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usatlas-hllhc-lartl2l3-l - Re: [Usatlas-hllhc-lartl2l3-l] Fwd: [Usatlas-hllhc-l2l3ics-l] March 2021 Status Sheets

usatlas-hllhc-lartl2l3-l AT

Subject: U.S. ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade LAr Level 2 and Level 3 Managers Mailing List

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Chronological Thread  
  • From: John Parsons <parsons AT>
  • To: "usatlas-hllhc-lartl2l3-l AT" <usatlas-hllhc-lartl2l3-l AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Usatlas-hllhc-lartl2l3-l] Fwd: [Usatlas-hllhc-l2l3ics-l] March 2021 Status Sheets
  • Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2021 11:14:42 -0400

A reminder that these are due today (and also a reminder of our meeting in just over an hour).


On 3/24/21 4:17 PM, John Parsons wrote:

It is status and technical bullets time again.  Please complete both before our regular Friday afternoon meeting.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:     [Usatlas-hllhc-l2l3ics-l] March 2021 Status Sheets
Date:     Fri, 19 Mar 2021 18:17:57 +0000
From:     Freedman, Rhoumela <rfreedman AT>
To:     usatlas-hllhc-l2l3ics-l AT <usatlas-hllhc-l2l3ics-l AT>

Dear All,

*If you need help pleaseDO NOTreply to the mailing list*

**** The*/Pre-Status Reports/*//*/for March 2021/*have been uploaded in*DocDB 976*. These are the Gantt Charts for each subsystem.  Please make sure to look over the chart while doing your Status Updates. ****

The status sheets for the month of December are now available in google docs:

  * 6.01 - Pixels;!!P4SdNyxKAPE!UYjKLUmdItztMeboXXNfW3tbXLAOMa1g9w6OJnsZn04OJCMb5zrlXuwskZNhWCBoy5Y4_yH_9E3O78B2MTyM$

<;!!P4SdNyxKAPE!UYjKLUmdItztMeboXXNfW3tbXLAOMa1g9w6OJnsZn04OJCMb5zrlXuwskZNhWCBoy5Y4_yH_9E3O78B2MTyM$ >

  * 6.02 - Strips


<;!!P4SdNyxKAPE!UYjKLUmdItztMeboXXNfW3tbXLAOMa1g9w6OJnsZn04OJCMb5zrlXuwskZNhWCBoy5Y4_yH_9E3O7zXrIKcz$ >

  * 6.03 - Global Mechanics;!!P4SdNyxKAPE!UYjKLUmdItztMeboXXNfW3tbXLAOMa1g9w6OJnsZn04OJCMb5zrlXuwskZNhWCBoy5Y4_yH_9E3O77DX7UJE$

<;!!P4SdNyxKAPE!UYjKLUmdItztMeboXXNfW3tbXLAOMa1g9w6OJnsZn04OJCMb5zrlXuwskZNhWCBoy5Y4_yH_9E3O77DX7UJE$ >

  * 6.04 - LAr -;!!P4SdNyxKAPE!UYjKLUmdItztMeboXXNfW3tbXLAOMa1g9w6OJnsZn04OJCMb5zrlXuwskZNhWCBoy5Y4_yH_9E3O7y0IzV9T$

<;!!P4SdNyxKAPE!UYjKLUmdItztMeboXXNfW3tbXLAOMa1g9w6OJnsZn04OJCMb5zrlXuwskZNhWCBoy5Y4_yH_9E3O7y0IzV9T$ >

  * 6.05 - Tiles -;!!P4SdNyxKAPE!UYjKLUmdItztMeboXXNfW3tbXLAOMa1g9w6OJnsZn04OJCMb5zrlXuwskZNhWCBoy5Y4_yH_9E3O78AQBnqb$

<;!!P4SdNyxKAPE!UYjKLUmdItztMeboXXNfW3tbXLAOMa1g9w6OJnsZn04OJCMb5zrlXuwskZNhWCBoy5Y4_yH_9E3O78AQBnqb$ >

  * 6.06 - Muons;!!P4SdNyxKAPE!UYjKLUmdItztMeboXXNfW3tbXLAOMa1g9w6OJnsZn04OJCMb5zrlXuwskZNhWCBoy5Y4_yH_9E3O7_-e-IBP$

<;!!P4SdNyxKAPE!UYjKLUmdItztMeboXXNfW3tbXLAOMa1g9w6OJnsZn04OJCMb5zrlXuwskZNhWCBoy5Y4_yH_9E3O7_-e-IBP$ >

  * 6.07 - DAQ


<;!!P4SdNyxKAPE!UYjKLUmdItztMeboXXNfW3tbXLAOMa1g9w6OJnsZn04OJCMb5zrlXuwskZNhWCBoy5Y4_yH_9E3O77f72WCN$ >

  * 6.08 - Trigger;!!P4SdNyxKAPE!UYjKLUmdItztMeboXXNfW3tbXLAOMa1g9w6OJnsZn04OJCMb5zrlXuwskZNhWCBoy5Y4_yH_9E3O732g422A$

<;!!P4SdNyxKAPE!UYjKLUmdItztMeboXXNfW3tbXLAOMa1g9w6OJnsZn04OJCMb5zrlXuwskZNhWCBoy5Y4_yH_9E3O732g422A$ >

Please remember to update the status online –DO NOT downloadthe files.

The reports are at L2. The reports contain activities for March 2021-September 2021. You can filter for your CAM name in column D.


 1. In this months’ status sheets we have the updated column for
    resources (column P) and Planned/Remaining Units (hours for labor
    and direct cost for material/travel) in columns T and U. The
    remaining units are calculated based on the original duration of the
    activity and percent complete. We have*column S*in which we are
    asking you to update the **Units to Complete** based on your
    experience and expectations. This is only in case you expect to
    spend more or less labor for the specific activity or the cost for
    material/travel is different than originally estimated. Column T
    show Total Cost per resource  from P6. Columns U (Remaining Cost
    based on the remaining units from P6), V (Updated Remaining Cost,
    also called ETC or Estimate-to-Complete), W (EAC or Estimate at
    Complete, calculated based on updated units) and X (Delta EAC minus
    baseline cost) are formula fields that provide calculations on how
    the cost changes when the Remaining Units are adjusted.
 2. Please provide status in columns L, M, N, O, and S. Make sure that
    for all activities in progress you provide **Expected Finish**
    (column O). This is important for us to re-calculate the float and
    the critical path.
 3. Make sure that you enter the actual start date for all started
    activities and finish date for all activities that are 100%
    completed. All*_NEW_*actual start and finish dates*MUST BE*within
    current reporting period.
 4. Do*NOT*change the actual start/finish dates if they are already in
    the spreadsheet – EVMS does not allow changing the past. If the
    actual start date was entered incorrectly in the previous month just
    leave it as it is.
 5. Do*NOT*enter dates after March 31, 2021  in actual start/finish
    dates (columns M and N) , this creates errors in P6.
 6. Do*NOT*decrease percent complete in column L.
 7. Do*NOT*write any notes in the spreadsheet, if you want to add a
    comment use column Y.
 8. Do*NOT*change the formatting of the cell once you edit it.  The
    spreadsheet will automatically highlight the change in yellow.
*_Additional Note: _*

If progress was made on future activities that are not in the status sheet you can contact your project controls specialist and ask for her help with statussing the activities directly in P6. This should be done the week of October 2nd after the status is provided to us.

Please complete the November status update by*Sunday*,*March 28*.

We expect that the L2 managers and deputies will notify us (Penka,  Carrie, Jenn, Rhoumela) as soon as the status for their system is complete.

Let us know if you have any questions or comments/suggestions to make the process smoother and more user-friendly.

Thank you!

Rhoumela Freedman, Administrator

U.S. ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade Project

Brookhaven National Laboratory, Physics Dept.

Tel: (631) 344-3460

Fax: (631) 344-6179

rfreedman AT <mailto:rfreedman AT>


John Parsons
Nevis Labs, Email: parsons AT
Columbia University Phone: (914) 591-2820
P.O. Box 137 Fax: (914) 591-8120
Irvington, NY 10533 WWW:*parsons/__;fg!!P4SdNyxKAPE!UYjKLUmdItztMeboXXNfW3tbXLAOMa1g9w6OJnsZn04OJCMb5zrlXuwskZNhWCBoy5Y4_yH_9E3O78HxdpP7$


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