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Re: [Star-hp-l] STAR presentation by Gabriel Dale-Gau for Hard Probes 2023 submitted for review
- From: Yi Yang <yiyang0429 AT>
- To: Gabe Dale-Gau <gdaleg2 AT>
- Cc: STAR HardProbes PWG <star-hp-l AT>
- Subject: Re: [Star-hp-l] STAR presentation by Gabriel Dale-Gau for Hard Probes 2023 submitted for review
- Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2023 09:33:03 -0500
HP-Conveners,Thank you for your comments. I have implemented the majority of them, leaving only a few aesthetic considerations on the main conclusion plots which I will update tomorrow morning.The major difference in the newest version of the slides is in the pseudo-embedding section. We had some very helpful discussion with Joern, who pointed out an issue in the pseudo-embedding procedure. We re-ran embedding with this in mind, and re-estimated the fluctuation effects. We will present on these changes in detail tomorrow morning.For the meeting tomorrow morning, could I request to present later on? Olga cannot join until later and we would like to both be present for discussion.Please find my responses to your comments below.Thanks,GabeBarbara:
Please also upload better resolution png and pdf versions of the figures.
- Use better resolution plots.
I am replacing all plots with pdf files as I go and any I miss will be updated in the coming few days
- All plots: p+p, \sqrt{s_NN} = 200 GeV -> p+p, \sqrt{s} = 200 GeV
I am continuing some aesthetic changes to the main plots tomorrow morning, I will export them all and update with this change once these changes are finalized
- s1: the quality of the lower plot is bad, please check if you can get a better plot.
- s3: what is the vertical dashed line on the left plot ? If it's the cut for protons, I suggest adding an arrow pointing to the right of the line indicating that's the region where you select protons.
The middle plot: 2.0 > pT > 2.2 -> 2.0 < pT < 2.2, same for the right plot.
- s12: Changing p/pi ratio -> Enhanced p/pi ratio
- s16: remove title from the right plot (information is in the legend). See if you can fit in the legend "p_T, constituent" instead of just pT. You can move the legend below 1 where you have more space.
Attempted, I moved the legend to the lower half and enlarged, but the word “constituent” twice in each label was still too long to fit reasonably. For now I have changed it to p^{const}_{T} rather than “constituent p_{T}”. We can offer a definition for this shorthand in the slides somewhere else if it would help.
x-axis: p_T -> p_T,jet
Also in the text: Spectra Jet(pT > 2) -> Spectra Jet(pT,constituent > 2)
- s17: Preliminary embedding study -> Simulation study
We do not believe “simulation” is appropriate. We embed real p+p data into into real Au+Au data. We updated the wording to “pseudo-embedding” to distinguish from embedding in the traditional sense.
Explain in the text below the left figure what ratio the magenda points represent.
We have updated this slide significantly and will discuss on Thursday morning
- s18: Similar p/pi ratios in Au+Au and p+p -> Similar p/pi ratios in Au+Au and p+p with constituent p_T > 3 GeV/c
We have moved this statement under a header titles “Harder constituent jets”
-Title page: please add "Supported in part by" to the DOE logo
-p2: it would be good to add a slide for the STAR detector before this since you mention TOF and TPC here.
Unfortunately, due to time constraints I will be unable to add this slide this time.
-p3: How do you get the templates for proton, kaon and pion? It would be good to describe it.
This is done as in published STAR PID papers, I will add a reference in the slide and describe verbally
Add units for pt ranges and mass square [m^2] (same for p.5, p7, p8, p9, p10, p11, p12, p13
Done for axes labels, I propose we omit on titles because it gets very busy, but I can add if necessary
-p4:UE --> Underlying Event (UE)
1] --> 1.
2] --> 2. (just suggestion)
- p11: --> Similar (move to the next line)
General comment:
All d_phi plots, please include "Uncorrected" in side the plot.
"We use jet-track correlations to separate Jets from UE and measure p/𝛑
in jets "
-> "We measure p/pi yield ratio in jet using jet-track correlations"done
You don't need to introduce _underlaying event_ from your 1st slide.
It depends on your taste.
Bottom correlation plot: I think you don't need to have this plot. Not
relevant to your analysis and physics.
But still if you want to keep it, please use better resolution.Resolution has been improved
"Introduction" -> Better to use " Jet-track correlation measurement
technique"Changed to “measurement technique”
"𝑠 = 200 GeV p+p collisions, 2015" -> "$p$+$p$ \sqrt {s} = 200 GeV
"𝑠!! = 200 GeV 20% most central Au+Au collisions, 2014" -> 0-20% central
Au+Au \sqrt {s_{\rm NN}} = 200 GeV (2014)"done
"Jets" - > "Jet reconstruction:"done
"various R " -> "various jet resolution parameter, R = 0.3, 0.4,0.5"
(make separate bullet)Changed to “various jet radius, R”
"Fully reconstructed jets…" -> "Reconstructed jets with…"We prefer to keep this phrasing if possible.
"PID in jets" -> "particle indentification in jets"
"Low, 2.0 < 𝒑𝑻 < 3.5" -> "Low p_{\rm T}: 2.0 < p_{\rm T} < 3.5 GeV/c"
"Bin count protons and Fit for pions and kaons" (you don't need to
mention here)We prefer to keep this description to explain the procedure
Rather please add purity of the sample plot.We assume you mean purity of the protons from bin counting. We do correct for contamination based on ToF information as informed by lower pt bins with complete separation between particle species
"High, 𝒑𝑻 > 3.5" -> "High p_{\rm T}: p_{\rm T} > 3.5 GeV/c"
Please drop also these two bullet and add purity plot within these pt
ranges. That is more informative.It is unclear what is meant by “purity” here. As done in published high pT STAR PID papers, we fit nSigma distributions to simultaneously extract pi, k, p yields.
_ 1/N_jet d^2N/d_eta d_phi -> 1/N_jet d^2 N_trk / d_eta d_phi (same
for other plots)
_ put unit of pT range in the plot
_ Between "Raw correlation" and "Mixed Event", does that "/"
represent "division" or "subtraction"? Please mention it.It represents division. Could we point this out verbally rather than further expanding text on the slide?
"1]"-> remove itSee Yi’s comment on this matter
I think it is important to mention Y-aixs title of middle panel d_phi
correlation plot to indicate how do you normalize UE and Jet-like
correlation distributions. Or add some bullet.
All Correlations on slide 5 have the same y-axis. The Mixed event is normalized to 1 at maximum, as done for all dihedron/jet-hadron correlation analysis, which we have now indicated.
_Still your plots' outside legend not clearly visible. Increase the font
_Here it is important to mention what is the dphi range you have used to
select these track yields? Like d_R in jet-like correlations.We have expanded on this point
_You need to mention here what is "Track-Track correlation"? Like how do
you correlate two tracks; what is leading and associate track pT
selection?We have expanded on this point
_Along with "Strong preference for 𝛑 over p"
_please also add another bullet that "jet-track and track-track
correlations give the same results"We are planning on pointing this out verbally along with the comparison of all pp data sets
_Include "uncorrected" inside the d_phi correlation plot
Left fig. In slide7,8,9: Please change filled box color or use unfilled
color box (with only box daubery color).
In the current format, makers are invisible.
I will try a few things on this point tomorrow and update you when the changes are complete
Same comment for figure in Slide10,11,12,13,14: (This is your key plot,
so try to improve the marker and box)
"Strong preference for 𝛑 over p in hard constituent jets" Bring this to
a visible position; a little up.
No one can see at this position. This is your key message.done
Same for "Changing p/𝛑 ratio". In slide#12,13, 14
ANd "Changing p/𝛑 ratio" -> " p/𝛑 ratio enhancement with increase in jet
Slide-12,13,14: Mention inside dphi figure "Uncorrected"
"Strong enhancement of intermediate 𝑝T associated yield" -> "d_phi
correlation distributions changes in central Au+Au relative to p+p with
increase in track pT" (something like that)
As this is an uncorrected results, I would soften the statement.
changed to “Enhancement of associated yield at intermediate
relative to p+p”
"Broader distributions for larger jet R " -> "Noticeable change in shape
with increase in R"
We don't want to say something on these uncorrected distributions
Define "dR" here.
You need to explain a bit more, People may not get what you have done
I would suggest take one example like
Use jet with R=0.3 and show deta-dphi correlation plot with different dR
circles in it as you have done for left figure.
Then say same for other cases. It will be easily conceivable.
And then indicate the right side plot.
Added explicit definition and indicator arrow
_ "Are we looking at jet substructure modification? " Not sure why do we
need this statement?removed
_ "additional jet-like objects reconstructed with softer constituents "
-> I would just say "Possible combintorial jet contribution"done
I have a concern on your left most plot.
I know I have seen it before, now after going through all our results.
I think your "magenta circle" which is an embedding pp jet into AuAu may
not be correct or we are missing something there. Naively, your "magnets
circle" and "red box" should behave the same way.
I would suggest not to show this slide in your presentation. We have
enough material to discuss and bring attention.
We can discuss on this embedding part in details again after HP23
conference (sorry to say that).
After discussion with Joern, we have made significant changes to the pseudo-embedding portion of the presentation, which we will present on Thursday morning
"Hard-core Jets in Au+Au" -> "Hard-core Jets with constituent pT> 3
GeV/c in Au+Au " (I know we put in the figure but we need to mention in
text as well)
Make it please specific. Because this is the key point.done
On Wed, Mar 22, 2023 at 8:18 AM Nihar Sahoo <nihar AT> wrote:Hello Gabe,
Thank you for having this interesting result on PID in jet.
We know this measurement is challenging. Great to see these results at
this stage.
General comment:
All d_phi plots, please include "Uncorrected" in side the plot.
"We use jet-track correlations to separate Jets from UE and measure p/𝛑
in jets "
-> "We measure p/pi yield ratio in jet using jet-track correlations"
You don't need to introduce _underlaying event_ from your 1st slide.
It depends on your taste.
Bottom correlation plot: I think you don't need to have this plot. Not
relevant to your analysis and physics.
But still if you want to keep it, please use better resolution.
"Introduction" -> Better to use " Jet-track correlation measurement
"𝑠 = 200 GeV p+p collisions, 2015" -> "$p$+$p$ \sqrt {s} = 200 GeV
"𝑠!! = 200 GeV 20% most central Au+Au collisions, 2014" -> 0-20% central
Au+Au \sqrt {s_{\rm NN}} = 200 GeV (2014)"
"Jets" - > "Jet reconstruction:"
"various R " -> "various jet resolution parameter, R = 0.3, 0.4,0.5"
(make separate bullet)
"Fully reconstructed jets…" -> "Reconstructed jets with…"
"PID in jets" -> "particle indentification in jets"
"Low, 2.0 < 𝒑𝑻 < 3.5" -> "Low p_{\rm T}: 2.0 < p_{\rm T} < 3.5 GeV/c"
"Bin count protons and Fit for pions and kaons" (you don't need to
mention here)
Rather please add purity of the sample plot.
"High, 𝒑𝑻 > 3.5" -> "High p_{\rm T}: p_{\rm T} > 3.5 GeV/c"
Please drop also these two bullet and add purity plot within these pt
ranges. That is more informative.
_ 1/N_jet d^2N/d_eta d_phi -> 1/N_jet d^2 N_trk / d_eta d_phi (same
for other plots)
_ put unit of pT range in the plot
_ Between "Raw correlation" and "Mixed Event", does that "/"
represent "division" or "subtraction"? Please mention it.
"1]"-> remove it
I think it is important to mention Y-aixs title of middle panel d_phi
correlation plot to indicate how do you normalize UE and Jet-like
correlation distributions. Or add some bullet.
_Still your plots' outside legend not clearly visible. Increase the font
_Here it is important to mention what is the dphi range you have used to
select these track yields? Like d_R in jet-like correlations.
_You need to mention here what is "Track-Track correlation"? Like how do
you correlate two tracks; what is leading and associate track pT
_Along with "Strong preference for 𝛑 over p"
_please also add another bullet that "jet-track and track-track
correlations give the same results"
_Include "uncorrected" inside the d_phi correlation plot
Left fig. In slide7,8,9: Please change filled box color or use unfilled
color box (with only box daubery color).
In the current format, makers are invisible.
Same comment for figure in Slide10,11,12,13,14: (This is your key plot,
so try to improve the marker and box)
"Strong preference for 𝛑 over p in hard constituent jets" Bring this to
a visible position; a little up.
No one can see at this position. This is your key message.
Same for "Changing p/𝛑 ratio". In slide#12,13, 14
ANd "Changing p/𝛑 ratio" -> " p/𝛑 ratio enhancement with increase in jet
Slide-12,13,14: Mention inside dphi figure "Uncorrected"
"Strong enhancement of intermediate 𝑝T associated yield" -> "d_phi
correlation distributions changes in central Au+Au relative to p+p with
increase in track pT" (something like that)
As this is an uncorrected results, I would soften the statement.
"Broader distributions for larger jet R " -> "Noticeable change in shape
with increase in R"
We don't want to say something on these uncorrected distributions
Define "dR" here.
You need to explain a bit more, People may not get what you have done
I would suggest take one example like
Use jet with R=0.3 and show deta-dphi correlation plot with different dR
circles in it as you have done for left figure.
Then say same for other cases. It will be easily conceivable.
And then indicate the right side plot.
_ "Are we looking at jet substructure modification? " Not sure why do we
need this statement?
_ "additional jet-like objects reconstructed with softer constituents "
-> I would just say "Possible combintorial jet contribution"
I have a concern on your left most plot.
I know I have seen it before, now after going through all our results.
I think your "magenta circle" which is an embedding pp jet into AuAu may
not be correct or we are missing something there. Naively, your "magnets
circle" and "red box" should behave the same way.
I would suggest not to show this slide in your presentation. We have
enough material to discuss and bring attention.
We can discuss on this embedding part in details again after HP23
conference (sorry to say that).
"Hard-core Jets in Au+Au" -> "Hard-core Jets with constituent pT> 3
GeV/c in Au+Au " (I know we put in the figure but we need to mention in
text as well)
Make it please specific. Because this is the key point.
On 2023-03-22 02:36, Gabe Dale-Gau via Star-hp-l wrote:
> Conveners,
> Thank you for all of your comments and input.
> I have updated my Star-Talks submission here:
> I have implemented many changes in this version to address all of the
> comments I received from Nihar and Barbara, as well as general
> rephrasing throughout to simplify text on slides.
> Rongrong, the first three slides in the backup section are included to
> address your question about the origin of two strange points in the
> Au+Au correlated jet peak signal.
> I will create a separate drupal page with figures included as
> individual files shortly.
> Let me know if you have further questions or comments.
> Many thanks,
> Gabe
> On Mon, Mar 20, 2023 at 3:59 PM Ma, Rongrong <marr AT> wrote:
>> Hello Gabe
>> Thanks for sending out your slides.
>> I would like to follow up on what I asked last Thursday. Have you
>> looked into the two data points around dPhi ~ 0 with large error
>> bars for R = 0.5 case on slide 14, middle figure? Furthermore, one
>> can see that the data point close to 0 jumps up quite a bit for pp
>> (blue circles). Is this understood? Maybe it is worth looking at the
>> distributions before ME correction and UE subtraction.
>> Best
>> Rongrong
>>> On Mar 14, 2023, at 10:28 PM, webmaster--- via Star-hp-l
>> <star-hp-l AT> wrote:
>>> Dear Star-hp-l AT members,
>>> Gabriel Dale-Gau (gdaleg2 AT has submitted a material for a
>> review,
>>> please have a look:
>> [1]
>>> Deadline: 2023-03-26
>>> ---
>>> If you have any problems with the review process, please contact
> webmaster@"
>> [2]
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>>> Star-hp-l mailing list
>>> Star-hp-l AT
>> [3]
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Re: [Star-hp-l] STAR presentation by Gabriel Dale-Gau for Hard Probes 2023 submitted for review
, (continued)
- Re: [Star-hp-l] STAR presentation by Gabriel Dale-Gau for Hard Probes 2023 submitted for review, Barbara Trzeciak, 03/20/2023
Re: [Star-hp-l] STAR presentation by Gabriel Dale-Gau for Hard Probes 2023 submitted for review,
Gabe Dale-Gau, 03/21/2023
- Re: [Star-hp-l] STAR presentation by Gabriel Dale-Gau for Hard Probes 2023 submitted for review, Barbara Trzeciak, 03/22/2023
Re: [Star-hp-l] STAR presentation by Gabriel Dale-Gau for Hard Probes 2023 submitted for review,
Ma, Rongrong, 03/20/2023
- Re: [Star-hp-l] STAR presentation by Gabriel Dale-Gau for Hard Probes 2023 submitted for review, Gabe Dale-Gau, 03/20/2023
Re: [Star-hp-l] STAR presentation by Gabriel Dale-Gau for Hard Probes 2023 submitted for review,
Gabe Dale-Gau, 03/21/2023
Re: [Star-hp-l] STAR presentation by Gabriel Dale-Gau for Hard Probes 2023 submitted for review,
Yi Yang, 03/22/2023
- Re: [Star-hp-l] STAR presentation by Gabriel Dale-Gau for Hard Probes 2023 submitted for review, Barbara Trzeciak, 03/22/2023
Re: [Star-hp-l] STAR presentation by Gabriel Dale-Gau for Hard Probes 2023 submitted for review,
Nihar Sahoo, 03/22/2023
Re: [Star-hp-l] STAR presentation by Gabriel Dale-Gau for Hard Probes 2023 submitted for review,
Gabe Dale-Gau, 03/22/2023
- Re: [Star-hp-l] STAR presentation by Gabriel Dale-Gau for Hard Probes 2023 submitted for review, Yi Yang, 03/24/2023
Re: [Star-hp-l] STAR presentation by Gabriel Dale-Gau for Hard Probes 2023 submitted for review,
Gabe Dale-Gau, 03/23/2023
Re: [Star-hp-l] STAR presentation by Gabriel Dale-Gau for Hard Probes 2023 submitted for review,
Barbara Trzeciak, 03/24/2023
- Re: [Star-hp-l] STAR presentation by Gabriel Dale-Gau for Hard Probes 2023 submitted for review, Gabe Dale-Gau, 03/24/2023
- Re: [Star-hp-l] STAR presentation by Gabriel Dale-Gau for Hard Probes 2023 submitted for review, Yi Yang, 03/24/2023
Re: [Star-hp-l] STAR presentation by Gabriel Dale-Gau for Hard Probes 2023 submitted for review,
Barbara Trzeciak, 03/24/2023
Re: [Star-hp-l] STAR presentation by Gabriel Dale-Gau for Hard Probes 2023 submitted for review,
Gabe Dale-Gau, 03/22/2023
Re: [Star-hp-l] STAR presentation by Gabriel Dale-Gau for Hard Probes 2023 submitted for review,
Yi Yang, 03/22/2023
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