 (office)

Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Physics
Nuclear Physics Division
Koszykowa 75
Office: 117b (via 115)
00-662 Warsaw, Poland

Wiadomość napisana przez webmaster--- via Star-cf-l <star-cf-l AT> w dniu 06.05.2024, o godz. 17:12:

Dear star-cf-l AT members,

Daniel Kincses (kincses AT has submitted a material for a review,  
please have a look:

Deadline: 2024-05-20
If you have any problems with the review process, please contact  
webmaster AT
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