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usatlas-hllhc-computing-l - Re: [Usatlas-hllhc-computing-l] Fast Simulation Working Group

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  • From: Hasib Ahmed <a.hasib AT>
  • To: <zdong AT>
  • Cc: usatlas-hllhc-computing-l AT
  • Subject: Re: [Usatlas-hllhc-computing-l] Fast Simulation Working Group
  • Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2018 17:33:11 +0100

Hi Zhihua,

Sorry I am being slow. Indeed now that you mentioned the code gets stuck generating hash ID, I realized that you are missing the ATLAS geometry files used here:

These two would be necessary files. I am attaching them as tarball with the email.

Hasib Ahmed
Research Associate
University of Edinburgh
ATLAS Experiment

On Wed, Sep 12, 2018 at 4:55 PM Dong, Zhihua <zdong AT> wrote:

Thanks for the files. 

I agree ,  a simpler macro make sense.

However it might  be good to get a working running code on our end to start.

For current code ,looks like no more complaint of missing file except the 

*   AvgShape file:
Error in <TChain::AddFile>: No file name; no files connected
Which you mention not is necessary.

However the code  seems stuck in the loop of  

for hours and generate millions of lines of similar output with same id and hash_id
Line: 462190000 line  id 764c660 hash_id 124194720
Line: 462200000 line  id 764c660 hash_id 124194720
Line: 462210000 line  id 764c660 hash_id 124194720
Line: 462220000 line  id 764c660 hash_id 124194720
Line: 462230000 line  id 764c660 hash_id 124194720
Line: 462240000 line  id 764c660 hash_id 124194720

I will look more on that. But it might be obvious to you for the reason.


Zhihua Dong
Computational Science Initiative
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Phone: 631-344-4141

From: Hasib Ahmed <a.hasib AT>
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2018 10:51:13 AM
To: Dong, Zhihua
Cc: Heather Gray; usatlas-hllhc-computing-l AT
Subject: Re: [Usatlas-hllhc-computing-l] Fast Simulation Working Group
Hi Zhihua,

I think we are still missing some files.

i attached a tarball with the missing files. 


Also our standard installation of ROOT maybe missing something ? any advise?

Error in <TROOT::LoadMacro>: macro ../../ISF_FastCaloSimEvent/src/TFCSHistoLateralShapeWeight.cxx not found in path .:/hpcgpfs01/software/root/v6.14.04/macros

This is due to a missing class in alas/athena repository that hasn't been merged yet. This shouldn't cause any problem.



creating big "OutputAvgShape.root" file  with output  printing lines like:
Line: 430000 line  id 8ddb4b0 hash_id 148027568
Line: 440000 line  id 8ddb4b0 hash_id 148027568
Line: 450000 line  id 8ddb4b0 hash_id 148027568
Line: 460000 line  id 8ddb4b0 hash_id 148027568
Line: 470000 line  id 8ddb4b0 hash_id 148027568


=> This is a check of the geometry file and has nothing to do with OutputAvgShape.root file. The AvgShape.root file is currently create but nothing should be written there. 

P.S.: As I mentioned before, this steering macro is written to do a detail comparison of the simulated showers with original G4 showers and its in active development. I think for your purpose it is best that I write a simple macro that just generates the simulated showers using the big parametrization file without doing any comparison. However I would need few days to get that done. In the mean time, hopefully you can use these files to get started.  



Zhihua Dong
Computational Science Initiative
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Phone: 631-344-4141

From: Heather Gray <heather.gray AT>
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2018 2:58:36 PM
To: A A Hasib
Cc: Dong, Zhihua; usatlas-hllhc-computing-l AT
Subject: Re: [Usatlas-hllhc-computing-l] Fast Simulation Working Group
Hi All,

Thanks to Alex, the files are now available here at BNL:

The four files are in /afs/


-rw-r--r-- 1 undrus usatlas 2731676318 Sep 11 13:45 NTUP_FCS.14707881._000001.pool.root.1

-rw-r--r-- 1 undrus usatlas     430022 Sep 11 13:51 mc16_13TeV.431004.ParticleGun_pid22_E65536_disj_eta_m25_m20_20_25_zv_0.firstPCA_App.ver03.root

-rw-r--r-- 1 undrus usatlas     166680 Sep 11 13:52 mc16_13TeV.431004.ParticleGun_pid22_E65536_disj_eta_m25_m20_20_25_zv_0.secondPCA.ver03.root

-rw-r--r-- 1 undrus usatlas    1027441 Sep 11 13:53 mc16_13TeV.431004.ParticleGun_pid22_E65536_disj_eta_m25_m20_20_25_zv_0.shapepara.ver03.root



On Tue, 11 Sep 2018 at 15:49, Hasib Ahmed <a.hasib AT> wrote:
Hi Zhihua,

I don't have access to BNL and they can't be sent via email unfortunately. Perhaps someone in this list with access to both eos and BNL disk space would volunteer to copy these files for you ?

Hasib Ahmed
Research Associate
University of Edinburgh
ATLAS Experiment

On Tue, Sep 11, 2018 at 2:37 PM Dong, Zhihua <zdong AT> wrote:

Dear Hasib

Thank you for the info. 

I don't have access to /eos

Can you send me those required files ?  or copy it somewhere in BNL.

Are those files big ?



Zhihua Dong
Computational Science Initiative
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Phone: 631-344-4141

From: Hasib Ahmed <a.hasib AT>
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2018 7:28:25 AM
To: Dong, Zhihua
Cc: usatlas-hllhc-computing-l AT
Subject: Re: [Usatlas-hllhc-computing-l] Fast Simulation Working Group
Dear Zhihua,

Apologies for the delay. Just to be clear, for the actual  simulation we only need the big parametrization file located: 

However, this particular macro `runTFCSShapeValidation.cxx` makes a comparison of the simulated showers to the original G4 showers, hence it requires the input G4 sample. 

by the following samples:

* inputSample = /eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/proj-simul/InputSamplesSummer18Complete/mc16_13TeV.431004.ParticleGun_pid22_E65536_disj_eta_m25_m20_20_25_zv_0.deriv.NTUP_FCS.e6556_e5984_s3259_r10283_p3589/NTUP_FCS.14707881._000001.pool.root.1

The following files really required. We would need to clean up that code at a later time:
* pcaSample = /eos/atlas/user/a/ahasib/public/Simul-FastCalo/ParametrizationProductionVer03/mc16_13TeV.431004.ParticleGun_pid22_E65536_disj_eta_m25_m20_20_25_zv_0.firstPCA_App.ver03.root

* shapefile = eos/atlas/user/a/ahasib/public/Simul-FastCalo/ParametrizationProductionVer03/mc16_13TeV.431004.ParticleGun_pid22_E65536_disj_eta_m25_m20_20_25_zv_0.shapepara.ver03.root  (the file is not really needed but the name is used in the constructor of a class) 

* energyfile = eos/atlas/user/a/ahasib/public/Simul-FastCalo/ParametrizationProductionVer03/mc16_13TeV.431004.ParticleGun_pid22_E65536_disj_eta_m25_m20_20_25_zv_0.secondPCA.ver03.root  (not required)

* avgSample = Not required even though it would complain it cannot find the file. 

In terms of the run time, it should only take few minutes. But since the code creates lots of TCanvas, you should run it batch mode.

> root -b
> .x initTFCSAnalyzer.C
> .x runTFCSShapeValidation.cxx

Hope all these are clear. Let me know if you have further question. 

Hasib Ahmed
Research Associate
University of Edinburgh
ATLAS Experiment

On Mon, Sep 10, 2018 at 9:19 PM Dong, Zhihua <zdong AT> wrote:

Dear Hasib

Could you send us the needed files on /eos/... 

The code without those file hangs.


Zhihua Dong
Computational Science Initiative
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Phone: 631-344-4141

From: Usatlas-hllhc-computing-l <usatlas-hllhc-computing-l-bounces AT> on behalf of Dong, Zhihua <zdong AT>
Sent: Friday, September 7, 2018 1:29:06 PM
To: Hasib Ahmed
Cc: usatlas-hllhc-computing-l AT
Subject: Re: [Usatlas-hllhc-computing-l] Fast Simulation Working Group

PLease provide those files someway.  

Also how long do we expect this run will take ?

Zhihua Dong
Computational Science Initiative
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Phone: 631-344-4141

From: Hasib Ahmed <a.hasib AT>
Sent: Friday, September 7, 2018 11:42:18 AM
To: Dong, Zhihua
Cc: Heather Gray; usatlas-hllhc-computing-l AT
Subject: Re: [Usatlas-hllhc-computing-l] Fast Simulation Working Group
Hi Zhihua, 

Sorry my bad, the code also run the original G4 samples and some additional files for comparison which are read bia FCS_dsid class:

We can provide you those file for this particle pdgid, energy and eta point that you can use locally. Without these files, the program should still run (I would think) but the plots it produces won't be what we expect. 

Hasib Ahmed
Research Associate
University of Edinburgh
ATLAS Experiment

On Fri, Sep 7, 2018 at 4:32 PM Dong, Zhihua <zdong AT> wrote:

I did get some permission denied message  related to /eos  by just run

Although it does not stop the program yet, no message after that for a while...



initialising FCS_dsid...
FCS_dsid ready
(int) 2
* Running on linux system
sh: /FCS_ls.696.list: Permission denied
Temporary file list for selection:/eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/proj-simul/InputSamplesProdsysProduction/mc16_13TeV.431004.ParticleGun_pid22_E65536_disj_eta_m25_m20_20_25_zv_0.deriv.NTUP_FCS.*/NTUP_FCS.*.pool.root.* : /FCS_ls.696.list

Zhihua Dong
Computational Science Initiative
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Phone: 631-344-4141

From: Hasib Ahmed <a.hasib AT>
Sent: Friday, September 7, 2018 11:15:56 AM
To: Dong, Zhihua
Cc: Heather Gray; usatlas-hllhc-computing-l AT
Subject: Re: [Usatlas-hllhc-computing-l] Fast Simulation Working Group
Dear Zhihua, 

The relevant steering macro for your use case is the following:

which does not require any other external file apart from the parametrization file that was mentioned earlier. 

Hasib Ahmed
Research Associate
University of Edinburgh
ATLAS Experiment

On Fri, Sep 7, 2018 at 4:05 PM Dong, Zhihua <zdong AT> wrote:

It seems code also depend on "/eos/atlas/...."

Does that directory need to be setup someway ?

[zdong@icsubmit01 macro]$ grep eos *.cxx *.C |grep -v "//"
MakeTFCSEventAnalyzer.cxx:    topDir   = "/eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/proj-simul/";
MakeTFCSEventAnalyzer.cxx:    plotDir = "/eos/project/a/atlas-fastcalosim/www/";
MakeTFCSNtupleMaker.cxx:    topDir   = "/eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/proj-simul/InputSamplesLocalProd2017/rel_21_0_42/Samples/";
runTFCSCreateParametrization.cxx:  TString EinterfileName = Form("%s/", "/eos/atlas/user/a/ahasib/public/Simul-FastCalo/ParametrizationProductionVer02/", pdgid);
runTFCSCreateParametrization.cxx:  TFCSParametrizationBase* para_photon_simple=NewParametrizationSimple("/eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/proj-simul/InputSamplesLocalProd2017/rel_21_0_62/energyPara/epara_photon_E65_eta02_21061.root","/eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/proj-simul/InputSamplesLocalProd2017/rel_21_0_62/shapePara/mc16_13TeV.photon.E65536.eta020_025.merged_default_z0.shapepara.root",22,65536,0.2,0.25);
runTFCSCreateParametrization.cxx:  TFCSParametrizationBase* para_pion_simple=NewParametrizationSimple("/eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/proj-simul/InputSamplesLocalProd2017/rel_21_0_62/energyPara/epara_pion_E65_eta02_21061.root","/eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/proj-simul/InputSamplesLocalProd2017/rel_21_0_62/shapePara/mc16_13TeV.pion.E65536.eta020_025.merged_default_z0.shapepara.root",211,65536,0.2,0.25);
runTFCSShapeValidation.cxx:    TFile* wigglefile = TFile::Open("/eos/atlas/user/a/ahasib/public/Simul-FastCalo/ParametrizationProductionVer02/Wiggle/eta_020_025/wiggle_input_deriv_Sampling_2.ver02.root");
test_TFCS2DFunctionHistogram.cxx:  TFile* file=TFile::Open("/eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/proj-simul/InputSamplesLocalProd2017/rel_21_0_62/shapePara/mc16_13TeV.pion.E65536.eta020_025.merged_default_z0.shapepara.root");
runTFCSEnergyInterpolationTGraph.C:void runTFCSEnergyInterpolationTGraph(int pid = 22, float etamin = 0., float etamax = 5., bool useFit = false, bool doSpline = true, std::string inputDir = "/eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/proj-simul/InputSamplesSummer18Complete/", std::string plotDir = "plot_Einterpol", std::string ver = "ver03")
testMaxrz.C: std::string file = "/eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/proj-simul/InputSamplesProdsysProduction/mc16_13TeV.431202.ParticleGun_pid22_E262144_disj_eta_m15_m10_10_15_zv_0.deriv.NTUP_FCS.e6556_e5984_s3259_r10283_p3449/NTUP_FCS.13289425._000001.pool.root.1";
[zdong@icsubmit01 macro]$

Zhihua Dong
Computational Science Initiative
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Phone: 631-344-4141

From: Hasib Ahmed <a.hasib AT>
Sent: Friday, September 7, 2018 4:39:10 AM
To: Heather Gray
Cc: Dong, Zhihua; usatlas-hllhc-computing-l AT
Subject: Re: [Usatlas-hllhc-computing-l] Fast Simulation Working Group
I just started received email from the mailing list. Yes, what Heather said is indeed correct. This is the parametrization file used for fast simulation which is essential. Just using a copy from your local disk should do the trick. 

Hasib Ahmed
Research Associate
University of Edinburgh
ATLAS Experiment

On Thu, Sep 6, 2018 at 11:42 PM Heather Gray <heather.gray AT> wrote:
Hi Zhihua,

Ah, I know what this is. This is the fill that contains the parametrisation used to describe the calorimeter response -- i.e. it's the meat for FCS. I think we'll need to copy it somewhere local at BNL and then edit the code so that it points at it instead of the afs location.


On Thu, 6 Sep 2018 at 12:21, Dong, Zhihua <zdong AT> wrote:

Even with Xin's help setup relocated cvms . 

Still get the same error.

Maybe somewhere the code still depends on non-exiting /afs on IC


Zhihua Dong
Computational Science Initiative
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Phone: 631-344-4141

From: Lancon, Eric
Sent: Thursday, September 6, 2018 1:17:01 PM
To: Dong, Zhihua; Lin, Meifeng; Snyder,Scott S
Cc: usatlas-hllhc-computing-l AT
Subject: Re: [Usatlas-hllhc-computing-l] Fast Simulation Working Group

OK good!

Xin did something to overcome the cvmfs issue I believe, when he tested KNLs



From: "Dong, Zhihua" <zdong AT>
Date: Thursday, September 6, 2018 at 12:51 PM
To: "Lancon, Eric" <elancon AT>, "Lin, Meifeng" <mlin AT>, "Snyder,Scott S" <snyder AT>
Cc: "usatlas-hllhc-computing-l AT" <usatlas-hllhc-computing-l AT>
Subject: Re: [Usatlas-hllhc-computing-l] Fast Simulation Working Group


Dear Eric


I don't have CERN account.  Costin helped me downloaded it.


Also  we installed ROOT on IC.


But the code seems depends on /afs or /cvmfs  which does not exist on IC.


Maybe it's just setup issue . Current :


[zdong@icsubmit01 FastCaloSimAnalyzer]$ pwd

[zdong@icsubmit01 FastCaloSimAnalyzer]$ cat



   # do it only if it has not been done yet

   export ATLAS_LOCAL_ROOT_BASE=/cvmfs/

   alias setupATLAS='source ${ATLAS_LOCAL_ROOT_BASE}/user/'

   source $ATLAS_LOCAL_ROOT_BASE/user/


   echo "Atlas environment already configured."


lsetup root

lsetup git

[zdong@icsubmit01 FastCaloSimAnalyzer]$



Ignore it , get errors  in   ".x  runTFCSShapeValidation.cxx"



hit_to_cell_mapping_23                        INFO   PDGID: all ; Ekin=all ; eta=all

hit_to_cell_mapping_23                        INFO   Ekin_bin=all ; calosample=23

hit_to_cell_mapping_23                        INFO   geo=0

Error in <TFile::TFile>: file /afs/ does not exist





Zhihua Dong

Computational Science Initiative

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Phone: 631-344-4141


From: Lancon, Eric
Sent: Thursday, September 6, 2018 12:27:49 PM
To: Dong, Zhihua; Lin, Meifeng; Snyder,Scott S
Cc: usatlas-hllhc-computing-l AT
Subject: Re: [Usatlas-hllhc-computing-l] Fast Simulation Working Group


Hello Zhihua,


I tested with my google account, access does not work,

Do you have a CERN account?


Yes it needs ROOT

his package is standalone and thus does NOT require athena BUT only requires root 6.08 or later versions.




From: Usatlas-hllhc-computing-l <usatlas-hllhc-computing-l-bounces AT> on behalf of "Dong, Zhihua" <zdong AT>
Date: Thursday, September 6, 2018 at 11:46 AM
To: "Lin, Meifeng" <mlin AT>, "Snyder,Scott S" <snyder AT>
Cc: "usatlas-hllhc-computing-l AT" <usatlas-hllhc-computing-l AT>
Subject: Re: [Usatlas-hllhc-computing-l] Fast Simulation Working Group


This might be a stupid question .

 Do I need CERN account to download the


Trying login with Google or other public account does not work for me.


Also does it require ROOT to run the code ?







Zhihua Dong

Computational Science Initiative

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Phone: 631-344-4141


From: Usatlas-hllhc-computing-l <usatlas-hllhc-computing-l-bounces AT> on behalf of scott snyder <scott.snyder AT>
Sent: Wednesday, September 5, 2018 2:40:35 PM
To: Lin, Meifeng
Cc: usatlas-hllhc-computing-l AT
Subject: Re: [Usatlas-hllhc-computing-l] Fast Simulation Working Group


hi Meifeng -

>Which server at BNL did you put the files on? Most of us at CSI only have access to the BNL
>Institutional Cluster nodes (icsubmit or knlsubmit), and I couldn't seem to find the directories you
>referred to in your doc.

I copied the tree /afs/
to ~snyder/21.0.tar.bz2  --- i think you should be able to read that.
Let me know when you've copied it so i can remove it from there.

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