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Subject: STAR Flow, Chirality and Vorticity PWG
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Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV PWG meeting on 09/Aug/2023 Wed. 9:30 AM EDT
- From: EsumiShinIchi < AT>
- To: "STAR Flow, Chirality and Vorticity PWG" <star-fcv-l AT>
- Subject: Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV PWG meeting on 09/Aug/2023 Wed. 9:30 AM EDT
- Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 14:18:34 +0000
Dear Shengli
These F parameters are determined for the pairs, so they need to be applied on the
“vnn = vn*vn”, (not on the vn), so you would need to apply the same subtraction in both
“reference pT pair” and “combined pT pair” correlation functions. We would also like to
see this in the form of the correlation function as associate per trigger normalization for
c0 and near-side methods and as unity normalization for c1 and template fitting, with and
without including the subtracted part etc. Please try to convince us and to show how various
subtraction methods really work for both cases, at least for both “reference pT pair” and
“combined pT pair”, possibly a few different pT choices for the combined pairs. I’m still
trying to understand the amazing agreement among c1, c0 and near-side methods, which
could really be happening accidentally, though.
The choice of your TPC-EPD method, that you are requesting for preliminary in your p11
and p12, is in deed reasonable and would be robust, so it’s nice to include as a part of
preliminary, but excluding the other choice of results that you have shown in your back-up
slides on p25-p27, are somewhat artificial, just by picking up one similar (and/or slightly
smaller) answer compared to the main TPC-TPC method. While your p26-p27 (and p25)
methods gives somewhat larger (and smaller) results, depending on the amount of
de-correlation (and non-flow) in the denominator. Another reason why your choice of
TPC-EPD results are mostly consistent with TPC-TPC method is because it is mostly
determined by the TPC-TPC correlation which goes to the numerator of your TPC vn
results for both cases A) and B). So to me, your comparison between TPC-EPD and
TPC-TPC method in p11 is a kind of consistency check, which has mostly same information.
The comparison including p25-p27 would become meaningful.
Best regards, ShinIchi
On Aug 10, 2023, at 1:56, Shengli Huang <shengli.huang AT> wrote:
Dear ShinIchi,The ratio of c0/c0 and c1/c1 are dilute factors, the vnsub=vn(cent)-F*vn(peri).
The c0 and c1 ratio or F are similar therefore the c0 and c1 methodsare so close.
On Wed, Aug 9, 2023 at 12:41 PM EsumiShinIchi via Star-fcv-l <star-fcv-l AT> wrote:
_______________________________________________Dear Shengli, thanks for the plot on the zoom chat. The following arethe comments from the window. Best regards, ShinIchiThe blue is c0/c0, not c0/c1? But this alone does not really tell us the
subtracted results are in deed similar or not… I think we would like tosee some example dphi correlation functions with including subtractedparts etc…
On Aug 9, 2023, at 16:18, EsumiShinIchi < AT> wrote:
Dear ShengliThanks for the nice studies. I find the last 3 pages in your back-up slidesare one of the most important/interesting information containing the non-flowand de-correlation, that explains the difference to the phenix method…Could you also show one additional result with two inner parts of EPDTPC-EPDeIn-EPDwIn, if you have done that, in stead of (in addition to) thelast page (inner+outer), that includes the previous page (outer). Anyway,thanks again. Please consider including them as a part of your preliminaryrequests.
Dear CameronI agree with you about showing both the measured v3 as well as theeven and odd components, where you mentioned the even component haslarger errors (relative to the even magnitude), since you expand the axisa lot just for the even (right) plot, but they are comparable to the oddcomponents in absolute errors as they are from the same measurement,right? So I would make the vertical axis range closer between the two,for example, [-0.024, 0.024] for the odd and [-0.012, 0.012] for the even.
Best regards, ShinIchi
2023/08/09 14:43、Shengli Huang via Star-fcv-l <star-fcv-l AT>のメール:
Dear All,
You can find my slide here:
_______________________________________________On Tue, Aug 8, 2023 at 12:25 PM Cameron Racz via Star-fcv-l <star-fcv-l AT> wrote:
Hi convenors,
I would like to present my preliminary request for proton v3 at 3.2, 3.5, and 3.9 GeV if there is enough time. My slides are located here:
Thank you,
Cameron Racz
Ph.D. Candidate
Heavy-ion Physics Group
University of California, Riverside
> On Aug 8, 2023, at 5:12 AM, sharangrav via Star-fcv-l <star-fcv-l AT> wrote:
> Dear convenors,
> If time permits I would also like to give some update on my anisotropic flow result for fixed target energies (for QM and ISMD). Please add me to the agenda. I will post my slides soon.
> Thanks and regards,
> Sharang
> On 2023-08-08 11:59, subhash via Star-fcv-l wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> We shall have our weekly FCV PWG meeting this Wednesday (09/Aug/2023)
>> at 9:30 AM EDT. As you know the deadline for preliminary approvals is
>> the week of August 14 and submission of talk/poster to FCV PWG is
>> August 20. Therefore, this week and next week we would like to focus
>> on Quark Matter related analysis updates and preliminary approval. We
>> would like to ask the following analyzers to present an update:
>> Zuowen, Chengdong, Xingrui, Rishabh & Shengli
>> The agenda items will be collected at:
>> We would also like to discuss the followings in order to assess your
>> analysis status:
>> -- list of promised results observables, collision system, beam energies
>> -- status/readiness of your analysis, new preliminary requests
>> -- any potential issues, show stoppers, centrality/embedding etc.
>> For preliminary request you can use this template:
>> Zoom details are copied below.
>> Thanks and regards,
>> Prithwish, Zhenyu and Subhash
>> Join ZoomGov Meeting
>> Meeting ID: 161 237 7416
>> Passcode: 106847
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>> Meeting ID: 161 237 7416
>> Passcode: 106847
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Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV PWG meeting on 09/Aug/2023 Wed. 9:30 AM EDT
, (continued)
Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV PWG meeting on 09/Aug/2023 Wed. 9:30 AM EDT,
Egor Alpatov, 08/08/2023
Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV PWG meeting on 09/Aug/2023 Wed. 9:30 AM EDT,
Takafumi Niida, 08/09/2023
- Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV PWG meeting on 09/Aug/2023 Wed. 9:30 AM EDT, Egor Alpatov, 08/09/2023
Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV PWG meeting on 09/Aug/2023 Wed. 9:30 AM EDT,
Takafumi Niida, 08/09/2023
Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV PWG meeting on 09/Aug/2023 Wed. 9:30 AM EDT,
sharangrav, 08/08/2023
Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV PWG meeting on 09/Aug/2023 Wed. 9:30 AM EDT,
Cameron Racz, 08/08/2023
Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV PWG meeting on 09/Aug/2023 Wed. 9:30 AM EDT,
Shengli Huang, 08/09/2023
Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV PWG meeting on 09/Aug/2023 Wed. 9:30 AM EDT,
EsumiShinIchi, 08/09/2023
- Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV PWG meeting on 09/Aug/2023 Wed. 9:30 AM EDT, Cameron Racz, 08/09/2023
Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV PWG meeting on 09/Aug/2023 Wed. 9:30 AM EDT,
EsumiShinIchi, 08/09/2023
Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV PWG meeting on 09/Aug/2023 Wed. 9:30 AM EDT,
Shengli Huang, 08/09/2023
- Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV PWG meeting on 09/Aug/2023 Wed. 9:30 AM EDT, EsumiShinIchi, 08/10/2023
Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV PWG meeting on 09/Aug/2023 Wed. 9:30 AM EDT,
Shengli Huang, 08/09/2023
Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV PWG meeting on 09/Aug/2023 Wed. 9:30 AM EDT,
xgou, 08/09/2023
Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV PWG meeting on 09/Aug/2023 Wed. 9:30 AM EDT,
Zuowen Liu, 08/09/2023
- Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV PWG meeting on 09/Aug/2023 Wed. 9:30 AM EDT, EsumiShinIchi, 08/09/2023
Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV PWG meeting on 09/Aug/2023 Wed. 9:30 AM EDT,
Zuowen Liu, 08/09/2023
Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV PWG meeting on 09/Aug/2023 Wed. 9:30 AM EDT,
EsumiShinIchi, 08/09/2023
Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV PWG meeting on 09/Aug/2023 Wed. 9:30 AM EDT,
Cameron Racz, 08/10/2023
- Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV PWG meeting on 09/Aug/2023 Wed. 9:30 AM EDT, Sooraj Radhakrishnan, 08/11/2023
Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV PWG meeting on 09/Aug/2023 Wed. 9:30 AM EDT,
Shengli Huang, 08/09/2023
- Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV PWG meeting on 09/Aug/2023 Wed. 9:30 AM EDT, sharangrav, 08/09/2023
Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV PWG meeting on 09/Aug/2023 Wed. 9:30 AM EDT,
sharangrav, 08/13/2023
- Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV PWG meeting on 09/Aug/2023 Wed. 9:30 AM EDT, Egor Alpatov, 08/14/2023
- Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV PWG meeting on 09/Aug/2023 Wed. 9:30 AM EDT, Sooraj Radhakrishnan, 08/14/2023
Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV PWG meeting on 09/Aug/2023 Wed. 9:30 AM EDT,
Cameron Racz, 08/08/2023
- Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV PWG meeting on 09/Aug/2023 Wed. 9:30 AM EDT, 韩成栋, 08/09/2023
Re: [Star-fcv-l] FCV PWG meeting on 09/Aug/2023 Wed. 9:30 AM EDT,
Egor Alpatov, 08/08/2023
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