star-mudet-l AT
Subject: STAR Muon Telescope Detector development
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[[Star-mudet-l] ] Next MTD local meeting on Feb. 5
- From: "Ma, Rongrong" <marr AT>
- To: STAR Muon Telescope Detector development <star-mudet-l AT>
- Subject: [[Star-mudet-l] ] Next MTD local meeting on Feb. 5
- Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 18:05:34 +0000
Dear All
Since I will be on travel next week and the week after coincides with the
Chinese New Year, we will skip the MTD local meeting for the next two weeks
and resume on Feb. 5th. If you are still in break by then, do not feel
obligated to join the Feb. 5th meeting.
For those who will be celebrating, an early Happy Chinese New Year.
[[Star-mudet-l] ] Next MTD local meeting on Feb. 5,
Ma, Rongrong, 01/16/2025
- Re: [[Star-mudet-l] ] Next MTD local meeting on Feb. 5, Yi Yang, 01/16/2025
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