Subject: STAR QA Board
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- From: Veronica Verkest <>
- To: Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli <>
- Cc: "" <>
- Subject: Re: [STAR-QAboard] QA Board Meeting January 21
- Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2022 14:13:31 -0500
Hi Raghav,

I have the QA code running on RACF, but Tong said that he will look into the FCS data as you requested.
My language concerning the charged jets was quite unclear... For days 03-13 (Isaac's plots for these are shown below), there is a lower charged jet population at positive phi due to TPC holes. This charged jet eta-phi seems slightly improved in days 10-20 (just by eye), and this is consistent with improved track quality around/after day 015. Please let me know if you have different or other observations/conclusions from these.

On Tue, Jan 25, 2022 at 11:12 AM Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli <> wrote:
Hi Veronica,Please see my response inline -
CheersRaghav**************************************First Name - Raghav
Last Name - Kunnawalkam Elayavalli
email -
website - https://www.raghavke.meAssociate Research ScientistYale University andBrookhaven National Lab<he/him/his>**************************************No worries at all.On Jan 24, 2022, at 3:24 PM, Veronica Verkest <> wrote:Hi Raghav,I have just started doing the QA and I am still working out some issues to get it to run on RACF, so Isaac produced the actual QA output files for me this week. I took it a bit easy this weekend and only worked during my shift hours, but I made the QA plots (just using the macro) and put them in slides with info after cross-checking the shift log.I’m not sure i understand what you mean by ’some of the holes have now been filled in’. Could you elaborate?I actually did not present on Friday because the plots were not finalized since I was not prepared, so we did not discuss the charged jet eta-phi. It does seem that there is an additional ch jet hot spot next to the one we saw last week, but some of the holes have now been filled in.Thanks! sounds like a good plan.I am working with Isaac to get the QA running on my end and then I will work on this request for this specific 890210 trigger for runs 22351048 - 23019026. I appreciate your feedback and I will let you know when I make some progress.-VeronicaOn Mon, Jan 24, 2022 at 1:12 PM Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli <> wrote:Thanks very much for checking this Veronica!From the jetcorr POV, we have a primary interest in the dataset with the trigger id 890210 between the runs 22351048 - 23019026.Is it possible to check the QA plots for this particular trigger selection?Sorry i missed last week’s QA board meeting, but was there any discussion on the funny distribution of the eta-phi map of the charged jets? there seems to be two hot spots in the top right panel in figure 12. For the full jets i can see its dominated one one or two hot towers.I have a request regarding the QA for this particular trigger 890210, we requested that the FCS be included in the data stream, so is it possible to include QA on that as well? Thanks!CheersRaghav**************************************First Name - Raghav
Last Name - Kunnawalkam Elayavalli
email -
website - https://www.raghavke.meAssociate Research ScientistYale University andBrookhaven National Lab<he/him/his>**************************************On Jan 23, 2022, at 4:10 PM, Veronica Verkest via STAR-QAboard-l <> wrote:Hi all,I have put together slides for JetCorr QA for days 010-020 and uploaded them to the Jan 21 meeting page... thank you for your patience!Please let me know if you have any questions/comments.Thanks,Veronica_______________________________________________On Wed, Jan 19, 2022 at 9:51 PM Ting Lin via STAR-QAboard-l <> wrote:Hi all:
We will have a QA board meeting on Friday at noon BNL time,
If you have slides to show, please link to the meeting page (in below link) or send it to me.
Join ZoomGov Meeting:;!!P4SdNyxKAPE!TJAj62j2NrvLt31Mi7He7bGKJ_qeLldYeu8ftK9DqeO-XKi2VlYZN_sHEQ8F63pgWSZwqiZzvCk$
Meeting ID: 161 843 5669
Passcode: 194299
STAR-QAboard-l mailing list
STAR-QAboard-l mailing list
[STAR-QAboard] QA Board Meeting January 21,
Ting Lin, 01/19/2022
Re: [STAR-QAboard] QA Board Meeting January 21,
Ting Lin, 01/21/2022
- Re: [STAR-QAboard] QA Board Meeting January 21, Geary Eppley, 01/21/2022
Re: [STAR-QAboard] QA Board Meeting January 21,
Veronica Verkest, 01/23/2022
Re: [STAR-QAboard] QA Board Meeting January 21,
Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, 01/24/2022
Re: [STAR-QAboard] QA Board Meeting January 21,
Veronica Verkest, 01/24/2022
Re: [STAR-QAboard] QA Board Meeting January 21,
Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, 01/25/2022
Re: [STAR-QAboard] QA Board Meeting January 21,
Veronica Verkest, 01/25/2022
Re: [STAR-QAboard] QA Board Meeting January 21,
Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, 01/25/2022
- Re: [STAR-QAboard] QA Board Meeting January 21, Isaac Mooney, 01/25/2022
- Re: [STAR-QAboard] QA Board Meeting January 21, Tong Liu, 01/28/2022
Re: [STAR-QAboard] QA Board Meeting January 21,
Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, 01/25/2022
Re: [STAR-QAboard] QA Board Meeting January 21,
Veronica Verkest, 01/25/2022
Re: [STAR-QAboard] QA Board Meeting January 21,
Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, 01/25/2022
Re: [STAR-QAboard] QA Board Meeting January 21,
Veronica Verkest, 01/24/2022
Re: [STAR-QAboard] QA Board Meeting January 21,
Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli, 01/24/2022
Re: [STAR-QAboard] QA Board Meeting January 21,
Ting Lin, 01/21/2022
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