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usatlas-hllhc-l2deputymgmt-nsf-l - Re: [Usatlas-hllhc-l2deputymgmt-nsf-l] Tile answers Re: FW: Homework - Day 1

usatlas-hllhc-l2deputymgmt-nsf-l AT

Subject: U.S. ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade Level 2 and Deputies-NSF only Management Mailing List

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  • From: Gustaaf Brooijmans <gusbroo AT>
  • To: usatlas-hllhc-l2deputymgmt-nsf-l AT
  • Subject: Re: [Usatlas-hllhc-l2deputymgmt-nsf-l] Tile answers Re: FW: Homework - Day 1
  • Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2019 20:44:55 -0400

Thanks Mark.

On 9/11/19 8:30 PM, mark oreglia wrote:
See attached slides

On 9/11/2019 6:55 PM, Gustaaf Brooijmans wrote:

Hello all,

Just to be clear, the questions with input needed from the L2s/system teams are:

1. if you haven't done so yet, please provide an earliest/latest decision point to Hal to update our table

3. Please provide an ordered table to me

4. Each L2, please send me and Hal the item you're most worried about, and we'll downselect

7. LAr to provide 1-2 slides

8.  LAr and muon to provide a few sentences each

9.  Mike, please provide a phrasing that's not too contradicting

10. Each L2 provide 2 slides: one with top 5 items, one with DD for one of them

11.  Mark K: please provide a slide



On 9/11/19 5:36 PM, Michael Tuts wrote:
Probably homework assignments are obvious…enjoy

*From:* Tony Beasley <tbeasley AT>
*Sent:* Wednesday, September 11, 2019 5:26 PM
*To:* Michael Tuts <tuts AT>; Mark Coles (mcoles AT <mcoles AT>
*Subject:* Homework - Day 1

Dear Mike,

Please find some questions from the Panel to be addressed at 8:30am tomorrow. Expect a short paragraph, verbal description or diagram in most cases.

thanks… Tony

 1. Descope/upscope items - please provide both preferred/scheduled and
    need-by dates...
 2. Please provide a schedule of expiration of descope options
    throughout project. please focus on dates...
 3. Provide top 5 risks in rank order (worst->least) for each major
    subsystem. The risk register is dense .. would like to see the major
 4. Hank Evans: please provide a rank-ordered list of remaining work
    packages (in the pre-MREFC project) - what are you most concerned
    about? Please mention your “plan B's”.
 5. Please provide the total project BOE distribution - pie chart format.
 6. Columbia mgt decision to implement 30 subawards generates a cost
    impact ~$186k ...   was this to support EV reporting?   What did the
    project gain from this change?

 7. What risks are being carried forward by the project by the
    (aggressive?) scheduled downselect of the ADC in December? e.g.
    radiation tolerance of the ADC ASIC version 3? Please clarify
    statement on radiation tolerance of commercial ADC option.
 8. What is the schedule risk of the late delivery of the production
    version of lpGBT?

 9. Please restate/clarify Scientific travel – where is it covered in
    the MREFC award?  Suggest: please produce List of significant things
    not in there yet.... don't let us find them.

10. For each subsystem - what are the (5) major technical requirements,
    and what is your assessment of your ability to meet them (and what
    is the basis of that assessment?). Please trace one major
    science/technical specification from the international ATLAS
    specification, through your US ATLAS specification set, indicate
    where addressed in design, and demonstrate how you intend to assess
11. Please describe the connections between the EPO manager, the L2
    managers, and the EPO proponents at the partner universities. How is
    communication/coordination occuring between these groups? How
    specifically will the project take advantage of community
    initiatives like QUARKNET? Give examples of joint activities being
12. How exposed is the US project to CERN Project Management
    uncertainties in schedule? If CERN schedule drifts across many
    subsystems, could the US project be negatively impacted beyond
    current expectations?

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