mailing lists - Admin Links |
Welcome! Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list. General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page. (Send questions and comments to |
List | Description |
Acat-loc2024-l | [no description available] |
Ags-rhic-users-l | RHIC and AGS Users |
Ags-rhic-users-migrate-l | RHIC and AGS Users |
Agscontacts-l | AGS Contacts |
Aiml-wg-l | [no description available] |
Air-quality-l | [no description available] |
AnDY-bnl-l | Mailing list for the AnDY Experiment at RHIC |
Apaa-l | Asian Pacific American Association (BERA) |
Astro-bnl-l | BNL Astrophysics and Cosmology Group |
Astro-l | [no description available] |
Atf-info-l | [no description available] |
Atf_pac-l | ATF Program Advisory Committee mailing list. |
Atlas-bnl-l | U.S. ATLAS BNL Personnel |
Badminton-l | BNL BERA Badminton Club |
Bbc-members-l | Weight lifting and exercise club |
Bera-iaa-internal-l | BERA-IAA (Indo American Association) mailing list for BNL onsite employess and users |
Beracontacts-l | [no description available] |
Bicycling-l | Anything related to bicycling at BNL |
Biker-l | BNL Motorcycle Club |
Biominerals-L | Discussion of research in biomineralization |
Bionsls2-l | [no description available] |
bnl-announce-l | BNL Announcements List |
Bnl-announce-migration-l | BNL Announcements List |
Bnl-eg-asap-l | All Employee and Guest Students & Post Docs at BNL |
Bnl-eg30-asap-l | Students & Post Doc Employees plus Guest with 15 Day Gate Scan |
Bnl-eicprojdet-l | [no description available] |
Bnl-gaseous-detectors-rnd-l | Gaseous detector R&D list |
Bnl-git-lab-users-l | [no description available] |
Bnl-Makers-l | BNL Makers Club |
BNL-MusicClub-L | BNL Music Club |
Bnl-postdocs-l | [no description available] |
Bnl-rhic-netp | RHIC network provisioning discussions |
Bnl-shared-tier3-l | BNL Tier 3 Computing Facility Users |
Bnl_attendees-l | [no description available] |
Bnlarc-class-l | BNLARC Technician Class List |
Bnlarc-general-class-l | BNL Amateur Radio Club General License Class |
Bnlarc-l | BNL BERA Amateur Radio Club |
Bnlarc-skywarn | [no description available] |
Bnlitdlibraryusers-l | Users of .NET Libraries written by ITD |
Brahms-l | Brahms Collaboration |
Bwis-l | Brookhaven Women in Science |
C2QA-communications-l | [no description available] |
Cfn-clean-room-l | Information for CFN Clean room |
Cfn-newsletter-l | [no description available] |
Chemistry-division-l | [no description available] |
Chinese-l | BNL Chinese mailing list |
cmtcluster-users-l | Condensed matter theory cluster user broadcast |
Con-ed-attendees-l | [no description available] |
Con-ed-presenters-l | [no description available] |
Conedison_attendees-l | [no description available] |
Corpes22-l | [no description available] |
Cosmo-group-l | BNL cosmology group |
Csac-l | Cyber Security Advisory Council |
csiqcg-l | [no description available] |
Csisummerstudents-l | [no description available] |
Cssa-soccer-l | CSSA soccer |
Cyclotrons | [no description available] |
Dayabay-bnl-l | Daya Bay Collaborators at BNL. |
Dayabay-racf | Daya Bay users of RACF |
Dc-hi-town-meeting-l | [no description available] |
Dcde-pilot-l | the public dcde pilot list |
Delegations_of_authority-l | Delegations of Authority |
Di2014-l | [no description available] |
Dichroic-detectors-l | List for scientific discussion of dichroic filters |
Dichroic-sbir-l | Organization for dichroic filter SBIR |
Dotnetusers-l | BNL .NET Developers |
Dune | [no description available] |
Dune-fd-us-crp-l | List for DUNE US CRP activities |
E-rhic-ir-l | [no description available] |
E949-general-l | E949 Collaboration General Discussion |
Ecce-eic-public-l | ECCE Public Announcements |
Edg-employees-l | Electronic Detector Group Employees. |
Edg-visitors-l | Electronic Detector Group Visitors. |
Edm-l | Electric Dipole Moment (Deuteron EDM) Collaboration and friends |
Eic-bnl-comp-l | EIC/BNL Computing discussion |
Eic-bnl-soft-l | software issues for EIC |
Eic-comp-l | EIC computing joint activities |
Eic-det-elec-daq-l | [no description available] |
Eic-det2-conveners-l | [no description available] |
Eic-det2-l | [no description available] |
EIC-dsg-l | [no description available] |
Eic-epol-hpol-l | [no description available] |
Eic-interns-l | [no description available] |
Eic-mpgd-generic-rd-l | [no description available] |
Eic-nas-prep-l | [no description available] |
Eic-projdet-background-l | [EIC-ePIC-Background-WG] |
Eic-projdet-bsmew-l | [EPIC-BSM-EW-WG] |
Eic-projdet-calo-l | [EPIC-Calo-WG] |
Eic-projdet-calo-pemcal-l | EIC Project h-endcap EMCal |
Eic-projdet-collab-l | [EPIC-Collaboration] |
Eic-projdet-compsw-l | [ePIC Software & Computing] |
Eic-projdet-conveners-l | [EPIC-Conveners] |
Eic-projdet-cpid-l | [EPIC-CerPID-WG] |
Eic-projdet-daq-l | [EPIC-DAQ-WG] |
Eic-projdet-drich-l | ePIC dRICH mailing list |
Eic-projdet-earlycareer-l | [EPIC-Early Career] |
Eic-projdet-erd107-l | EIC Project eRD107 Hadronic Calorimetry Consortium |
Eic-projdet-excldiff-l | [EPIC-ExclDiff-WG] |
Eic-projdet-farback-l | [EPIC-FarBack-WG] |
Eic-projdet-farforw-l | [EPIC-FarForward-WG] |
Eic-projdet-globalint-l | [EPIC-GlobalInt-WG] |
Eic-projdet-hpdirc-l | hpDIRC DSC mailing list |
Eic-projdet-inclusive-l | [EPIC-Inclusive-WG] |
Eic-projdet-jethf-l | [EPIC-JetHF-WG] |
Eic-projdet-pfrich-electronics-l | ePIC pfRICH electronics mailing list |
Eic-projdet-pfrich-l | ePIC pfRICH mailing list |
Eic-projdet-pfrich-mechanical-design-l | ePIC pfRICH mechanical design mailing list |
Eic-projdet-pfrich-software-l | ePIC pfRICH software mailing list |
Eic-projdet-pid-l | The ePIC PID detector list |
Eic-projdet-pwg-conveners-l | [no description available] |
Eic-projdet-sc-l | [EPIC-SteeringGroup] |
Eic-projdet-semiincl-l | [EPIC-SemiIncl-WG] |
Eic-projdet-simqa-l | [EPIC SimQA WG] |
Eic-projdet-tic-l | [no description available] |
Eic-projdet-tofpid-l | [EPIC-ToFPID-WG] |
Eic-projdet-tracking-l | [EPIC-Tracking-WG] |
Eic-projdet-trk-recon-l | [EPIC-TrkRecon] |
Eic-rd-calorimeter-l | Mailing list for the EIC/eRHIC calorimeter R&D consortium |
Eic-rd-silicon-l | Mailing list for the EIC silicon R&D consortium |
Eic-rd-tracking-l | Mailing list of the EIC/eRHIC tracking R&D consortium |
Eic-software-l | [no description available] |
Eicug-bnl | Mailing list of the BNL-stationed members of the EIC User Group |
Eicug-users-l | EIC Users Group |
Endf | Evaluated Nuclear (reaction) Data File Discussion Group |
Epic-backward-hcal-l | [no description available] |
Epic-bemcal-l | [no description available] |
Epic-cc-membership-committee-l | [no description available] |
Epic-sc-faq-l | [no description available] |
Epic-svt-l | Mailing list for the ePIC SVT DSC |
Epic-svt-uk-l | UK regional ePIC SVT discussion list |
Epic-talks-l | [no description available] |
Epic-website-l | [no description available] |
EVusers-l | BNL Employee Electric Vehicle Charging Program users group |
Gaudi-talk | Community support for and discussion about Gaudi and related software for users and developers. |
Golf-l | BERA Golf Association |
Grid-data-management-l | Discuss Data Management Issues for Grid |
Gunclub-l | BERA Gun Club general mailing list |
Harbor-l | Information related to NY-NJ Harbor Dredged Material Decontamination |
Henp-net-l | HENP Networking Working Group |
Hetheory-l | [no description available] |
Hft-tc-l | STAR HFT Technical Committee |
Hispanic-l | Hispanic Heritage mailing list |
Hmstk-lb-calib | Water Cherenkov Calibration List |
Hmstk-lb-civil | LBNE water Cherenkov civil integration |
Hmstk-lb-esh | Environment Safety and Health for LBNE water Cherenkov detector |
Hmstk-lb-integration | [no description available] |
Hmstk-lb-liner | [no description available] |
Hmstk-lb-pmt | LBNE water cherenkov PMT group. |
Hmstk-lb-software | DUSEL Physics Software Mailing List |
Hmstk-lb-tb | [no description available] |
Hmstk-lb-water | Homestake DUSEL/LBNE Water Cherenkov Detector Sub-project |
Hmstk-lb-watersystem | [no description available] |
Hmstk-wc-computing | LBNE/WCD Computing |
Hmstk-wc-reconstruction | [no description available] |
Hmstk-wc-simulation | Discussion of simulations of Water Cerenkov detectors at Homestake |
Hmstk-wcd-mgt | LBNE Water Cherenkov Detector Project and DUSEL S4 management discussion. |
Hockey-l | BNL community hockey club |
Hoops-fun-l | [no description available] |
Hoops-l | BNL basketball list |
Hot-qcd-whitepaper-l | List for the 2014 Hot QCD White Paper Writing Group |
hpc1-users-l | [no description available] |
Hrppd-l | HRPPD community mailing list |
Ibmq-proposals-l | [no description available] |
Icalepcs2019-iec | [no description available] |
Icalepcs2019-isac | [no description available] |
Irmo-l | [no description available] |
Ispo-l | [no description available] |
Itd-test-l | Test List for ITD Unix Services |
itpc-l | STAR Inner TPC Upgrade |
Ixs-2019-l | [no description available] |
Lappd-l | LAPPD research mailing list |
Lbne-bnl-l | LBNE BNL Group |
Lhc-far-fwrd-flare-l | FLArE working group |
Lhc-far-fwrd-neutrinos-l | Neutrino Flux from the LHC |
Lhc-far-fwrd-physics-l | Far Forward Physics for the LHC |
Linux-working-group-l | Linux Security Working Group |
Live-events-l | [no description available] |
Lsst-bnl-l | Large Synoptic Survey Telescope |
Lusee-night-brass-l | [no description available] |
Lusee-night-l | [no description available] |
Macusers-l | BNL Macintosh Users |
Mariachi-admin-l | MARIACHI experiment administrative mailing list |
Mariachi-ci-l | For Mariachi experiment cyber infrastructure discussion |
Mariachi-ed-l | MARIACHI experiment research mailing list |
Mariachi-l | Cosmic ray experiment at BNL |
Mariachi-mtg-l | MARIACHI experiment weekly meetings |
Mariachi-radar-l | mariachi experiment radar mailing list |
Mariachi-scint-l | mariachi experiment scintillator array mailing list |
Mce2021-l | [no description available] |
Monday_breakoutsessionleads-l | [no description available] |
Monday_speakers-l | [no description available] |
Muonedm-l | Muon Electric Dipole Moment (Muon EDM) Collaboration and friends |
NNN2015 | Announcements regarding the Next Nucleon Decay and Neutrino Detector Workshop 2015 at Stony Brook University |
Non-con-ed-presenters-l | [no description available] |
Npp-aac-l | NPP ALD Advisory Council |
Nptheory-l | [no description available] |
NSLS-II-Controls-l | NSLS-II Controls |
Nsls-ii-controls-users-l | [no description available] |
Nsls-ii-task-force-l | [no description available] |
Nsls-minutes-l | NSLS Weekly Users' Meeting minutes |
Nsls-uec-l | NSLS Users' Executive Committee |
nsls-x6b-l | NSLS X6B Beamline Announcements |
Nsls2-accelerator-l | NSLS-II Accelerator |
nsls2-beamline-controls-l | Discussion of NSLS-II beamline controls issues. |
Nsls2-beamline-l | NSLS-II Beamlines |
Nsls2-beamline-staff-l | NSLS-II Beamlines Staff |
Nsls2-cfnum-l | NSLS-II and CFN Users Meeting |
nsls2-cluster-l | [no description available] |
nsls2-computer-users-l | [no description available] |
nsls2-computing-notifications-l | Notifications for NSLS-II Computer Users |
Nsls2-csx-users-l | [no description available] |
Nsls2-ios-users-l | NSLS-II IOS (23-ID-2) Beamline Users |
Nsls2-plc-l | [no description available] |
NSLS2-SMI-L | Soft matter interfaces Beamline at NSLS-II |
Nsls2-tech-talk-l | [no description available] |
Nsls2-test-l | NSLS/NSLS-II testing mail distribution |
nsls2_srptf-l | [no description available] |
Nuhep-l | BNL Physics Deptartment Computer User e-mail list |
Onsite-daycare-l | Discussions on sustaining onsite daycare at BNL |
OpenMP-Users-L | [no description available] |
Opera-3d-users-l | [no description available] |
Opera-users-l | [no description available] |
OperandoIV-conference-l | [no description available] |
Ordoadmin-l | Administrators of Ordo clients |
Other_attendees-l | [no description available] |
Oysters-l | [no description available] |
P896-l | BNL Experiment P896 Private List |
Paccd-l | for interested in Precision Astronomy with fully depleted CCDs |
Parent-Support | Parents Support Group |
Pd-characterization-lar-l | [no description available] |
Phenix-admin-l | PHENIX Operations Adminstration |
Phenix-ar-l | [no description available] |
Phenix-comp-l | PHENIX Computing |
Phenix-electron-l | PHENIX upgrades for electrons -- incl low-mass dileptons |
Phenix-faq-l | PHENIX Frequently Asked Questions |
Phenix-forward-l | PHENIX forward upgrades (public list) |
Phenix-highpt-l | PHENIX upgrades to enhance high p_T capability |
Phenix-jobs-l | PHENIX Employment Opportunities |
Phenix-junior-l | PHENIX Junior Career Vulnerable Scientists |
Phenix-news-l | PHENIX News |
Phenix-silicon-l | PHENIX upgrades using silicon detectors |
Phenix-vis-l | PHENIX BNL visitors |
Photonscience-computing-support-l | Central Computing Support for Photon Sciences |
Phys-ml-contacts-l | Physics Dept AI/ML contacts |
Phys-npps-distsw-l | Distribution Computing SW |
Phys-npps-esi-l | [no description available] |
Phys-npps-members-bnl-l | NPPS BNLers |
Phys-soft-comp-l | NPPS S&C Community |
Physics-seminars-l | Physics Seminar Notification |
pico-l | picosecond timing |
PingPong-L | BNL BERA Table Tennis Club |
Pioneer-bnl-l | [no description available] |
Pistol-l | BERA Gun Club Pistol mailing list |
Potas-l | [no description available] |
pp2pp-l | pp2pp experiment discussions |
Puppet-users-l | BNL Puppet Community |
Qcdinnuclei-l | Informal discussion group for all aspects of QCD |
Qol-bera-recreation-l | [no description available] |
Quantastro-l | [no description available] |
RACF-Frontier-l | A mailing list for ATLAS Frontier and Squid deployment, test, and development discussion. |
Racf-gce-l | RACF GCE Mailing List |
Racf-pandaop-l | [no description available] |
Racf-storagemgmt-bots-l | Mailing list for automatic notification of the RACF Storage Management group |
Racf-storagemgmt-l | [no description available] |
Radiation-detector-l | Radiation Detector |
radioHEP-l | Cosmic Visions 21-cm group |
Rbrc-rt-l | Round Table Discussion List of RIKEN BNL Research Center Experimental Division |
Rhic-outreach-l | RHIC outreach contacts |
Rhic-rcf-l | RHIC Computing Facility |
Rhic-software-l | RHIC Software |
Rhicagsuec-exofficio-l | RHIC & AGS UEC Ex-Officio members |
Rhicagsuec-fpp-l | RHIC & AGS UEC Funding, Politics, & Programmatic Working Group |
Rhicagsuec-l | RHIC & AGS UEC members |
Rhicagsuec-mco-l | RHIC & AGS UEC Meetings,Communication, & Outreach Working Group |
Rhicagsuec-qol-l | RHIC & AGS UEC Quality of Life Working Group |
Rhicagsuec-sas-l | RHIC & AGS UEC Site Access & Science Working Group |
Rhiccontacts-l | RHIC Contacts |
Rhicii-em-l | Working group on electromagnetic probes. |
rhicII-science-l | Discussions for the upcoming series of workshops and subsequent working groups on RHIC II science |
Riken-l | [no description available] |
Rivet-ep-l | [no description available] |
Sbnd-l | [no description available] |
Sbu_attendees-l | [no description available] |
Scheduler-dev-l | Forum to discuss development work on the STAR Scheduler project |
Sciserver-csi-l | [no description available] |
Sdcc-staff-l | Scientific Data & Computing Center staff |
Sdcc_users-l | Scientific Data & Computing Center |
Silicon-detectors-l | Novel Silicon Detectors R&D Activities in Institutes around BNL area |
Snews-alert | This is the SNEWS Supernova Alert list |
Snews-alert-transfer | This is the SNEWS Supernova Alert list |
Snews-alert-transfer-w-archives | This is the SNEWS Supernova Alert list |
Snews-alert-transfer-with-archives | This is the SNEWS Supernova Alert list |
Snews-downtime | SNEWS Downtime |
Snews-wg | [no description available] |
Snews2.0-alert | SNEWS2 Next Galactic Supernova Alert mailing list |
Snews2.0-firedrill | SNEWS2.0 "firedrill" alert list |
Snnet | The SNEWS general discussion mailing list |
Soccer-l | BNL BERA Soccer Club |
sPH-CALO-2017-001-l | Discussion of sPHENIX note sPH-CALO-2017-001 |
sPH-CALO-2017-002-l | Discussion of sPHENIX note sPH-CALO-2017-002 |
sPH-cQCD-2017-001-l | Discussion of sPHENIX note sPH-cQCD-2017-001 |
sPH-cQCD-2017-002-l | Discussion of sPHENIX note sPH-cQCD-2017-002 |
sPH-GEN-2017-001-l | Discussion of sPHENIX run plan note |
sPH-HF-2017-001-l | sPHENIX - analysis note for HF-jet simulation |
sPH-HF-2017-002-l | sPHENIX |
sPH-JET-2017-001-l | sPHENIX Collaboration |
sPH-TRK-2017-001-l | sPHENIX Collaboration |
Sphenix-bulk-l | sPHENIX bulk physics topical group |
sPHENIX-calibration-l | [no description available] |
sPHENIX-cold-QCD-l | sPHENIX cold QCD topical group |
sPHENIX-EC-l | sPHENIX Executive Council |
sPHENIX-EIC-l | sPHENIX discussion of EIC issues |
sPHENIX-electronics-l | sPHENIX discussion of electronics |
sPHENIX-EMCal-l | sPHENIX EMCal discussion |
sPHENIX-forward-l | sPHENIX discussion of forward physics and instrumentation |
sPHENIX-HCal-l | sPHENIX HCal discussion |
sPHENIX-HF-jets-l | sPHENIX heavy flavor jet topical group |
sPHENIX-IB-l | sPHENIX Institutional Board |
sPHENIX-Infra-1 | [no description available] |
Sphenix-integration-l | sPHENIX integration effort |
Sphenix-intt-l | [no description available] |
Sphenix-irc01-l | [no description available] |
Sphenix-irc03-l | [no description available] |
sPHENIX-jet-structure-l | sPHENIX jet structure topical group |
sPHENIX-jobs-l | job announcements of interest to sPHENIX collaborators |
sPHENIX-juniors-l | To communicate with the juniors of the sPHENIX collaboration. |
sPHENIX-l | sPHENIX is a new detector at RHIC. |
sPHENIX-magnet-l | sPHENIX discussion of the superconducting solenoid |
sPHENIX-MAPS-l | sPHENIX MAPS tracker discussion |
Sphenix-mbd-l | sPHENIX MBD |
sPHENIX-notes-l | Generic discussion sPHENIX experiment |
sPHENIX-physics-l | sPHENIX discussion of physics |
sPHENIX-planning-l | sPHENIX Planning |
Sphenix-production-l | [no description available] |
Sphenix-rhic-l | [no description available] |
Sphenix-run-l | Commissioning and running of sPHENIX |
sPHENIX-sEPD-l | sPHENIX Event Plane Detector discussion |
sPHENIX-software-l | sPHENIX discussion of software |
Sphenix-test-l | [no description available] |
Sphenix-tpot-l | Discussion of the sPHENIX TPC Outer Tracker |
sPHENIX-tracking-l | sPHENIX tracking discussion |
sPHENIX-trigger-l | sPHENIX discussion of trigger and DAQ issues |
sPHENIX-upsilons-l | sPHENIX Upsilon topical group |
Sphenix-zdc-l | Discussion of sPHENIX ZDC, SMD, and local polarimetry |
Spin-discussion-l | RHIC Spin Collaboration Discussion List |
Sri2015-l | 12th Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation |
Star-antihe4-l | [no description available] |
Star-baryonjct-l | [no description available] |
Star-bes-paper-l | STAR BES paper writing committee |
Star-bnl-l | list for the STAR local BNL group + local guests |
Star-centrality-l | STAR centrality focus group |
Star-daq1000-l | STAR's DAQ Upgrade (DAQ1000) Mailing List |
Star-det-opr-l | Certified STAR detector Operators List |
Star-dilepton-l | [no description available] |
Star-dst-l | STAR experiment discussions on data formats (DST) |
Star-etof-l | STAR endcap time-of-flight upgrade |
Star-fcs-l | STAR forward calorimeters upgrade |
Star-fcv-l | STAR Flow, Chirality and Vorticity PWG |
Star-fms-l | STAR mailing list to discuss FMS matters |
Star-fwd-software-l | FWD Software |
Star-fwd-upgrade-l | [no description available] |
Star-gpc-299-l | STAR GPC #299 |
Star-gpc-326-l | [no description available] |
Star-gpc-327-l | STAR GPC 327 |
Star-gpc-328-l | STAR GPC 328 |
Star-gpc-329-l | STAR GPC 329 |
Star-gpc-330-l | STAR GPC 330 |
Star-gpc-331-l | STAR GPC #331 |
Star-gpc-332-l | STAR GPC #332 |
Star-gpc-333-l | STAR GPC #333 |
Star-gpc-334-l | STAR GPC #334 |
Star-gpc-335-l | STAR GPC #335 |
Star-gpc-336-l | STAR GPC #336 |
Star-gpc-337-l | STAR GPC #337 |
Star-gpc-338-l | STAR GPC #338 |
Star-gpc-339-l | STAR GPC #339 |
Star-gpc-340-l | STAR GPC #340 |
Star-gpc-341-l | STAR GPC #341 |
Star-gpc-342-l | STAR GPC #342 |
Star-gpc-343-l | STAR GPC #343 |
Star-gpc-344-l | STAR GPC #344 |
Star-gpc-345-l | STAR GPC #345 |
Star-gpc-346-l | STAR GPC #346 |
Star-gpc-347-l | STAR GPC #347 |
Star-gpc-350-l | STAR GPC #350 |
Star-gpc-351-l | STAR GPC #351 |
Star-gpc-352-l | STAR GPC #352 |
Star-gpc-353-l | STAR GPC #353 |
Star-gpc-354-l | STAR GPC #354 |
Star-gpc-355-l | STAR GPC #355 |
Star-gpc-372-l | [no description available] |
Star-gpc-374-l | [no description available] |
Star-gpc-375-l | [no description available] |
Star-gpc-376-l | [no description available] |
Star-gpc-377-l | [no description available] |
Star-gpc-378-l | [no description available] |
Star-gpc-379-l | [no description available] |
Star-gpc-380-l | [no description available] |
Star-gpc-381-l | [no description available] |
Star-gpc-382-l | [no description available] |
Star-gpc-383-l | [no description available] |
Star-gpc-384-l | [no description available] |
Star-gpc-385-l | [no description available] |
Star-howto-l | [no description available] |
Star-hp-l | STAR HardProbes PWG |
Star-jetfinding-l | Mailing list on jet finding with STAR |
Star-ml-forum-l | STAR ML/AI techniques discussion |
STAR-mtdtof-l | [no description available] |
Star-ops-l | STAR experiment operations mailing list |
Star-phys-l | STAR experiment physics discussions |
STAR-QAboard-l | STAR QA Board |
Star-rts-l | Run Time System - support and discussions related to STAR's online systems |
Star-scmgt-l | This is for high-level STAR software and computing discussion among S&C leaders and experts. |
Star-service-l | STAR service work committee |
Star-shiftcoordinator | [no description available] |
Star-softcoord-l | [no description available] |
Star-spin-l | STAR cold QCD / spin physics working group |
Star-stgc-l | STAR sTGC upgrade |
Star-talks-l | [no description available] |
Star-tcd-l | STAR's TCD Users List |
Star-tf-trkeff-l | STAR task force for evaluating tracking efficiency uncertainty |
Star-tf-tunepy-l | STAR task force for tuning PYTHIA |
Star-tpccalrev-l | [no description available] |
Star-tracking-l | STAR Tacking Software Group |
Star-triggerboard-l | STAR trigger board mailing list |
Starbnlg-l | STAR BNL group issues and discussions |
Starcalib-l | [no description available] |
Starcoun-l | STAR Council Members |
Stardaqimp-l | [no description available] |
Starembd-l | STAR Embedding issues and discussions |
stargmt-l | STAR GMT assembly and start-up discussions |
Stargrid-l | STAR activities in the particle physics data grid |
Starheavyiongroup-l | [no description available] |
Starhft-det-l | STAR HFT subsystem detectors PXL,IST,SSD |
Starhft-int-l | STAR HFT integration issues and discussion |
StarHFT-l | Mailing list for the HFT |
Starhft-soft-l | STAR HFT software discussion |
Starjuniors-l | STAR Juniors |
Starmail-l | General STAR Exp. |
Starpapers-l | STAR Papers Discussion List |
Starpp2pp-l | Mailing list for pp2pp at STAR |
Starprod-l | discussion list for all aspects of STAR's offline data production |
Starqa-l | STAR discussions on Quality Assurance |
Starsimu-l | [no description available] |
Starsoft-l | STAR Software issues of broad interest |
StarSSD-l | Mailing list for the STAR SSD |
Starstc-l | Internal deliberations of STAR talks committee |
StarTalks-l | Internal deliberations of STAR talks committee |
startrg-l | STAR trigger email list |
Summer-camp-l | [no description available] |
Surge-collaboration | Communication for SURGE Collaboration |
Swim-l | BNL Swim Club |
SysAdmin-l | BNL System Administrators |
Teambrewcrew | [no description available] |
Techqm-eloss-l | [no description available] |
Throughput-l | [no description available] |
Tuesday_moderatorandpanelists-l | [no description available] |
Tuesday_speakers-l | [no description available] |
Uboone-bnl-l | [no description available] |
Ultimate-l | BNL BERA Ultimate Frisbee Club |
Us-lsd-rd-l | US Liquid Scintillator Detector R&D. |
Usatlas-bnlcomp-l | U.S. ATLAS computing at BNL |
Usatlas-cernstaff-l | [no description available] |
Usatlas-compcontacts-l | U.S. ATLAS Computing Contacts Mailing List |
Usatlas-compnom-l | U.S. ATLAS Computing Nominations Mailing List |
Usatlas-computing-l | U.S. ATLAS Computing Mailing List |
Usatlas-computing-management-l | U.S. ATLAS Computing Management Mailing List |
Usatlas-csc-l | US ATLAS Cathode Strip Chamber Group |
Usatlas-ddm-l | Atlas Distributed Data Management deployment and support |
Usatlas-diskcleanup-notify-l | [no description available] |
Usatlas-faculty-l | [no description available] |
USATLAS-FederatedOps-l | U.S. ATLAS Federated Operations Support Team Mailing List |
Usatlas-grid-l | U.S. ATLAS Computing Grid Discussions |
Usatlas-heavyion-l | For exchange of information for those interested in discussion of heavy ion physics with the ATLAS detector. |
Usatlas-hllhc-computing-l | US ATLAS HL-LHC computing discussion |
Usatlas-hllhc-l1global-l | U.S. ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade L1Global Mailing List |
Usatlas-hllhc-l2deputymgmt-doe-l | U.S. ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade Level 2 and Deputies-DOE only Management Mailing List |
Usatlas-hllhc-l2deputymgmt-l | U.S. ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade Level 2 and Deputies Management Mailing List |
Usatlas-hllhc-l2deputymgmt-nsf-l | U.S. ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade Level 2 and Deputies-NSF only Management Mailing List |
Usatlas-hllhc-l2l3-l | U.S. ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade Level 2 and Level 3 Managers Mailing List |
Usatlas-hllhc-l2l3ics-l | U.S. ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade Level 2 and Level 3 Managers and Institute Contacts |
Usatlas-hllhc-l2mgmt-l | U.S. ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade Level 2 Management Mailing List |
Usatlas-hllhc-lartl2l3-l | U.S. ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade LAr Level 2 and Level 3 Managers Mailing List |
Usatlas-hllhc-management-l | U.S. ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade Management Discussion |
Usatlas-hllhc-POmgmt-l | U.S. ATLAS Project Office |
Usatlas-ib-l | U.S. ATLAS Institutional Board |
Usatlas-jig-l | U.S. ATLAS Joint Integration Group (JIG) |
Usatlas-l | U.S. ATLAS general mailing list |
Usatlas-l1-managers-l | [no description available] |
Usatlas-l2-managers-l | [no description available] |
Usatlas-mac-l | U.S. ATLAS Management Advisory Committee |
Usatlas-management-board-l | U.S. ATLAS Management Board Mailing List |
Usatlas-prodsys-l | US ATLAS production & distributed analysis mailing list |
Usatlas-qcd-l | US ATLAS QCD Group |
Usatlas-rac-l | US ATLAS Resource Allocation Committee |
Usatlas-safety-notify-l | U.S. ATLAS Safety Notifications |
Usatlas-sharedt3-l | U.S. ATLAS Computing Mailing List |
Usatlas-sm-l | U.S. ATLAS sub-system Managers |
Usatlas-studentwb-l | U.S. ATLAS Institutional Board |
Usatlas-support-l | Provide a forum to discuss issues and problems when run applications on Open Science Grid |
Usatlas-t2-l | US ATLAS Tier 2 contacts |
Usatlas-tdaq-phase2-construction-l | US-ATLAS TDAQ Phase-II Construction Project planning |
Usatlas-tier3support-l | U.S. Atlas Tier 3 support list |
Usatlas-u-l2-l | U.S. ATLAS Upgrade Construction Level 2 Managers Mailing List |
Usatlas-u-l2l3-l | U.S. ATLAS Upgrade Construction Level 2 and Level 3 Managers Mailing List |
Usatlas-u-l2l3mgmt-l | U.S. ATLAS Upgrade Construction Level 2 and Level 3 Management Mailing List |
Usatlas-u-l2mgmt-l | U.S. ATLAS Upgrade Construction Level 2 Management Mailing List |
Usatlas-u-pag-l | U.S. ATLAS Phase I Upgrade - Project Advisory Group |
Usatlas-u2-mno-l | U.S. ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade M&O Mailing List |
Usatlas-upgrade-ph1-lar | Phase-I LAr upgrade principals |
Usatlas-upgrade_rnd-l | U.S. ATLAS Upgrade R&D Mailing List |
Usatlas-users-l | U.S. ATLAS Computing Facility users |
Usatlas-wbs23-l | US ATLAS WBS Area 2.3 Facilities |
Usatlas-wbs23-mgt-l | US ATLAS WBS Area 2.3 Managers |
Users-center-employee-facility-users-l | BNL employees who are users of a CAD facility |
Users-center-pr-contacts-l | Users' Center public relations contacts |
Userscenter-cc | [no description available] |
Userscenter_rhic_news_distribution-l | Distribution list for RHIC Newsletter |
Userscenter_rhic_news_editorial-l | Editorial Board for RHIC Newsletter |
Userscentercontacts-l | RHIC & AGS experimental admin/secretarial staff |
USNDP-l | [no description available] |
Usqcd-scidac5-wp1-l | [no description available] |
Usqcd-scidac5-wp2-l | [no description available] |
Usqcd-scidac5-wp3-l | [no description available] |
Vb-l | BERA Volleyball Club |
Vendors-l | NSLS-ll and CFN Users' Meeting Exhibitors |
Virtual-programs-l | [no description available] |
Virtual-swim-l | [no description available] |
Vtcwg-l | Video Teleconferencing Working Group |
Wbls-analysis-l | WBLS simulation and analysis group |
WBLS-l | Water-based Liquid Scintilator |
Wbls-r-and-d-l | Water Based Liquid Scintillator R and D list. |
Windows-working-group-l | Discussion of issues affecting Windows Operating systems |
Winp-3nu | [no description available] |
Winp-astronu | [no description available] |
Winp-large | [no description available] |
Winp-nuint | [no description available] |
Winp-nuprop | [no description available] |
Winp-rd | [no description available] |
Winp-reactor | [no description available] |
Winp-sbn | [no description available] |
Winp-small | WINP "small" (self-contained) experiments |
Winp-source | [no description available] |
Winp-sterile | [no description available] |
Winp-theory | [no description available] |
Winp-upgrade | [no description available] |
Workflow-l | [no description available] |
Workshop_attendees-l | [no description available] |
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