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Subject: STAR Flow, Chirality and Vorticity PWG
List archive
- From: Prithwish Tribedy <ptribedy AT>
- To: Gavin Wilks <gwilks3 AT>
- Cc: "Sun, Xu" <xusun87 AT>, "STAR Flow, Chirality and Vorticity PWG" <star-fcv-l AT>
- Subject: Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV QM22 abstract merging
- Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2021 16:38:09 -0500
Dear Gavin and Subhash,
The strength of the abstracts comes from the BES-II data. We think the spin alignment analyses with BES-II data have not been vetted enough in the FCV group. So far we have only seen the first presentation from Subhash and none from Gavin. A lot of work may be needed as the centrality and QA studies are still ongoing for the 19 GeV and other datasets. The old BES-I data were presented at previous QMs and there were issues that are being discussed in the GPC. We're not there yet to release the corrected data outside before the publication of the paper. In this situation we normally find another related abstract that based on a more matured analysis and propose a merging. However, in this case we are unable to find appropriate mergers. The Lambda polarization abstracts were the most relevant ones but we have already merged multiple such abstracts. If the paper in the GCP gets published before QM2022 we may still try to find a way to include one or two figures from your spin alignment analysis in such talks. Considering everything we thought the abstracts will be more appropriate as posters. We hope you understand.
Prithwish, Jiangyong, ShinIchi
On 2021-11-10 22:36, Gavin Wilks wrote:
Dear Conveners,
We would like to propose a merge of two abstracts from the QM2022
proposed poster section to be considered for a talk.
Abstracts to be merged:
Subhash Singha - Probing the spin dynamics of QCD medium and initial
strong magnetic-field in heavy-ion collisions via global spin
alignment of vector mesons at RHIC (IMP)
Gavin Wilks - Global spin alignment and elliptic flow of phi and K0
vector mesons in AuAu collisions in BES-II (UIC)
These abstracts focus on probing the spin dynamics of QCD medium
through measurements of global spin alignment for vector mesons.
Combined contribution will include measurements of phi, K*0 and K*+/-
global spin alignment for BES-II energies at 14.5, 19.6 and 27 GeV, as
well as for Isobar collision systems. The abstract will provide
comprehensive results on the global spin alignment of vector mesons
and its possible applications to probing strong force fields and the
initial strong magnetic field in heavy ion collisions. We think this
is a new frontier research in spin polarization of QCD medium and
deserved to be selected as an oral contribution from STAR.
The merged abstract will be sent later.
Best Regards,
Subhash Singha and Gavin Wilks
On Nov 10, 2021, at 13:04, Jiangyong Jia via Star-fcv-l <star-fcv-l AT> wrote:
Dear All,
Following up the discussion today, we would like to
1) Set deadline for merging to be this Sunday and please send the merged abstract to the list before then.
2) Please agree on the speaker, but if agreement can not be reached now, we can revisit the speaker choice once the abstract is accepted as a talk.
3) If your talk is merged, you can still submit the original abstract as a poster. Let us know if you want to do that.
Please see the list of abstracts and merging suggestions at this link*3A*2F**2FSTAR*2Fblog*2Fsesumi*2Ffcv-qm22-list&data=04*7C01*7Cgwilks3**7C5d23d45421344ed2dd2a08d9a47cfb1b*7Ce202cd477a564baa99e3e3b71a7c77dd*7C0*7C0*7C637721679121345256*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C1000&sdata=1MGlo*2F*2BVc0mxXv2Z71PAnzbH81jkc7C6JvuViHIEHCA*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJQ!!P4SdNyxKAPE!QEKa2Hss8HiHUX4XOyAdDa727SWIg2jBCcmW6ZqVKLF7kn_JLgv3P7015MhFEAkOz21nqKmO$
Thanks, Shinichi, Jiangyong and Prithwish.
On 11/9/21 9:09 PM, ShinIchi Esumi via Star-fcv-l wrote:
Dear FCV pwg colleagues
We have discussed about the QM22 abstracts from FCV group among 3 conveners.
This was very difficult task. I hope we are not missing any of original request. The following
list is our suggestion for the submission, that will be further discussed in the management
later on. We will briefly discuss about this in the beginning of the PWG meeting on tomorrow
Wednesday morning (tonight for me, please be aware of the change of the local time in US),
although we have many presentations again this week.
Best regards, Jiangyong, Prithwish and ShinIchi
talk 1:
Xingrui Gou - Global Polarization of Hyperons in 200 GeV Ru+Ru and Zr+Zr Collisions at STAR (SDU)
Takafumi Niida - Hyperon polarization along the beam direction relative to the second and third order event planes in isobar collisions from STAR (Tsukuba)
talk 2:
Joseph Adams - Measurement of global Lambda and Anti-Lambda polarization in Au+Au collisions at sqrt{sNN} = 19.6 GeV (OSU)
Joseph Adams - Measurement of global Lambda polarization in Au+Au collisions at sqrt{sNN} = 3 and 4.5 GeV (OSU)
Kosuke Okubo - Global polarization of Lambda hyperons in Au+Au sqrt(s_NN)=7.2 GeV fixed-target collisions at RHIC-STAR experiment (Tsukuba)
talk 3:
Yu Hu - Search for the Chiral Magnetic Effect with the BES-II data aided by the Event Plane Detector at STAR (UCLA/BNL)
Brian Chan - STAR Measurements of Lambda-p Reaction Plane Dependent (UCLA)
talk 4:
Roy Lacey - Charge separation measurements in p+Au, d+Au, Ru+Ru, Zr+Zr and Au+Au collisions at sqrt{sNN} = 200 GeV at STAR (SBU)
Isobar PA - Search for the Chiral Magnetic Effect with Isobar Collisions at √sNN= 200 GeV by the STAR Collaboration at RHIC (BNL/Purdue/UCLA/WayeState)
talk 5:
Ashik Ikbal - First measurement of Omega and Xi baryon directed flow and electric-charge-dependent violation of quark coalescence in Au+Au collisions from BES-II data (Kent)
Sooraj Radhakrishnan - Search for signatures of a first order phase transition using a two component model for proton directed flow at STAR (Kent)
talk 6:
Diyu Shen - Evidence of electromagnetic effect obtained with STAR's directed flow measurements in Au+Au, Ru+Ru and Zr+Zr collisions at 200 GeV (UCLA/Fudan)
Aditya Prasad Dash - STAR measurement of charge dependent directed flow in Au+Au collisions at sqrt{sNN} = 27 GeV (UCLA)
talk 7:
Ding Chen - Anisotropic flows of phi mesons in Au+Au collisions at fixed-target (FXT) and second phase beam energy scan (BES-II) programs from STAR (UCR)
Priyanshi Sinha - Anisotropic flow of phi meson in Au+Au collisions at sqrt{sNN} = 14.5 and 19.6 GeV in second phase of beam energy scan program (IISER)
Prabhupada Dixit - Azimuthal anisotropy measurement of multi-strange hadrons in Au+Au collisions at sqrt{sNN} = 7.7, 14.6 and 19.6 GeV in BES-II at STAR (IISER)
talk 8:
Shengli Huang - Systematic study of the small system collectivities from STAR (SBU)
Prithwish Tribedy - Search for collectivity in photon-nucleus collisions using ultra-peripheral Au+Au collisions from STAR (BNL)
talk 9:
Niseem Abdelrahman - Beam-energy dependence of transverse momentum and flow correlations in STAR (UIC)
Gaoguo Yan - Longitudinal De-correlation of Anisotropic Flow in 200 GeV Ru+Ru and Zr+Zr Collisions at STAR (SDU)
talk 10:
Haojie Xu - Probing the neutron skin and symmetry energy with isobar collisions at sqrt{sNN} = 200 GeV by STAR (Huzhou/Purdue)
talk 11:
Chunjian Zhang - Observation of quadrupole and octuple deformation in 96Ru+96Ru and 96Zr+96Zr collisions at STAR (SBU)
Jiangyong Jia - Probing the nuclear deformation effects in Au+Au and U+U collisions from STAR experiment (SBU)
talk 12:
Chenlu Hu - Measurements of H3L and H4L directed flow in sqrt{sNN} = 3 GeV Au+Au collisions from STAR (IMP)
Xionghong He - Light nuclei v1 and v2 in Au+Au collisions at 3 GeV (IMP)
Rishabh Sharma - Elliptic flow of light nuclei production in Au+Au collisions at sqrt{sNN} = 7.7, 14.5, 19.6, 27 and 54.4 GeV (IISER)
Zuowen Liu - Directed flow of identified particles in Au+Au collisions at sqrt{sNN} = 19.6 and 14.5 GeV (CCNU)
Edwin Duckworth - Net Proton directed flow in 19 GeV Au+Au collisions (Kent)
Li-ke Liu - Strange Hadron Collectivity v_{1} and v_{2} from 3, 14.5, 19.6 GeV Au+Au Collisionsk (CCNU)
Xiaoyu Liu - Directed flow in the forward and backward region in Au+Au Collisions at √sNN = 27 GeV from STAR Poster (OSU)
Gavin Wilks - Global spin alignment and elliptic flow of phi and K0 vector mesons in AuAu collisions in BES-II (UIC)
Cameron Racz - Triangular Flow of Identified Particles in Fixed Target Au+Au Collisions at STAR (UCR)
Shuai Zhou - v2 of pions, kaons and protons in sqrt{sNN} = 19.6, 14.5 and 3 GeV Au and Au collisions (CCNU)
Yicheng Feng - Study non flow via two-particle (deta, dphi) correlations from the isobar data at STAR (Purdue)
Jagbir Singh - Study of Chiral Magnetic Effect in Isobar (Ru+Ru & Zr+Zr) and Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV at STAR using SDM (Panjab)
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Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV QM22 abstract merging
, (continued)
Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV QM22 abstract merging,
ShinIchi Esumi, 11/10/2021
Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV QM22 abstract merging,
Takafumi Niida, 11/10/2021
- Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV QM22 abstract merging, ShinIchi Esumi, 11/11/2021
Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV QM22 abstract merging,
Takafumi Niida, 11/10/2021
Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV QM22 abstract merging,
Jiangyong Jia, 11/11/2021
Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV QM22 abstract merging,
ShinIchi Esumi, 11/17/2021
Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV QM22 abstract merging,
Niseem Magdy, 11/17/2021
- Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV QM22 abstract merging, ShinIchi Esumi, 11/17/2021
- Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV QM22 abstract merging, Roy Lacey, 11/17/2021
Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV QM22 abstract merging,
Niseem Magdy, 11/17/2021
- Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV QM22 abstract merging, zhchen, 11/17/2021
Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV QM22 abstract merging,
ShinIchi Esumi, 11/17/2021
Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV QM22 abstract merging,
ShinIchi Esumi, 11/10/2021
- Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV QM22 abstract merging, Prithwish Tribedy, 11/11/2021
- Re: [Star-fcv-l] 答复: FCV QM22 abstract merging, Brian Chan, 11/13/2021
- Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV QM22 abstract merging, Ding Chen, 11/19/2021
- Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV QM22 abstract merging, ADITYA PRASAD DASH, 11/14/2021
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