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usatlas-hllhc-l2deputymgmt-nsf-l - Re: [[Usatlas-hllhc-l2deputymgmt-nsf-l] ] [External] Re: [[Usatlas-hllhc-management-l] ] NSF risk workshop March 11

usatlas-hllhc-l2deputymgmt-nsf-l AT

Subject: U.S. ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade Level 2 and Deputies-NSF only Management Mailing List

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  • From: "Evans, Harold G." <hgevans AT>
  • To: "usatlas-hllhc-management-l AT" <usatlas-hllhc-management-l AT>, "reinhard.schwienhorst AT" <reinhard.schwienhorst AT>, "usatlas-hllhc-l2deputymgmt-nsf-l AT" <usatlas-hllhc-l2deputymgmt-nsf-l AT>
  • Subject: Re: [[Usatlas-hllhc-l2deputymgmt-nsf-l] ] [External] Re: [[Usatlas-hllhc-management-l] ] NSF risk workshop March 11
  • Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 15:24:55 +0000

Thanks Reinhard,

I've created an indico for the CCB/Risk Workshop tomorrow:
    access: 951413

Best  -  Hal

On Mon, 2025-03-10 at 13:00 +0000, Reinhard Schwienhorst wrote:
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Dear all,
This is a reminder of the NSF risk workshop tomorrow during the first half of the CCB meeting.


On Feb 12, 2025, at 9:48 AM, Reinhard Schwienhorst <reinhard.schwienhorst AT> wrote:

Dear NSF L2s and Deputy L2s,

We would like to schedule the next NSF risk workshop for Tuesday, March 11 during the first half of the CCB meeting.
In preparation, please prepare slides that focus on:
- Risks that can now be retired, or extending the expected expiration of risks showing as "past"
- Updating the task affected so that all tasks associated with risks are in the future.
- New risks that might have come up over the past 6 months, or issues that are worrying you these days.
- Large changes in probability or cost/duration uncertainty.
The current risk register in docDB (#196) is v91, and the supply chain risk register is v16:

Please look over both for this review. In addition to your slides, please also prepare updated versions of these registers with updated cells highlighted.

Any issues, please let me know.
Reinhard, on behalf of your friendly PO

Please change my address hgevans AT to hgevans AT 
All addresses will stop working in 2025

 Hal Evans                             hgevans AT
               Professor of Physics
 Tel: (812)856-3828                Fax: (812)855-5533
 253 Swain Hall West               Indiana University
 727 E. Third St.               Bloomington, IN 47405

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