Subject: STAR QA Board
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Re: [STAR-QAboard] Two questions from yesterday's QA meeting
- From: "Van Buren, Gene" <>
- To: "Ray, Robert L" <>, Frank Geurts via STAR-QAboard-l <>
- Subject: Re: [STAR-QAboard] Two questions from yesterday's QA meeting
- Date: Sat, 1 May 2021 21:56:03 +0000
Hi, Lanny and all
The noise in RDO 20:3 does have the potential to affect tracking. I just made a plot of NHitsFit for tracks going through this region for a couple runs in that range and I see that there are still tracks with nearly the full number of possible
hits, so some tracks are picking up these hits.
On May 1, 2021, at 3:34 PM, Ray, Robert L <> wrote:
Hi Gene:
Two things came up yesterday that I need to ask you about.1) There were runs on day 114 that had very few files processed by fast-offline.I see that today there are more. Great! I'll ask Yan to go back andcomplete the QA and report for these runs. Thanks!
2) For runs 22115046 - 22116015 TPC sector 20 , RDO 3 was partly filledwith noise from the previous run. Will these false hits affect tracking?

[STAR-QAboard] Two questions from yesterday's QA meeting,
Ray, Robert L, 05/01/2021
Re: [STAR-QAboard] Two questions from yesterday's QA meeting,
Van Buren, Gene, 05/01/2021
Re: [STAR-QAboard] Two questions from yesterday's QA meeting,
Ray, Robert L, 05/02/2021
- Re: [STAR-QAboard] Two questions from yesterday's QA meeting, Van Buren, Gene, 05/02/2021
Re: [STAR-QAboard] Two questions from yesterday's QA meeting,
Ray, Robert L, 05/02/2021
Re: [STAR-QAboard] Two questions from yesterday's QA meeting,
Van Buren, Gene, 05/01/2021
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