Subject: STAR QA Board
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[STAR-QAboard] do *not* delete: recent email from "John S. De Stefano Jr."
- From: Frank Geurts <>
- To:
- Subject: [STAR-QAboard] do *not* delete: recent email from "John S. De Stefano Jr."
- Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2020 11:59:32 -0500
Most of you have received an invitation from John S. De Stefano Jr. inviting you to Jira. Please do not delete. This is part of a STARONL Jira project. Without it you cannot read (or contribute to) any of the STARONL issues that we plan on documenting.
Once your account is established, you will find at RCF’s Jira site ( many other projects that relate to BNL. A direct link to the STARONL project is as follows:
So, please do not delete that invitation. Rather, follow up on it on your earliest convenience. If you are unable to retrieve it from your email thrash folder, then please contact me.

- [STAR-QAboard] do *not* delete: recent email from "John S. De Stefano Jr.", Frank Geurts, 07/17/2020
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