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star-fwd-software-l - [Star-fwd-software-l] sTGC Geometry issue

star-fwd-software-l AT

Subject: FWD Software

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  • From: "Brandenburg, Daniel" <brandenburg.89 AT>
  • To: "star-fwd-software-l AT" <star-fwd-software-l AT>
  • Cc: "Webb, Jason" <jwebb AT>
  • Subject: [Star-fwd-software-l] sTGC Geometry issue
  • Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2023 15:57:20 +0000

Hi All,


Gavin and I discovered last week that the production (pentagonal) sTGC geometry only produces GEANT hits in only about 40% of events. I did not catch this before, because I was not checking the absolute efficiency (events / total with tracks) but only the efficiency with respect to the number of MC tracks (reco / MonteCarlo). The hits have the correct distribution – it is not that part of the detector is missing, just that hits are lost on most events.


Jason, this is a fairly urgent issue for us – as we cannot proceed with alignment or any of the other current tasks with this outstanding.

Could we have a zoom meeting about this in the next few days. I am available in the afternoon today (Monday) or Tuesday.








Daniel Brandenburg

Assistant Professor

College of Arts and Sciences 

Department of Physics

Ohio State University



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