usatlas-hllhc-l2deputymgmt-nsf-l AT
Subject: U.S. ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade Level 2 and Deputies-NSF only Management Mailing List
List archive
- [[Usatlas-hllhc-l2deputymgmt-nsf-l] ] Need you input on projected NSF BCPs now through June 2025, Michael Tuts, 03/04/2025
Re: [[Usatlas-hllhc-l2deputymgmt-nsf-l] ] NSF risk workshop March 11,
Reinhard Schwienhorst, 03/10/2025
- Re: [[Usatlas-hllhc-l2deputymgmt-nsf-l] ] [External] Re: [[Usatlas-hllhc-management-l] ] NSF risk workshop March 11, Evans, Harold G., 03/10/2025
- [[Usatlas-hllhc-l2deputymgmt-nsf-l] ] On the recent $400M grants cancellation at Columbia - currently no impact on the MREFC funding, Michael Tuts, 03/11/2025
[[Usatlas-hllhc-l2deputymgmt-nsf-l] ] 2025-03-17 JOG Tuts NSF HL-LHC.pptx,
Michael Tuts, 03/11/2025
Re: [[Usatlas-hllhc-l2deputymgmt-nsf-l] ] 2025-03-17 JOG Tuts NSF HL-LHC.pptx,
Gustaaf Brooijmans, 03/13/2025
- RE: [[Usatlas-hllhc-l2deputymgmt-nsf-l] ] 2025-03-17 JOG Tuts NSF HL-LHC.pptx, Michael Tuts, 03/13/2025
Re: [[Usatlas-hllhc-l2deputymgmt-nsf-l] ] 2025-03-17 JOG Tuts NSF HL-LHC.pptx,
Gustaaf Brooijmans, 03/13/2025
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