Subject: STAR QA Board
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Re: [STAR-QAboard] 2. Vz – vpdVz distribution is shifted by about 5cm.
- From: "Van Buren, Gene" <>
- To: Geary Eppley <>
- Cc: star-qaboard-l <>
- Subject: Re: [STAR-QAboard] 2. Vz – vpdVz distribution is shifted by about 5cm.
- Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2021 23:39:38 +0000
Hi, Geary
On Dec 27, 2021, at 1:02 PM, Geary Eppley <> wrote:The central Vx vs Vy central distribution shown Friday has a radius of order 1mm. The L4 distribution has a radius of order 1 cm. Do you know what causes that difference?
We are interested in VPD-TPC Vz offset to see if any adjustments need to be made. L4 consistently shows and offset of -2 cm or less. The RMS is just slightly worse than Run 17, which is not bad considering the current problems with the active splitter.
What offset do you see in your analysis?
I'm attaching a histogram of (Vtx_z,tpc - Vtpx_z,vpd) from the data I used to determine the BeamLine last Tuesday. Hope that's useful.

Re: [STAR-QAboard] 2. Vz – vpdVz distribution is shifted by about 5cm.,
Geary Eppley, 12/26/2021
Re: [STAR-QAboard] 2. Vz – vpdVz distribution is shifted by about 5cm.,
Ting Lin, 12/26/2021
Re: [STAR-QAboard] 2. Vz – vpdVz distribution is shifted by about 5cm.,
Van Buren, Gene, 12/26/2021
- Re: [STAR-QAboard] 2. Vz – vpdVz distribution is shifted by about 5cm., Van Buren, Gene, 12/26/2021
Re: [STAR-QAboard] 2. Vz – vpdVz distribution is shifted by about 5cm.,
Geary Eppley, 12/27/2021
Re: [STAR-QAboard] 2. Vz – vpdVz distribution is shifted by about 5cm.,
Van Buren, Gene, 12/27/2021
Re: [STAR-QAboard] 2. Vz – vpdVz distribution is shifted by about 5cm.,
Geary Eppley, 12/27/2021
Re: [STAR-QAboard] 2. Vz – vpdVz distribution is shifted by about 5cm.,
Van Buren, Gene, 12/27/2021
- Re: [STAR-QAboard] 2. Vz – vpdVz distribution is shifted by about 5cm., Ke, Hongwei, 12/27/2021
- Re: [STAR-QAboard] 2. Vz – vpdVz distribution is shifted by about 5cm., Geary Eppley, 12/28/2021
- Re: [STAR-QAboard] 2. Vz – vpdVz distribution is shifted by about 5cm., Geary Eppley, 12/28/2021
- Re: [STAR-QAboard] 2. Vz – vpdVz distribution is shifted by about 5cm., Van Buren, Gene, 12/28/2021
Re: [STAR-QAboard] 2. Vz – vpdVz distribution is shifted by about 5cm.,
Van Buren, Gene, 12/27/2021
Re: [STAR-QAboard] 2. Vz – vpdVz distribution is shifted by about 5cm.,
Geary Eppley, 12/27/2021
Re: [STAR-QAboard] 2. Vz – vpdVz distribution is shifted by about 5cm.,
Van Buren, Gene, 12/27/2021
Re: [STAR-QAboard] 2. Vz – vpdVz distribution is shifted by about 5cm.,
Van Buren, Gene, 12/26/2021
Re: [STAR-QAboard] 2. Vz – vpdVz distribution is shifted by about 5cm.,
Ting Lin, 12/26/2021
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