star-hp-l AT
Subject: STAR HardProbes PWG
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Re: [Star-hp-l] Feedback on PWG disk lease space and Datasets on DD
- From: Nihar Sahoo <nihar AT>
- To: STAR HardProbes PWG <star-hp-l AT>
- Subject: Re: [Star-hp-l] Feedback on PWG disk lease space and Datasets on DD
- Date: Wed, 07 Feb 2024 15:43:11 +0530
Hello HP-pwg,
Please reply to us by this Thursday on this topic.
If we don't receive any response, we will assume that you are not interested in the following items.
- MuDsts on NFS, Isobar P22ia : st_mtd MuDst + picoDst, P21id: st_hf MuDstFor details and other relevant info, please see below.
PWG Disk Leases: Picodst St_wb stream
Thank you
Nihar for HP-pwg conveners
On 2024-01-30 05:29, Nihar Sahoo via Star-hp-l wrote:
Hello HP-pwg,
We need your feedback on the following items.
Here are three items for your information from the last PWGC meeting.
on 2) we have Jetcorr related lease space, so please have a look.
Please let us know.
1) Datasets on distributed disks
- MuDsts on DDs:
Many old MuDsts, needed?
- PicoDsts on DDs:
Different versions of same datasets, if not needed only
latest will be kept
- MuDsts on NFS, Isobar P22ia : st_mtd MuDst + picoDst, P21id: st_hf MuDst
- Needs to delete some, PWGs please have a look
2) PWG Disk Leases
- There are a few expired leases. PWG conveners will have a look
and provide feed-back
3) Analysis Meeting Follow Ups
- Forward software and Run22 preview production
PWGs should look at the preview production and software and
provide feedback if any desired functions/access are to be implemented
Thank you
Nihar for HP-pwg conveners
Star-hp-l mailing list
Star-hp-l AT
- Re: [Star-hp-l] Feedback on PWG disk lease space and Datasets on DD, Nihar Sahoo, 02/07/2024
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