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star-cf-l - Re: [[Star-cf-l] ] [Starpapers-l] Notes for PWGC preview (04/26/2024): First observation of d-Λ correlation in heavy-ion collisions

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Subject: STAR Correlations and Fluctuations PWG

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  • From: Hanna Zbroszczyk <hanna.zbroszczyk AT>
  • To: "star-cf-l AT" <star-cf-l AT>
  • Subject: Re: [[Star-cf-l] ] [Starpapers-l] Notes for PWGC preview (04/26/2024): First observation of d-Λ correlation in heavy-ion collisions
  • Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2024 11:19:35 +0200

Dear Yu,

Thank you for the updates. 
I am fine with the paper, responses after PWGC preview and the Analysis Note.

Kind regards,

prof. dr hab. inż. Hanna Zbroszczyk
E-mail: hanna.zbroszczyk AT
Tel: +48 22 234 5851 (biuro)

Poltechnika Warszawska
Wydział Fizyki
Zakład Fizyki Jądrowej
ul. Koszykowa 75
Biuro: 117b (via 115)
00-662 Warszawa

Wiadomość napisana przez Hu, Yu <yuhu AT> w dniu 16.09.2024, o godz. 21:02:

Dear Hanna,

Thanks for your suggestions.  Please find our response. 

For Fig.3, in the draft we stated we scan the f0 from -40 fm to 40 fm for both D and Q states, and d0 from 0 to 8 fm. Panel (a) is Q state, and panel (b) is D state, respectively. (a) and (b) together is one fit. For panel (b), the solid line in the right bottom  (around 10 fm) is the 1-sigma; The solid dash-dot-dash line is the 2-sigma (has two regions, from both 0-25 and -10 to -20 covering a very large d0 range due to the poor constrain of the d0), and the dashed lines from border to border (-40 fm to 40 fm)  are 3 sigma. For better clarification, we updated the analysis note with the full range plotting (page 36, section 5.6.3 for text, and page 40 with Figures 5.13 and 5.14). For the draft, we would prefer to keep the current plotting range. 

For the SMASH model, we are using the same procedure as the p-d analysis for the deuteron production, we plan to cite the p-d paper. Ke plans to discuss more details of the model in the coming PWG, we modified the sentence in the draft with the following:
The "Simulating Many Accelerated Strongly interacting Hadrons" (SMASH) model [28] coupled with a coalescence procedure [29] is used to generate momenta and spacial coordinates of d and \Lambda particles [will cite STAR p-d paper]. "  

Link to the newer version of the analysis note and draft:

Thank you.
Yu for PAs

From: star-cf-l-request AT <star-cf-l-request AT> on behalf of Hanna Zbroszczyk <star-cf-l AT>
Sent: Monday, September 16, 2024 8:05
To: star-cf-l AT <star-cf-l AT>
Subject: Re: [[Star-cf-l] ] [Starpapers-l] Notes for PWGC preview (04/26/2024): First observation of d-Λ correlation in heavy-ion collisions
Dear Yu,

Thank you for presenting the update on d-\Lambda analysis. 
I went through materials you prepared. I have two requests:

Figure 3: Currently, you only show partial contours, and panel (b) does not even include the 2 \sigma region. Please adjust the scale to display the entire contours for all cases (with d0 positive). If you wish to keep the zoomed-in regions as they are, you can add another column for clarity.

SMASH Model: Similar to other papers, please clarify how the SMASH model is being used. Since SMASH doesn’t directly provide freeze-out coordinates, it’s important to explain how you handle this aspect of the model. We will discuss this in more detail very soon.


prof. dr hab. inż. Hanna Zbroszczyk
E-mail: hanna.zbroszczyk AT
Tel: +48 22 234 5851 (biuro)

Poltechnika Warszawska
Wydział Fizyki
Zakład Fizyki Jądrowej
ul. Koszykowa 75
Biuro: 117b (via 115)
00-662 Warszawa

Wiadomość napisana przez Hu, Yu <yuhu AT> w dniu 13.09.2024, o godz. 16:27:

Dear Hanna, and Nu,

As we discussed during the PWG meeting last week, we would like to move forward. 
This is a friendly reminder that we would like to request the GPC formation for this d-Lambda correlation analysis. 

Thank you!
Yu for PAs

From: Hu, Yu <yuhu AT>
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2024 22:00
To: STAR Correlations and Fluctuations PWG <star-cf-l AT>
Cc: nxu AT <nxu AT>; Zbroszczyk Hanna <hanna.zbroszczyk AT>; xialeij AT <xialeij AT>; Ke Mi <mike1996 AT>
Subject: Re: [Starpapers-l] Notes for PWGC preview (04/26/2024): First observation of d-Λ correlation in heavy-ion collisions
Dear All,

The paper draft, the analysis note, and the response to PWGC preview questions are ready for review. Comments and suggestions are welcome. 
We would like to request GPC formation for the d-Lambda correlation analysis paper.

Thank you!
Yu for PAs

From: Starpapers-l <starpapers-l-bounces AT> on behalf of Sooraj Radhakrishnan via Starpapers-l <starpapers-l AT>
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2024 18:11
To: STAR Papers Discussion List <starpapers-l AT>
Cc: skradhakrishnan AT <skradhakrishnan AT>
Subject: [Starpapers-l] Notes for PWGC preview (04/26/2024): First observation of d-Λ correlation in heavy-ion collisions

Date: 04/26/2024

Participants: Ke Mi, Nu Xu, Xialei Jiang, Xin Dong, Yuanjing Ji, Yu Hu, Jae Nam, Xiaoxuan Chu, Hanna Zbroszczyk, Prithwish Tribedy, Subhash Singha, Zhenyu Chen, Yi Yang, Shuai Yang, Yue Hang Leung, Barbara Trzeciak, ShinIchi Esumi, Sooraj Radhakrishnan

Title: First observation of d-Λ correlation in heavy-ion collisions
PAs: Xin Dong, Yu Hu, Yuanjing Ji, Xialei Jiang, Xiaofeng Luo, Ke Mi, Zhi Qin, Zhigang Xiao, Nu Xu
Target journal: Phys. Rev. Lett.

The PWGC panel previewed a paper proposal from HP PWG. The panel found that the analysis is mature and results are important and interesting, and the paper should move forward. The journal choice was also found to be appropriate. The following points were discussed.

Q: Slide 12 (Fig. 3), what are the color densities on the plots?
A: This represents the probability densities
C: Please move the text away from the band on the top left plot
A: Yes, will do

Q: What are the model calculations shown on Fig.4 (slide 13)?
A:  These are from pion-less effective range theory and a few other models. For the doublet state constraints from Hypertriton binding energy are used.

Q: What are the goodness of fit on Figure 2 (slide 11)?
A:  This is close to 1, we will add on Figure 2

Q: Slide 6, is there any calculation or study that shows the d-Sigma/Xi correlations are large and if it is large, that the decay won't impact the measured correlations?
A: There is no measurement currently of d-Sigma/Xi correlations. At this energy, the feed-down contribution is smaller, compared to higher collision energies. Since there are no measurements of d-Sigma/Xi correlations (and also very limited model calculations for d-Sigma and none for d-Xi) we have not included any feed-down correction. We will clearly state in the paper that feed-down corrections are not done   

Q: Slide 6, could you explain why if the d-Sigma/Xi correlation is small why there will be upward correction?
A: This is because the measured signal will be diluted by the feed-down  
Q: Where is the 25% correction factor coming from  
A: This is from thermal model calculations for the feed-down 

Q: Since you use a large pT range for deuteron and lambda, should you do any efficiency correction? If there is a dependence on pT, the efficiency correction could impact.  
A: Since the correlation function is taken as ratio of same and mixed events, efficiency largely cancels out. The CF does change with pT, from the change in space momentum correlations, but we expect the impact from efficiency correction will be small. We have seen that for other similar correlation measurements pion pairs, the impact of efficiency correction is very small

Q: In the L-L fit, you assume the strong interaction parameters are independent of centrality. Did you check if you don't put this constraint, you get same results? Because the mu_B at freeze-out depend on centrality, could this be different?
A: For d-lambda correlations, we don't have enough statistics to see any impact. But it has been checked in p-p and p-lambda correlations that there is no centrality dependence. It also expected that f0 does not change with density 

Q: Since you are using same marker style for all the models, might be difficult to discuss in the paper. Could use different markers 
A: Yes, we will consider this  

Q: Figure 4 (slide 13), why is the uncertainty estimate from this study asymmetric while from other measurements are symmetric?
A: This study uses Bayesian analysis to evaluate the probability distributions for f0 and d0, and that causes the asymmetric uncertainty for the binding energy. Other measurements are from different methods 

Q: In the formalism, is there any assumption of thermalization for the common source to extract the source parameters?
A: No, there is no assumption of thermalization

Sooraj Radhakrishnan
Research Scientist,
Department of Physics
Kent State University
Kent, OH 44242

Physicist Postdoctoral Affiliate
Nuclear Science Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
MS70R0319, One Cyclotron Road
Berkeley, CA 94720
Ph: 510-495-2473

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