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star-cf-l - Re: [[Star-cf-l] ] Abstract for WPCF2024

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Subject: STAR Correlations and Fluctuations PWG

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  • From: "K.Mi" <mike1996 AT>
  • To: STAR Correlations and Fluctuations PWG <star-cf-l AT>
  • Subject: Re: [[Star-cf-l] ] Abstract for WPCF2024
  • Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2024 16:19:07 +0800

Dear Hanna,

Thank you very much for the nice comments. I’ve implemented them in the updated version. Please check via the below link:

Any further comments or suggestions are highly welcome.

Thank you.
Best regards,

2024年8月14日 15:26,Hanna Zbroszczyk (via star-cf-l Mailing List) <star-cf-l AT> 写道:

Hi Ke,

Thank you for submitting your abstract on time. The revised version looks good to me. I have a few minor suggestions for improvement:
L1-2: Change "two-particle correlation functions" to "two-particle femtoscopy" (as the correlation function is a specific tool, while femtoscopy refers to the broader method).
L2: Replace "tool" with "method.”
L2-3: Change "dynamical information" to "spatio-dynamical information.”
L3: Replace "extension" with "properties of the source.”
L3: Change "spatial-temporal" to "spatio-temporal.”
After line 5, when mentioning the importance of the N-Y and Y-Y interactions, I suggest adding N-N interactions as well, as they complement the full picture of interactions between nucleons and hyperons, and since you plan to discuss them in your talk.
L8: When you mention the EoS, it's important to justify why you want to explore it. It would be appropriate to mention the topic of neutron stars here.
L9: When referring to light nuclei and many-body interactions, it would be helpful to mention production mechanisms as well, as an addition to studies of many-body interactions.
L14: Replace "FSI parameters" with "FSI parametrization."

These changes should help clarify and strengthen the abstract, and with those implemented, I sign off.


Prof. Hanna Zbroszczyk, PhD, DSc, Eng.
E-mailhanna.zbroszczyk AT
Tel: +48 22 234 5851 (office)

Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Physics
Nuclear Physics Division
Koszykowa 75
Office: 117b (via 115)
00-662 Warsaw, Poland

Wiadomość napisana przez Nu Xu <nxu AT> w dniu 14.08.2024, o godz. 06:40:

Hi Ke and All,

Thank you for the updated abstract which is fine to me.
I sign off.

Best regards,

On Aug 13, 2024, at 6:11 PM, K.Mi <mike1996 AT> wrote:

Dear Nu,

Thank you for the nice comments. I’ve modified the abstract, the updated version can be found via:

3) At the beginning of the 2nd paragraph, add something like: “During the 2nd phase RHIC beam energy scan,  in addition to its collider program,  a systematic measurements on collision energy dependence, with the fixed-target program, has been made by the STAR experiment.”;

-> I plan to focus on 3GeV FXT and Isobar results in this talk, and will not discuss the collision energy dependence. So we would like to keep the current version.

Thank you very much.
Best regards,

2024年8月12日 22:24,Nu Xu <NXu AT> 写道:

Hi Ke and All,

I guess that I over looked the abstract. If fact, I do not know where to see these kind of messages.
In any case, here are my suggestions on the abstract:

1) line 12: Based on the natural of interactions, I would suggest we group the correlation functions into two: (i) Without strangeness: pp, pd, dd; and (ii) With strangeness: pL, pXi-, dL;

2) line 13: remove ‘and others’ as such statement is wired in any abstract. Or if you know exactly what you mean in ‘others’, simply spell them out;

3) At the beginning of the 2nd paragraph, add something like: “During the 2nd phase RHIC beam energy scan,  in addition to its collider program,  a systematic measurements on collision energy dependence, with the fixed-target program, has been made by the STAR experiment.”;

4) At the end of the abstract, add: “ Extracted source size parameters, driven by collision dynamics, and the FSI parameters, determined by the natural of the pair of the particles understudy,  will be discussed within the frame work of lattice calculations (interaction potentials) and hadronic transport model calculations.” or something like this. This is necessary as it echos the physics outlined in the first paragraph of the abstract.

Hope these are helpful.


On Aug 12, 2024, at 5:55 AM, K.Mi (via star-cf-l Mailing List) <star-cf-l AT> wrote:

Dear conveners,

I submitted an abstract for the WPCF2024 workshop, but seems like the ‘webmater AT” didn’t have a response. This is an invited talk about ‘Baryon correlation at STAR'. Please kindly review the abstract under the below link:

Any comments or suggestions are welcome.

Thank you.
Best regards,

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