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star-fcv-l - Re: [Star-fcv-l] STAR presentation by Rishabh Sharma for SQM 2022 submitted for review

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Subject: STAR Flow, Chirality and Vorticity PWG

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  • From: subhash <subhash AT>
  • To: rishabh <rishabh AT>, "STAR Flow, Chirality and Vorticity PWG" <star-fcv-l AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Star-fcv-l] STAR presentation by Rishabh Sharma for SQM 2022 submitted for review
  • Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2022 16:52:03 +0800

Dear Rishabh,

You can remove request for preliminary tags and update your slide.
Please also include BES-II in the relevant figures.

I am also pushing it to star-talks for further review.

Thanks and regards,

Thanks and regards,
On 2022-06-10 03:06 PM, rishabh via Star-fcv-l wrote:
Dear Helen,

Thank you so much for your comments.

Comment: IF they aren't yet approved, what is the back-up plan given
SQM is next week?

We have discussed these results in the PWG and as per the discussions,
we were asked not to show the 14.6 GeV centrality dependence study.
The centrality determination for this dataset is still underway.
Meanwhile, I am optimistic that the rest of the results will be
approved. In case they are not, I will go ahead with the 54.4 and 27
GeV results that have already been approved.

Comment: Whenever we show the BES-II data I would suggest adding if
it is FXT of COL


Comment: I also suggest adding just that its BES-II data rather than the year.

As per the suggestion from the conveners, I have mentioned the year
against the dataset. If you suggest I can change that to BES-I and

Slide 5: You comment the EP resolution is better for the BES-II. I
suggest adding why, and if the improvement is as expected/better/worse


Comment: Given you call out the EPD on slide4, be prepared to answer
why you didn't use it in your analysis.

The 3 GeV (FXT) analysis of hypernuclei v1 was done using the EPD.

Comment: Given this is BES-II data and you have talked about the
extended rapidity range a few slides earlier, please add what rapidity
range the data is for. If you did not use the larger range, why not?

Implemented. The wider eta range of TPC has been used in our analysis
to calculate the event plane angle. However, track selection of light
nuclei was done in the pseudorapidity region of -1.0 to +1.0 to remain
consistent with the published results from STAR.

Slide 7: If you want to leave on the fit parameters, please make
bigger so they are legible. Have we really pinned the mass and width
down to 100 keV with that binning and statistics?

Our focus is not on fitting parameters (we mainly focus on the large
statistics and significance). Also, any subsequent precise corrections
to mass were not made, so our mass may be inconsistent with PDG. Since
our focus is not on the fit parameters, we do not have to show them
for the time being.
About 100keV (for Lambda), this is just obtained from fitting due to
its large statistics. And this error on parameters only reflects the
goodness of fitting. This error has not been used in the analysis.

Slide 8: Please add the rapidity range - I think this is important to
note on all BES-II data as they come out.


Slide 9: Please try to make the font size and placement the same for
each energy.


Slide 9: There is lots of white space on this slide. Maybe you could
add if the centrality dependence is as expected? How does it compare
to, for example, the proton or pion dependencies?


Slide 9: The 19 GeV appears stronger, is this true? If so is it expected?

Yes, we observe a relatively higher dependence in 19.6 GeV. In the
future, we plan on further dividing the centrality into finer bins -
0-10%, 10-30%, and 30-80% to get a more accurate picture.

Slide 10: From the plots its hard to see, is it really as good as 10%?

To quantify the percentage of deviation, I tried to fit the ratio plot
with a polynomial of degree zero (Please find the slides here for the
study -
Conservatively, we can say that the scaled elliptic flow of light
nuclei is consistent within 20-30% with the predictions from the mass
number scaling.

Slide 10: I suggest to modify the bullet to say all light nuclei at
all energies measured.


Slide 11: While this is a nice measurement, with the current errors
its a bit of a stretch to say it follows the mass number scaling isn't

Yes, the statistical errors on these results are comparatively higher
but the linear fit to these data points still shows a mass ordering.

Please find the updated slides here:

Please let me know if you have any further suggestions.

Thanks and regards,

On 2022-06-08 20:44, Helen Caines wrote:
Dear Rishabh,

Nice slides and data. A couple more comments for you to consider

General: If the plots are approved please remove the red “requesting
preliminary” from several of the slides. IF they aren’t yet
approved, what is the back-up plan given SQM is next week?

Whenever we show the BES-II data I would suggest adding if it is FXT
of COL. While for many energies its clear to use which is which, its
not necessarily to those outside of STAR plus we do have some energies
from both COL and FXT so its a good idea for us to start labeling all
the data from the beginning to try to avoid confusions later on.

I also suggest adding just that its BES-II data rather than the year.

Slide 5: You comment the EP resolution is better for the BES-II. I
suggest adding why, and if the improvement is as expected/better/worse

Given you call out the EPD on slide4, be prepared to answer why you
didn’t use it in your analysis.

Slide 6
Given this is BES-II data and you have talked about the extended
rapidity range a few slides earlier, please add what rapidity range
the data is for. If you did not use the larger range, why not?

Slide 7: If you want to leave on the fit parameters, please make
bigger so they are legible. Have we really pinned the mass and width
down to 100 keV with that binning and statistics?

Slide 8: Please add the rapidity range - I think this is important to
note on all BES-II data as they come out. Given we plan to expand the
range compared to BES-I data there will likely be plus of the same
quantities over different y ranges, so we should get used to labeling
this clearly.

Slide 9: Please try to make the font size and placement the same for
each energy.
There is lots of white space on this slide. Maybe you could add if the
centrality dependence is as expected? How does it compare to, for
example, the proton or pion dependencies?
The 19 GeV appears stronger, is this true? If so is it expected?

Slide 10: From the plots its hard to see, is it really as good as 10%
I suggest to modify the bullet to say all light nuclei at all energies

Slide 11: While this is a nice measurement, with the current errors
its a bit of a stretch to say it follows the mass number scaling
isn’t it?

Slide 12: It seems that all nuclei/particles containing a strange
quark are on the low side. Maybe this is worth drawing the audiences
attention to?


Yale University
Physics Dept. - Wright Lab.
PO Box 208120
New Haven, CT 06520
"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass.
It's about learning how to dance in the rain." - Vivian Greene

On Jun 8, 2022, at 6:15 AM, rishabh via Star-fcv-l
<star-fcv-l AT> wrote:

Dear Subhash,

Thank you for your quick response. I have implemented these further
suggestions from you.
Here is the link to the updated slides:

Thanks again.
Best regards,

On 2022-06-08 15:29, subhash via Star-fcv-l wrote:
Dear Rishabh,
Thanks for incorporating my suggestions. I am fine with your slides.
Two minor comments:
slide#4: √sNN (GeV)
slide#9: deuterons show
Thanks and regards,
On 2022-06-08 05:30 PM, Rishabh Sharma wrote:
Dear Subhash,
Thank you so much for your helpful comments.
slide#4: In the datasets, you can probably indicate BES-I and
- Implemented
slide#5: Can you add comment on the improvement in EP resolution in
BES-II compared to BES-I? - Implemented (For a better comparison
between the BES I and BES II I am showing only 19.6 GeV resolution.
will put the rest in the backup)
slide#6: Are these results from 0-80% or finer centrality bins? I
would suggest to use 0-80%. Moreover, if you can replace these 14.6
GeV results with 19.6 GeV ones where the bad runs and centrality is
finalized, it would be better. But I would leave it up to you. -
Implemented (I have replaced the plots with 19.6 GeV 0-80% results)
slide#7: Can you add collision system, beam energy etc details
these figures? - (I have written it on top of the figure. Are you
suggesting putting the details inside the figure?)
slide#8: Can you indicate the improvement in precision in BES-II
relative to BES-I?
slide#9: Remove 14.6 0-30% and 30-80% plots. Mention centrality
dependent study is underway.
slide#10: Can you use specific range of deviation, 10-20%?
slide#13: Indicate how much Deviation of light nuclei v2 scaling is
Please find the updated slides here:
Please let me know if you have further suggestions or comments.
Thanks and regards,
On Tue, Jun 7, 2022 at 4:04 PM subhash <subhash AT>
Dear Rishabh,
Nice slides.
It was recommended by the management to release only 0-80%
results for 14.6 GeV. Please remove the corresponding v2 results in
0-30% and 30-80%.
slide#4: In the datasets, you can probably indicate BES-I and
slide#5: Can you add comment on the improvement in EP resolution in
BES-II compared to BES-I?
slide#6: Are these results from 0-80% or finer centrality bins? I
suggest to use 0-80%. Moreover, if you can replace these 14.6 GeV
results with 19.6 GeV ones where the bad runs and centrality is
finalized, it would be better. But I would leave it up to you.
slide#7: Can you add collision system, beam energy etc details
these figures?
slide#8: Can you indicate the improvement in precision in BES-II
relative to BES-I?
slide#9: Remove 14.6 0-30% and 30-80% plots. Mention centrality
dependent study is underway.
slide#10: Can you use specific range of deviation, 10-20%?
slide#13: Indicate how much Deviation of light nuclei v2 scaling is
Thanks and regards,
On 2022-05-31 11:42 AM, webmaster--- via Star-fcv-l wrote:
Dear star-fcv-l AT members,
Rishabh Sharma (rishabhsharma AT has
submitted a
material for a review, please have a look:
If you have any problems with the review process, please contact
webmaster AT
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