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- From: Richard Witt <witt AT>
- To: Star-tpc L <Star-tpc-l AT>
- Subject: [[Star-tpc-l] ] TPC Meeting Minutes
- Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2025 12:25:06 -0500
Present: Alexei, Jim, Flemming, Yuri, Gene, and myself
== Hardware
— east pole tip has been closed
— blower hoses installed
— cathode checked for shorts (none found)
— finished east laser alignment
— couple mirrors changed
— flash lamp does not require optics adjustment so can be done after pole tip installed
— Tonko finished with both sides
— tomorrow will again attempt to change battery in TPC gas UPS system
— was prevented by rain last time (too wet to safely try)
== Electronics
— talked to Tim on Friday
— sector 22 on east had RDO changed
— all else is done
== Software
— Yuri continuing work on GMT
— has version with GMT hits in MuDST
— running few million cosmic events
— looked for difference between 2016 and now
— want to do another pass with 2018 data (14 and 19 GeV)
— 14 GeV assumes no SC correction needed
— can then check 19 GeV (which is much lower statistics, only ~1000 matched GMT tracks)
— will discuss any differences
— New pull request for KFParticle with no VC
— new ticket submitted
— stuck in test stage (cancelled), unclear why
== AOB
— Nothing additional reported this week.
Best Regards,
Sent from my iPad
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change
the world."
--Nelson Mandela
Richard Witt, Professor of Physics Phone (USNA): 410-293-6675
United States Naval Academy Email: witt AT
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change
the world."
--Nelson Mandela
Richard Witt, Professor of Physics Phone (USNA): 410-293-6675
United States Naval Academy Email: witt AT
Re: [[Star-tpc-l] ] TPC Meeting Minutes,
Fisyak, Yuri V, 02/01/2025
- Re: [[Star-tpc-l] ] TPC Meeting Minutes, Van Buren, Gene, 02/01/2025
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- [[Star-tpc-l] ] TPC Meeting Minutes, Richard Witt, 02/06/2025
- [[Star-tpc-l] ] TPC Meeting Minutes, Richard Witt, 02/13/2025
- [[Star-tpc-l] ] TPC Meeting Minutes, Richard Witt, 02/20/2025
- [[Star-tpc-l] ] TPC Meeting Minutes, Richard Witt, 02/27/2025
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