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star-fcv-l - [Star-fcv-l] Notes for PWGC preview (03/29/2024): Onset of Partonic Collectivity in Heavy-Ion Collisions at RHIC

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Subject: STAR Flow, Chirality and Vorticity PWG

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  • From: "likeliu" <likeliu AT>
  • To: "STAR Flow, Chirality and Vortici" <star-fcv-l AT>, "subhash" <subhash AT>, "zhenyuchen" <zhenyuchen AT>, "ptribedy" <ptribedy AT>
  • Subject: [Star-fcv-l] Notes for PWGC preview (03/29/2024): Onset of Partonic Collectivity in Heavy-Ion Collisions at RHIC
  • Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2024 16:00:30 +0200

Dear Convenors and All,
After the PWGC preview, we have prepared the replies to the PWGC comments, 
also the Paper Draft and Analysis Note are available for review, linked below.

PWGC comment reply:

Paper Draft:

Analysis Note:

Kindly let us know if you have any comments.

thanks and best regards,
Li-Ke for PAs

------------------ Original ------------------
From:  "Barbara Trzeciak via Starpapers-l"<starpapers-l AT>;
Date:  Mon, Apr 1, 2024 11:23 PM
To:  "starpapers-l"<starpapers-l AT>;
Cc:  "Barbara Trzeciak"<barbara.trzeciak AT>;
Subject:  [Starpapers-l] Notes for PWGC preview (03/29/2024): Onset of Partonic Collectivity in Heavy-Ion Collisions at RHIC

Date: 03/29/2024

Participants: Li-Ke Liu, Subhash SIngha, Nu Xu, Shusu Shi, Guoping Wang, Isaac Mooney, Jae D. Nam, Shuai Yang, Ting Lin, Xiaoxuan Chu, Xing Wu, Yi Yang, Yue Hang Leung, Zhenyu Chen, Zuowen Liu, Sooraj Radhakrishnan, Barbara Trzeciak

Title: Onset of Partonic Collectivity in Heavy-Ion Collisions at RHIC

PAs: Xin Dong, Li-Ke Liu, Zuowen Liu, Sooraj Radhakrishnan, Shusu Shi, Guoping Wang, Xing Wu, Nu Xu

Target journal: Phys. Rev. Lett.

Proposal page:


The PWGC panel previewed a paper proposal from FCV PWG. The panel found that the analysis is mature and results are important and interesting, and the paper should move forward. The journal choice was also found to be appropriate. The following points were discussed.

Q: Systematic uncertainties on m2 lies on the edge of statistical uncertainties. And is excluded by the Barlow test. Can you try more variations of the m2 cut ?

A: Yes, we will try.

Q: In the abstract you say there is NCQ scaling at LHC, while it does not hold so well.

A: Yes, we do not need to mention this in the abstract.

Q: How long do you expect to wait for appropriate embedding ?

A: Yes, we need to wait for embedding for the given energy, it is important for the final results.

Q: How big of an impact do you expect when you use new embedding ?

A: We do not expect big change, but it needs to be checked.

Q: Which production do you use ? There was a bug found, it needs to be redone with the new dataset.

A: Yes, we will.

Q: When you integrate over pT is this the whole measured range ?

A: Yes, it corresponds to ~same mT range.

Q: Fig. 4 you plot the two ratios, why these two ?

A: Kaon is produced and the mass is in between. It is to make the difference more clear.

Q: Do you have a proton/pi ratio ? Does it follow the trend of proton/K.

A: It follows the trends toward 1.

Q: Where would the 7.7 GeV data point be on the ratio ? Is it 1 ?

A: We have not checked this ratio yet.

Q: For momentum < 1, the right plots show purity is 1.

A: For momentum > 0.8 we use both TPC and TOF. This is a mistake in the plot.

Q: You have conclusions about SMASH but no SMASH on figures.

A: We will move SMASH to the discussion part.

Q: Fig. 14: have you tried other baryon/meson ratios ?

A:  E.g. for strange particles in this bin stat. unc. is large. But we will have a look at some of them.

Q: You can use range instead of a fixed value.

A: We will check this.

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