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star-hp-l - Re: [Star-hp-l] STAR presentation by Brennan Schaefer for Quark Matter 2023 submitted for review

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  • From: Barbara Trzeciak <barbara.trzeciak AT>
  • To: "Ma, Rongrong" <marr AT>, STAR HardProbes PWG <star-hp-l AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Star-hp-l] STAR presentation by Brennan Schaefer for Quark Matter 2023 submitted for review
  • Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2023 09:49:35 +0100

Hi Brennan,

thanks for the updated poster. 
A few more comments.

- J/psi -> J/ψ
- ALICE has also, very precise, measurement at 13 TeV showing the stronger than linear rise, ALICE, PLB 810 (2020) 135758

- Study of Jpsi -> Study of J/ψ
- soft processes. -> soft processes (to be consistent)
- Existing measurements from STAR and ALICE show a ... - please be aware that this holds for J/psi midrapidty measurement vs mid-rapidity charged particle multiplicity. For J/psi measured af forward vs mid-rapidity charged particle multiplicity this trend is observed to be linear in ALICE, ALICE, JHEP 06 (2022) 015. 
- Last bullet, you can also emphasise here access to higher multiplicity range

Signal Extraction:
-  Along Rongorong's comment, I think it would be good to show that we'll try to push with this analysis not only for better precision but to higher multiplicity bins. I would therefore include two inv. mass plots - you can label one "low multiplicity" and the other "high multiplicity" (we don't need to give numbers here). You can do this by e.g. removing the Systematic Uncertainty section or reducing Corrections and Calibration and Systematic Uncertainty  sections.
- "Subtract like ..." -> e^+e^- is the other way around with the unlike-sign. And for the like sign, do you take arithmetic or geometric average ? 
- Inv. mass plot - please still increase the text inside the plot


On Thu, Mar 23, 2023 at 10:26 PM Ma, Rongrong via Star-hp-l <star-hp-l AT> wrote:
Hello Brennan

In the interest of time, here are some comments to your poster.

- add "Supported in part by" above the DOE logo
- I thought you will show that we can push to high event multiplicity with this dataset, but I do not see that.

Title: 500 -> 510

- in the dielectron -> through the dielectron
- have shown a faster-than-linear rise for the self-normalized J/psi yield at mid-rapidity as a function of
- I suggest to move the last sentence to be at the beginning. Then probably you can add "In this poster," before "we present"

- quote the luminosity, which is more relevant, instead of number of events
- move the first bullet down to be the last one
- over earlier 200 GeV p+p data
- Second and third bullets: while it is true that quarkonium production mechanism is not well understood, I am not sure how sensitive your proposed measurement is to it. At least, people have only compared to models like PYTHIA, EPOS, Percolation, which more probe the correlation between soft and hard processes rather than the quarkonium production mechanism. Furthermore, MPI, mentioned in the conclusion section, is also not so much about the quarkonium production mechanism per se, but rather hard processes in general.

- Used to Trigger Events -> Trigger on and identify electrons
- PMT timing, |vrtx|<3cm -> Online vertex
- It is a bit weird that you only list the acceptance for TOF
- For both VPD and TOF, I suggest to add "Pileup rejection" (VPD can reject pileup events, while TOF rejects pileup tracks)
- For p_T, use "> 0.2 GeV/c" (we do not trust tracks above 30 GeV/c)

- Subtract like-sign pairs from unlike-sign pairs
- Left figure
-- Add "2017, p+p \sqrt{s} = 510 GeV"
-- Legend, axis titles are too small to read

- Events multiplicity characterization requires a luminosity unfolding correction -> Event multiplicity characterization requires a luminosity-dependent correction
- Combine the second and third bullets, and rephrase "Correct for multiplicity-dependent event triggering and vertex finding efficiencies for both MB and J/psi events."
- If needed, this section can be removed to make room for showing invariant mass distributions in different multiplicity bins, which are more informative I think.

- It is not clear to me if you need this section since you do not show any uncertainties

- As I commented above, the first bullet is not demonstrated
- I think you need to be more specific about what you will gain by including di-muon channel, e.g. low-pT Jpsi


> On Mar 23, 2023, at 9:08 AM, webmaster--- via Star-hp-l <Star-hp-l AT> wrote:
> Dear Star-hp-l AT members,
> Brennan Schaefer (brennanschaefer AT has submitted a material for a 
> review, please have a look:
> Deadline: 2023-09-03
> ---
> If you have any problems with the review process, please contact 
> webmaster AT
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