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star-hp-l - Re: [Star-hp-l] Preliminary Request for D0 Meson Tagged Jets Measurement

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Subject: STAR HardProbes PWG

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  • From: Diptanil Roy <roydiptanil AT>
  • To: Nihar Sahoo <nihar AT>
  • Cc: STAR HardProbes PWG <star-hp-l AT>, Sevil Salur <sevil.salur AT>, Yi Yang <yiyang0429 AT>, "Mooney, Isaac" <isaac.mooney AT>, Barbara Trzeciak <barbara.trzeciak AT>, Rongrong Ma <marr AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Star-hp-l] Preliminary Request for D0 Meson Tagged Jets Measurement
  • Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2023 11:27:07 -0400

Hi everyone, thank you for your comments yesterday on the preliminary request. I have implemented all of them, and added key physics messages on the slides. You can find the updated version here.

Kindly let me know if you have any further questions/comments.

On Mon, Aug 21, 2023 at 12:48 PM Diptanil Roy <roydiptanil AT> wrote:
Hi Nihar, thank you for your comments. I have implemented most of your comments in v2 of the preliminary request. Please find v2 here.

Some comments:
Please include physics message that you conclude or observe on each
slides where is needed.
I will, after the discussion in PWG tomorrow.
Why statistical uncertainties increases at smaller (0.-0.05) relative to
larger ΔR (0.1-0.2) ?
This was not seen in your previous STAR preliminary results for 5-10 GeV
D^0 case.
So, the statistical unc. is dependent on a lot of factors: Actual counts, sWeights, unfolding output. So, I can't point to one of them specifically, but I suspect it's due to unfolding and sWeights.
What I see is this:
The ratio errors depend on Central and Peripheral errors.
For Bin 1:
Central Error % = 4.73
Peripheral Error % = 7.47
For Bin 2:
Central Error % = 3.60
Peripheral Error % = 5.83
I checked that the errors are being propagated to the ratio properly.

On Mon, Aug 21, 2023 at 6:20 AM Nihar Sahoo <nihar AT> wrote:
Hello Diptanil,

Thank you for posting your preliminary request slides.

A few suggestion on your slides and plots.

1) Please include physics message that you conclude or observe on each
slides where is needed.

2) Slide10:
Left plot, have you used symmetric systematic uncertainties? If yes, the
z bin=0.2-0.3  looks a bit strange (like asymmetric). Please check it.

3) Slide6:
Y-axis:  d^{2}N -> d^{2}N_jet
pT,jet -> make the same as X-axis label
eta -> eta_jet
[and same for other plots]

4) SLide7 and 10:
Y-axis Lower limit: Make it upto Zero.  (Or make it Semi-log in Y-axis)

5) Where do you get T_AA values for these centralities (like 40-80%)?

6) Can you show T_AA scaled D^0 jet pT spectra and Z spectra for 10-40%
and 40-80% centralities? Just to see one step back to get nuclear
modification factor.
And please plot on figures in Slide#6 and #9 for a comparison (for our

Why statistical uncertainties increases at smaller (0.-0.05) relative to
larger ΔR (0.1-0.2) ?
This was not seen in your previous STAR preliminary results for 5-10 GeV
D^0 case.

Let's discuss also at Tuesday meeting.


On 2023-08-21 06:50, Diptanil Roy wrote:
> Hi everyone, please find my preliminary request for D0 Meson Tagged
> Jet Measurements here.
> Please let me know if you have any questions/comments.
> Thank you.
> --
> ~ Neil

~ Neil

~ Neil

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