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- From: "Van Buren, Gene" <gene AT>
- To: Richard Witt <witt AT>
- Cc: Star-tpc L <Star-tpc-l AT>
- Subject: Re: [Star-tpc-l] TPC Meeting Minutes
- Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2023 17:50:29 +0000
Hi, all
On the topic of looking at data with the new FPGA codes....
On Jun 15, 2023, at 12:42 PM, Richard Witt via Star-tpc-l <Star-tpc-l AT> wrote:
== Electronics
— good progress
— TPX FPGA code is mostly done
— about 3 RDOs done in sector 1, started moving through sector 2
— may be some issue with timing
— but new code is running on a number of RDOs in system
— online plots are filling correctly
— hope to test much larger part of system next week
Below is the plot of clusters found in FastOffline for sector 1.
The first plot is data taken and reconstructed yesterday.
The second plot is data taken and reconstructed today.
The third plot is the online histogram for the run taken yesterday.
The fourth plot is the online histogram for the run taken today.
The good news is that the outer RDOs that weren't coming through yesterday are coming through today. Good!
I was a bit worried that the offline reconstruction _stopped_ working for the one outer RDO that was being reconstructed yesterday, but I see from the online plots that the RDO in question seems to be off today.
Also good is that while I do see fewer clusters in sector 1 than other good sectors due to the one absent RDO today, I do not see a notable dip in tracks reconstructed in sector 1 for today's data.
The first plot is data taken and reconstructed yesterday.
The second plot is data taken and reconstructed today.
The third plot is the online histogram for the run taken yesterday.
The fourth plot is the online histogram for the run taken today.
The good news is that the outer RDOs that weren't coming through yesterday are coming through today. Good!
I was a bit worried that the offline reconstruction _stopped_ working for the one outer RDO that was being reconstructed yesterday, but I see from the online plots that the RDO in question seems to be off today.
Also good is that while I do see fewer clusters in sector 1 than other good sectors due to the one absent RDO today, I do not see a notable dip in tracks reconstructed in sector 1 for today's data.

[Star-tpc-l] TPC Meeting Minutes,
Richard Witt, 06/01/2023
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- [Star-tpc-l] TPC Meeting Minutes, Richard Witt, 06/08/2023
[Star-tpc-l] TPC Meeting Minutes,
Richard Witt, 06/15/2023
Re: [Star-tpc-l] TPC Meeting Minutes,
Van Buren, Gene, 06/15/2023
- Re: [Star-tpc-l] TPC Meeting Minutes, videbaek, 06/15/2023
Re: [Star-tpc-l] TPC Meeting Minutes,
Fisyak, Yuri V, 06/16/2023
Re: [Star-tpc-l] TPC Meeting Minutes,
Van Buren, Gene, 06/16/2023
- Re: [Star-tpc-l] TPC Meeting Minutes, Van Buren, Gene, 06/19/2023
Re: [Star-tpc-l] TPC Meeting Minutes,
Van Buren, Gene, 06/16/2023
Re: [Star-tpc-l] TPC Meeting Minutes,
Van Buren, Gene, 06/15/2023
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