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star-hp-l - Re: [[Star-hp-l] ] STAR presentation by Monika Robotkova for Zimanyi School 2024 submitted for review

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  • From: "Robotkova, Monika" <robotmon AT>
  • To: "star-hp-l AT" <star-hp-l AT>
  • Subject: Re: [[Star-hp-l] ] STAR presentation by Monika Robotkova for Zimanyi School 2024 submitted for review
  • Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2024 07:54:41 +0000

Dear convenors,
may I kindly ask you, if you have any other comments or suggestions for my abstract? If not, could you push it to star-talks please? Thank you in advance.

Best regards,

Od: star-hp-l-request AT <star-hp-l-request AT> za uživatele Mooney, Isaac <isaac.mooney AT>
Odesláno: pátek 18. října 2024 23:05
Komu: star-hp-l AT <star-hp-l AT>
Předmět: Re: [[Star-hp-l] ] STAR presentation by Monika Robotkova for Zimanyi School 2024 submitted for review
Hi Monika,

Thanks for implementing the changes. The new version looks great to me and I sign off.


On Oct 18, 2024, at 07:17, Robotkova, Monika <robotmon AT> wrote:

Hi Isaac,
Thank you for your comments, I've implemented them and uploaded new version.

Best regards,

Od: star-hp-l-request AT <star-hp-l-request AT> za uživatele Mooney, Isaac <isaac.mooney AT>
Odesláno: středa 16. října 2024 22:50
Komu: star-hp-l AT <star-hp-l AT>
Předmět: Re: [[Star-hp-l] ] STAR presentation by Monika Robotkova for Zimanyi School 2024 submitted for review
Hi Monika,

This will be an interesting talk — I’m looking forward to seeing the draft later on. I have some comments on the well-written abstract below.


Title: I don’t feel comfortable with “measurements of the parton shower”. We are definitely not measuring the parton shower — we measure a hadronic final state, and infer things about the parton shower. Maybe “…measurements elucidating partonic evolution…” or something. 

10: it’s always a bit tricky to get into the business of comparing and contrasting SoftDrop substructure observables and EECs, so it may be better to reformat this sentence so you don’t imply that one is telling us something that the other isn’t/can’t. E.g. saying that “ENCs allow for the separation of non-perturbative and perturbative effects” implies that SD observables can’t do that, which isn’t true — what’s true is that they separate by chopping off, rather than allowing a smooth transition between the two regimes of calculability [although even this is a bit complicated by the recent measurement of CollinearDrop observables which allow study of this “chopped off” radiation]. Maybe you could try something like: “SoftDrop-groomed observables and ENCs both connect measurement to fundamental QCD at the parton level, allowing for comparisons to first principles theoretical calculations. Additionally, by including also charge information, as in the charge-weighted ENC, details about the hadronization mechanism can be obtained.” or similar. 

“at more easily resolvable angular scales than at the LHC”
The last sentence is a bit of a throwaway — you don’t mention why it would be useful to compare to state of the art MCs, what it can tell us if there are discrepancies, etc. I would recommend either developing the sentence more or removing it.

On Oct 14, 2024, at 10:29, Robotkova, Monika <robotmon AT> wrote:

Dear Convenors,
I apologize for the late submission of my abstract and kindly ask for your comments on it, as the registration deadline is this Friday. The decision to submit was made at the last minute due to a financial surplus in the grant. My talk will provide an overview of jet substructure measurements at STAR.
Thank you in advance for your feedback.
Best regards,
Monika Robotková

Od: star-hp-l-request AT <star-hp-l-request AT> za uživatele webmaster AT <webmaster AT>
Odesláno: pondělí 14. října 2024 16:22
Komu: Star-hp-l AT <Star-hp-l AT>
Předmět: [[Star-hp-l] ] STAR presentation by Monika Robotkova for Zimanyi School 2024 submitted for review
Dear Star-hp-l AT members,

Monika Robotkova (robotmon AT has submitted a material for a  
review, please have a look:

Deadline: 2024-09-30
If you have any problems with the review process, please contact  
webmaster AT

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