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Subject: STAR Flow, Chirality and Vorticity PWG
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Re: [Star-fcv-l] STAR presentation by Niseem Magdy Abdelwahab Abdelrahman for ISMD2021 submitted for review
- From: Niseem <niseemmagdy AT>
- To: Prithwish Tribedy <ptribedy AT>, "STAR Flow, Chirality and Vorticity PWG" <star-fcv-l AT>
- Subject: Re: [Star-fcv-l] STAR presentation by Niseem Magdy Abdelwahab Abdelrahman for ISMD2021 submitted for review
- Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2021 11:01:24 -0500
Dear Prithwish,
Thanks for the nice point.
Please find the updated slides at,
On 7/12/21 6:46 PM, Prithwish Tribedy wrote:
Hello Niseem,
Here are my comments on your slides.
"In this analyses"
"In this analysis"
The right figure needs a label -- what is this ? A toy model, cartoon or simulation ?
What is σ_c and σ_0 is not mentioned. You can use the label to clarify this.
'will be 1"
"will be unity"
"serves to reduce"
"helps reduce"
The Gavin ansatz needs a citation of Gavin's original work.
The equations for G_2 shown here as well as the one from your paper 2101.01555 is different from what was used by ALICE in 1910.14393.
Somewhere there is a normalization factor <pT><pT> that is missing in your equation.
For example Eq.2 from ALICE paper:;!!P4SdNyxKAPE!V1OeftXIEo3H73K7v6BhG2NwEKWXYX98inJqjHOWbT0Qv1MJYUcu490Ibfgcv_lxuLCzm45Z$
Is this what you're doing? The G2 definition from ALICE is dimensionless. If you're using the same definition then there is a typo on your slide#2,
should the pT 2-P correlator be this ?
G2 = 1/<pT><pT> [ <pT pT>/<n><n> - <pT><pT>]
"Investigations of the pT-pT correlations"
"Investigations of the pT-pT correlations from STAR"
I am a bit confused here by the introduction of two notations f(Δφ) and G_2(Δφ).
What is f(Δφ)? Is it same as G_2(Δφ) that is plotted ?
G_2 defined on slide#2 has a dimension of pT^2, doesn't this mean G_2(Δφ) plotted on slide#3 should also have dimensions of pT^2 ? Did you miss the units of [GeV/c]^2 on the y-axis of the top left plot ?
If f(Δφ) = G(Δφ) then a_n^{pT} is also dimensionful and should have the units of Gev/c.
But then there is the following problem. I see ShinIchi also mentioned this point in his comments.
Your G_2 definition also means a_n^{pT} is not a dimensionless ratio like v_n. In other words a_n^{pT} doesn't have to be bounded by the limits of 0 and 1. So, we can't compare a_n^{pT} with v_n.
What am I missing ?
The same argument of dimension goes here. Let's clarify this otherwise the comparison with ALICE becomes uninterpretable. Did you use the same definition as ALICE ? But then I don't understand Eq.7 from your paper;!!P4SdNyxKAPE!V1OeftXIEo3H73K7v6BhG2NwEKWXYX98inJqjHOWbT0Qv1MJYUcu490Ibfgcv_lxuODYzR_f$
On 2021-07-09 15:21, Niseem via Star-fcv-l wrote:
Dear ShinIchi,
Thanks for the nice point.
I found a scaling factor in my plotting macro for the 70-80. I correct
that typo.
Please find the updated slides at,
On 7/9/21 8:08 AM, ShinIchi Esumi via Star-fcv-l wrote:
Dear Niseem_______________________________________________
Thanks for the answers, I'll wait for your next pwg presentation.
The error bars that we see on the correlation functions (G2 plot),
which is only visible
for peripheral in both delta_phi (on page 3) and delta_eta (on page
4), do look strange
to me, if this is meant for statistical error, just because of the
point-to-point “statistical”
fluctuations between neighboring data points are much smaller than
the error bars.
Since you do not have any specific pT selection (0.2 - 2.0 GeV/c),
so that the statistical
errors should not be visible anyway even in peripheral, isn’t it?
Or are they systematic
error, in stead?
Best regards, ShinIchi
On Jul 9, 2021, at 5:42, Niseem via Star-fcv-l
<star-fcv-l AT> wrote:
Hi ShinIchi,
Thanks for your nice comments, please find the updated slides at the
same link,
For your comments,
It could be informative, if you could plot "v2,3,4 vs centrality”
on top of the plot “a2,3,4 vs centrality” at the bottom-left of
page 3 with some scaling constant (better to be common for all the
orders) in order to show the centrality dependent shape (which does
not have to be in the talk, maybe in the analysis note later).
a^{p_T}_n. I will include this in our analysis note later.I added a plot to the backup slide showing the v_n and the
The top-left formula of page 3 does include offset parameter a0^pT,
which also seems to show a possibly interesting centrality
dependence, that you could consider showing (maybe in the analysis
the analysis note which I’m working on it now.I showed this before in the PWG meeting. I will include this in
I was still thinking about the point I raised yesterday in the PWG
related to above points, how we can define the an^pT parameter to be
able to compare this with vn. Since G2 is defined as pT square after
subtracting the baseline that is the average pT square, so that the
a0^pT parameter is a kind of measure of "non-flow" with a dimension
of (GeV/c)^2 and an^pT parameters are the measure of "flow" with a
dimension of (GeV/c).
G2’ = G2 / baseline = (pT_correlation - baseline) / baseline
If we think about using modified G2’ as above in stead of your
current G2, one can plot (1) an^pT/<pT>, which is more comparable
definition to the "non-flow subtracted vn”, and/or (2)
an^pT/sqrt(baseline + a0^pT), where the baseline is the average pT
square, this is could even be more reasonable to be compared with vn
In this definition, (1)"non-flow subtracted vn" is even larger the
other one (2), which is similar to the difference between reference
fitting (or c1_subtraction) and template fittings for the small
system vn analysis.
the PWG.I will discuss this point with Claude Pruneau and I will update
How is sigma_delta_eta(G2) defined? Is this defined as RMS or
Gaussian fitting of G2(delta_eta) distribution? How did you treat
the baseline that we see in G2 as a function of delta_eta? I
remember we’ve discussed this sometime ago in the PWG, but not
yesterday. The baseline could also be defined from a0^pT parameter
from azimuthal fitting at large delta_eta or even in 2D... The sigma
(or RMS) would largely be affected by the method how we define the
baseline, so we need to make sure what we do and what we observe.
different delta_eta(1) sigma_delta_eta(G2) = RMS, I added this to the slides
(2) The baseline is defined from the from azimuthal fitting at
not impact the linear increase of the RMS with Nch)(3) The baseline decrease with increasing the Nch (i.e. it will
proposal and we will include all this information in our analysis(4) Now I’m working with the SBU and WSU groups on a paper
Related to this, several different cuts on delta_phi to look at
delta_eta shape, as well as, several different cuts on delta_eta to
look at delta_phi shape, would be important, 2D analysis could even
be better as we discussed at the end of PWG yesterday.
and we will include all this information in our analysis note.Now I’m working with the SBU and WSU groups on a paper proposal
On 7/8/21 2:12 AM, ShinIchi Esumi via Star-fcv-l wrote:
Dear Niseem
It could be informative, if you could plot "v2,3,4 vs centrality”
on top of the
plot ”a2,3,4 vs centrality” at the bottom-left of page 3 with
some scaling
constant (better to be common for all the orders) in order to show
centrality dependent shape (which does not have to be in the talk,
in the analysis note later).
The top-left formula of page 3 does include offset parameter a0^pT,
also seems to show a possibly interesting centrality dependence,
that you
could consider showing (maybe in the analysis note...)
I was still thinking about the point I raised yesterday in the PWG
related to
above points, how we can define the an^pT parameter to be able to
this with vn. Since G2 is defined as pT square after subtracting the
that is the average pT square, so that the a0^pT parameter is a kind
measure of "non-flow" with a dimension of (GeV/c)^2 and an^pT
are the measure of "flow" with a dimension of (GeV/c).
G2’ = G2 / baseline
= (pT_correlation - baseline) / baseline
If we think about using modified G2’ as above in stead of your
current G2, one can plot
(1) an^pT/<pT>, which is more comparable definition to the "non-flow
subtracted vn”,
and/or (2) an^pT/sqrt(baseline + a0^pT), where the baseline is the
average pT square,
this is could even be more reasonable to be compared with vn
In this definition, (1)"non-flow subtracted vn" is even larger the
other one (2),
which is similar to the difference between reference fitting(or
c1_subtraction) and
template fittings for the small system vn analysis.
How is sigma_delta_eta(G2) defined? Is this defined as RMS or
Gaussian fitting
of G2(delta_eta) distribution ? How did you treat the baseline that
we see in G2 as
a function of delta_eta? I remember we’ve discussed this sometime
ago in the PWG,
but not yesterday. The baseline could also be defined from a0^pT
parameter from
azimuthal fitting at large delta_eta or even in 2D... The sigma (or
RMS) would largely
be affected by the method how we define the baseline, so we need to
make sure
what we do and what we observe.
Related to this, several different cuts on delta_phi to look at
delta_eta shape, as well
as, several different cuts on delta_eta to look at delta_phi shape,
would be important,
2D analysis could even be better as we discussed at the end of PWG
Best regards, ShinIchi
On Jul 8, 2021, at 4:41, webmaster--- via Star-fcv-l
<star-fcv-l AT> wrote:
Dear star-fcv-l AT members,
Niseem Magdy Abdelwahab Abdelrahman (niseemmagdy AT has
submitted a
material for a review, please have a look:
If you have any problems with the review process, please contact
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[Star-fcv-l] STAR presentation by Niseem Magdy Abdelwahab Abdelrahman for ISMD2021 submitted for review,
webmaster, 07/07/2021
Re: [Star-fcv-l] STAR presentation by Niseem Magdy Abdelwahab Abdelrahman for ISMD2021 submitted for review,
ShinIchi Esumi, 07/08/2021
Re: [Star-fcv-l] STAR presentation by Niseem Magdy Abdelwahab Abdelrahman for ISMD2021 submitted for review,
Niseem, 07/08/2021
Re: [Star-fcv-l] STAR presentation by Niseem Magdy Abdelwahab Abdelrahman for ISMD2021 submitted for review,
ShinIchi Esumi, 07/09/2021
Re: [Star-fcv-l] STAR presentation by Niseem Magdy Abdelwahab Abdelrahman for ISMD2021 submitted for review,
Niseem, 07/09/2021
Re: [Star-fcv-l] STAR presentation by Niseem Magdy Abdelwahab Abdelrahman for ISMD2021 submitted for review,
Prithwish Tribedy, 07/12/2021
- Re: [Star-fcv-l] STAR presentation by Niseem Magdy Abdelwahab Abdelrahman for ISMD2021 submitted for review, Niseem, 07/13/2021
Re: [Star-fcv-l] STAR presentation by Niseem Magdy Abdelwahab Abdelrahman for ISMD2021 submitted for review,
Prithwish Tribedy, 07/12/2021
Re: [Star-fcv-l] STAR presentation by Niseem Magdy Abdelwahab Abdelrahman for ISMD2021 submitted for review,
Niseem, 07/09/2021
Re: [Star-fcv-l] STAR presentation by Niseem Magdy Abdelwahab Abdelrahman for ISMD2021 submitted for review,
ShinIchi Esumi, 07/09/2021
Re: [Star-fcv-l] STAR presentation by Niseem Magdy Abdelwahab Abdelrahman for ISMD2021 submitted for review,
Niseem, 07/08/2021
Re: [Star-fcv-l] STAR presentation by Niseem Magdy Abdelwahab Abdelrahman for ISMD2021 submitted for review,
ShinIchi Esumi, 07/08/2021
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- [Star-fcv-l] STAR presentation by Niseem Magdy Abdelwahab Abdelrahman for ISMD2021 submitted for review, webmaster, 07/10/2021
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