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star-hp-l - Re: [Star-hp-l] 1st draft of WWND talk - Salur

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  • From: Nihar Sahoo <nihar AT>
  • To: STAR HardProbes PWG <star-hp-l AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Star-hp-l] 1st draft of WWND talk - Salur
  • Date: Thu, 08 Feb 2024 12:13:41 +0530

Dear Sevil,

Please find my comments below on your nice presentation slides.

_Slide numbers are random or not inserted properly. Please correct the order.
_ Footer, you can add your name

Slide3: Jets with STAR
_ precision measurements of particles containing heavy quarks. -> precision measurements of heavy flavor hadron with short decay length.
_ clustering of energy deposits using EMCAL -> I think, for full jet measurement, we do not use any clustering of BEMC towers. Is not it? Probably need clarification.
_ the precise momentum of charged tracks measured by inner detectors. -> extended kinematic coverage (in eta and pT) of charged tacks using inner TPC. (Please mention also pT < 0.15 GeV/c and |eta| < 1.5 somewhere)

Slide5: "To what extent can the identities of underlying partons be deduced from properties of the jets they produce?" -> Would it be ok just to say like "How well can we tell what kind of quarks or gluons are inside the jets and corresponding jet properties?"
Or something like this

SLide6: Generalized Angularity
_a measurement of how spread out or concentrated the energy is -> Please include "in terms of angle" like "distribution of energy in side jet as a function of angular scale"
_ "properties of jet " -> it would be better to mention what are those properties of jet like q/g jet fragmentation, energy distribution, etc.
_ Probably, in this slide, you need to mention/define what is z_i^k for upper right expression ?
_ Lower left figure, what is "LHA"?

Slide8 :Jet Shapes @ RHIC:
_ Figure needs description of these colored regions. Legend is missing here.
_Above 2 GeV/c, results are consistent with each other -> As legend is missing, so difficult to see.
_ Less steep than @ LHC energies -> To support this statement, please include LHC plot. Either side-by-side or another slide

Slide9: Event Selection:
This slide seems popped abruptly. Could you please either say something before to come to this slide? Motive.

Slide11: Ex: Performance of Multi-Fold
Plot needs x-axis title and label.
Or, You could just use this plot in slide10:

Slide:Heavy Flavor Dependence

_ Heavy flavor tagged jets can be selected on displaced vertices -> Heavy flavor tagged jets can be selected on secondary vertices


On 2024-02-03 00:23, Sevil Salur via Star-hp-l wrote:
Dear All
Please find the 1st draft of my WWND talk in:
Let me know if you have any comments or suggestions,
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Star-hp-l AT

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