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star-hp-l - Re: [[Star-hp-l] ] STAR presentation by Isaac Mooney for HP2024 submitted for review

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Subject: STAR HardProbes PWG

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  • From: Sooraj Radhakrishnan <skradhakrishnan AT>
  • To: star-hp-l AT
  • Subject: Re: [[Star-hp-l] ] STAR presentation by Isaac Mooney for HP2024 submitted for review
  • Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2024 11:36:25 -0700

Hi Isaac,
   Thanks for the updated version and implementing the comments from the rehearsal. Please find some further comments below 

S2: I think this slide is still quite busy. Could you move the boxes for ZDC and VPD away from the figure? Why highlight BBC while you point to other sub-systems?
S3: We have results on stream 5 also, right? Why not add a cartoon for that as well?

S5: What is N_cc?
S5: What is the arrow 'perfectly correlated' pointing to?
S5: I think the difference between random track pairs and leading track pairs should be pointed out. Otherwise will be difficult for audience to read the plot

S8: Please use the cartoon from my presentation
S8: I would like to highlight here as 'a new observable to probe path length dependent energy loss in QGP' (second bullet)
S8: Have the definition only for v1
S8: Outlook is not just ESE, so would suggest to remove the last bullet. v_1 has several advantages compared to other probes, so you can point to the talk to see details on the measurement and why they are interesting 
S8: I would prefer this plot that pT dependence, as the slope is an extracted quantity 

S9: Does the left plot add anything to discussion?
S9: Could show the result with previous constituent threshold here. That way your statement will be clear. Currently the emphasis is not clear 

S10: Why dod you say models predicting minimal suppression? The left plot with LIDO is showing suppression. Minimal R dependence?
S10: Outlook: could say what is the increase in statistics expected. adding generalized --> measuring generalized. Can remove the last one. What is the tightening you refer to here?

S12: I think the pT dependence could be more interesting, or that could also be shown on the right. 
S12: expected to be

S14: Do you have a better resolution version for this plot?

S19: gamma induced J/Psi polarization 
S19: Title could be changed to photon induced J/Psi polarization 
S19: Due to photon linear polarization and ...

S20: Third bullet is not correct. Why not say what is measured, no enhancement of p/pi ratio within jets?
S20: The uncertainties currently are quite large to conclude the latter part of the last bullet here. You could say same as in the slide, within uncertainties no broadening seen
S21: Are MPI the only proposed explanation? String percolation and change of soft multiplicity are also proposed, right?
S23: I think you will update the Nx?


On Fri, Sep 20, 2024 at 11:16 AM Ma, Rongrong <marr AT> wrote:
Hello Youqi

Thanks for pointing me this very nice study. 

So the difference between data and MC could be due to that the resonance decay contributions are different, right? I feel this is an important aspect that should be stated.

Do you have a similar plot for HERWIG as what's shown on your slide 22 for PYTHIA? This could help us understand better the difference between the two. 

On your slide 23, top table, the percentages for those resonances in HERWIG add up to 43%. What other resonances do these leading pi+ originate from in HERWIG?


On Sep 20, 2024, at 12:40 PM, Youqi Song < AT> wrote:

Hi Rongrong,

I would like to clarify this point you raised:

Here HERWIG7 and PTYHIA8 predict basically same r_c values. Given that HERWIG uses clusters while PYTHIA uses strings, does this mean there are something else that dictate r_c values rather than the fragmentation scheme? 

In addition to string or cluster hadronization, we now believe that resonance decays could also play a role. I have details of this study in my slide 9 and backup slides 22 and 23. But to summarize, I found that if I look at the parent of the leading track in jet, then: 

In PYTHIA, 50% of the time it’s from a quark or diquark, and 50% of the time it’s from resonance decay.

In HEREIG, 30% of the time it’s from a cluster, and 70% of the time it’s from resonance decay.

So one takeaway is that although PYTHIA and HEREIG predict the same r_c, there is actually a huge difference in how they arrive at it.

On the other hand, a lot of these resonance decays are what we call “sign preserving”, eg, rho+ goes to pi+ pi0, so when we measure a leading pi+, we still have the charge information from its rho+ parent.


On Fri, Sep 20, 2024 at 11:14 AM Ma, Rongrong <marr AT> wrote:
Hello Isaac

Very nice set of slides to showcase STAR results. 

I have some comments for your consideration. 

- While it is already challenging to highlight 10 talks, still I think it will be good to include at least new preliminary results from posters since yours is the only STAR highlight talk. If we do not highlight them, others won't either. 

slide 2
- not sure if "Zr+Zr, Ru+Ru" in gray is easy to see on a projector
- remove "provides"

slide 5
- text beneath is a bit too small
- "perfectly correlated" points to empty space?
- "Pythia predicts more string-like fragmentation": I thought there is only string-like fragmentation in Pythia, but this statement seems to imply that there are other fragmentation mechanisms. What are they?
- Here HERWIG7 and PTYHIA8 predict basically same r_c values. Given that HERWIG uses clusters while PYTHIA uses strings, does this mean there are something else that dictate r_c values rather than the fragmentation scheme?  

slide 8
- It might be better to show jet dv1/dy vs. pt plot. 
- I do not think our data can rule out possible pT dependence. The statement of "independent of jet p_T" is a bit too strong, especially given that we do not correct for jet p_T. 

slide 9
- I suggest to show the R = 0.4 plot since the effect is supposed to be stronger for larger jets.
- It is important to highlight in the figure and emphasize in the text that this measurement is for jets with pT_raw > 9 GeV/c and pT_cons > 2 GeV/c. The effect could be there if we go to lower jet or consistent pT. 
slide 10
- since you focus on radius dependence, maybe remove the left figure to save you some time
- "predict minimal suppression": I think you want to say minimal radius dependence of the suppression

slide 12
- The text size is significantly larger than other slides. Maybe make them consistent
- Consistent with SPS at 17.3 GeV

slide 14
- For the LHC results, are they measured using mid-rapidity J/psi and mid-rapidity multiplicity as we do? If not, it won't be a fair comparison. 

slide 16
- Your conclusions are based on the extracted temperatures. I suggest to make them significantly bigger. 

slide 19
- It might be useful to make it clear that this measurement is w.r.t. the event plane

slide 20
- "First measurements": many other results are also first measurements, or you mean something else?
- How does r_c cleanly separate perturbative and non-perturbative physics?
- Add some qualification to the third bullet

slide 21
- "minimal impact of regeneration at RHIC energies": on slide 12, model calculation shows that about half of the J/psi come from regeneration at 200 GeV. Probably add "below 62.4 GeV"?
- Third bullet does not read like a physics message


On Sep 19, 2024, at 4:01 PM, Mooney, Isaac <isaac.mooney AT> wrote:

Hi all,

v2 uploaded now with comments from the STAR practice talk addressed. Will be uploading a v3 with comments from the Yale group implemented as well. Not sure yet of the timescale for that version as I need to prepare for the trip tonight.


On Sep 18, 2024, at 22:27, Mooney, Isaac <isaac.mooney AT> wrote:

Hi all,

Trimmed version (v1) uploaded now (aesthetics still to be improved).


On Sep 18, 2024, at 20:01, Mooney, Isaac <isaac.mooney AT> wrote:

Hi all,

This is a rough draft of the talk. The organizers today let us know that the talks in this session are 15’+5’. So I am in the process of significantly trimming down. I’ll upload a new draft when that is done, but wanted to let you see the talk as soon as possible. PS I am aware that the aesthetics are not good right now — I will improve them in a future version.


On Sep 18, 2024, at 19:55, webmaster AT wrote:

Dear Star-hp-l AT members,

Isaac Mooney (isaac.mooney AT has submitted a material for a review,  
please have a look:"

Deadline: 2024-09-22
If you have any problems with the review process, please contact  


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