star-fcv-l AT
Subject: STAR Flow, Chirality and Vorticity PWG
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[[Star-fcv-l] ] Fwd: eTOF/FXT discussion day (1st day, 2/Mar, Sun), the STAR Collaboration Meeting at BNL March 2-7, 2025
- From: EsumiShinIchi < AT>
- Cc: "star-lfsupc-l AT" <star-lfsupc-l AT>, "STAR Flow, Chirality and Vorticity PWG" <star-fcv-l AT>, star-cf-l <star-cf-l AT>
- Subject: [[Star-fcv-l] ] Fwd: eTOF/FXT discussion day (1st day, 2/Mar, Sun), the STAR Collaboration Meeting at BNL March 2-7, 2025
- Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2025 18:51:57 +0000
Dear All
This is to remind you about STAR collaboration meeting starting from Tomorrow,
with a first day on eTOF/FXT discussion, Sunday 2/Mar/2025 at BNL 8:50- (EST),
5:50- (PST), 14:50- (CET), 19:20- (India), 21:50- (China), 22:50- (Japan)…
This is also an opportunity for the cross PWG discussion among LFSUPC, FCV
and CF PWG colleagues. Thank you very much.
Best regards, ShinIchi for Daniel and Norbert
from: ShinIchi Esumi < AT>
subj: eTOF/FXT discussion day (1st day, 2/Mar, Sun), the STAR Collaboration Meeting at BNL March 2-7, 2025
date: 2025/2/21 12:36:35 JST
Dear AllAs it was announced by Aihong, the STAR Coll. meeting is in about a week from now starting from Sunday (2/Mar) 8:50- with eTOF and FXT discussions, as you see in the agenda at : meeting is held at BNL in-person, while we also provide the remote Zoom connection. The first day meeting is focused on eTOF related analysis including FXT datasets/results towards QM from various PWGs, so please consider this as an opportunity of cross PWG discussion in addition to the parallel PWG sessions on Tuesday-Wednesday. The plenary session continues on Thursday-Friday. Thank you very much for your active participation.Best regards, ShinIchi for Daniel and Norbert
2025/02/14 2:06、Tang, Aihong <aihong AT>のメール:
Dear all,
The agenda for the plenary program has been added to the STAR Collaboration Indico page.For a direct access to the agenda, it is at:
If you haven't registered for the meeting yet, please do so at your earliest convenience via the Indico page linked above.
For in-person attendees:Please ensure your guest appointment with BNL is active. If you don't have one, you'll need to complete a guest registration as soon as possible.
Looking forward to "seeing" you all at BNL.
Aihong (for the program committee)
On Jan 10, 2025, at 11:26 AM, Tang, Aihong <aihong AT> wrote:
Dear all,
As you may know, the next STAR Collaboration Meeting will be held at BNL from March 2-7, 2025. The Indico page for the meeting can be found here :
If you plan to attend, please take a moment to register at your early convenience. A headcount is essential for the local organizers to coordinate logistics effectively.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you, and we look forward to "seeing" you at BNL !
Best regards,
Aihong for Organizers
[[Star-fcv-l] ] Fwd: eTOF/FXT discussion day (1st day, 2/Mar, Sun), the STAR Collaboration Meeting at BNL March 2-7, 2025,
EsumiShinIchi, 03/01/2025
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- Re:[[Star-fcv-l] ] [[Star-lfsupc-l] ] Fwd: eTOF/FXT discussion day (1st day, 2/Mar, Sun), the STAR Collaboration Meeting at BNL March 2-7, 2025, 李鸿灿, 03/02/2025
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