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eic-dsg-l - Re: [EIC-dsg-l] [Sphenix-cold-qcd-l] EIC Detector Study Group / sPHENIX Cold QCD TG meeting Monday night at 8:30pm ET

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  • From: "Aidala, Christine" <caidala AT>
  • To: Nils Feege <nils.feege AT>, "eic-dsg-l AT" <eic-dsg-l AT>, "sphenix-cold-qcd-l AT" <sphenix-cold-qcd-l AT>
  • Subject: Re: [EIC-dsg-l] [Sphenix-cold-qcd-l] EIC Detector Study Group / sPHENIX Cold QCD TG meeting Monday night at 8:30pm ET
  • Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2018 02:31:56 +0000



Qinghua Xu (Shandong U.) – sTGC Development for the STAR Forward Upgrade


Qinghua Xu joined as a guest speaker to tell us about ongoing small-strip Thin Gap Chamber development at Shandong U. for the STAR forward upgrade.  Shandong U. is already producing sTGC modules for the ATLAS muon trigger upgrade.  So far a spatial resolution of ~100 microns has been achieved for a single layer prototype for ATLAS.  We’ve been discussing ~50 microns for EIC tracking stations (currently implemented as GEMs in GEANT); sTGCs may be a viable option for hadron-direction tracking by the time of the EIC (or for forward instrumentation for hadronic collisions at sPHENIX in the nearer-term future).  sTGCs have a fast response and good timing resolution—95% of total hits contained within 25 ns window.  STAR forward tracking upgrade design has been changed from 6 layers of silicon to 3 layers of silicon plus 4 sTGCs, giving significant cost savings.  Material budget of sTGCs ~0.5% radiation length per layer.



Christine Aidala and Nils Feege – Update on LOI


A summary of recent and ongoing activities was given—we’ve got a lot going on!  Thoughts on strategies for the LOI were discussed; see the slides.  It was noted that EMCal coverage without gaps should be considered essential, not optional, for an EIC detector.  One goal of the LOI that came out of discussions at the workfest at BNL last week was that it should identify directions for further development and targeted R&D toward the realization of an EIC detector based on sPHENIX. 


The idea of a possible global shift in the collision vertex and/or a shift in the detector position within the IR was discussed.  Athira K V (Michigan) is already starting to look at this in simulations.  Christine will follow up on her previous conversation with Vadim Ptitsyn of C-AD regarding what would be possible from the machine side.  sPHENIX as a whole  will be built on rails and movable.  The Central EMCal is also being built to slide on a rail and will potentially be movable separately from the solenoid and Central HCal; sliding it toward the electron-going direction could possibly be an effective way to cover the gap at negative eta.  We should do a bit more homework in thinking about this, then follow up with focused engineering questions for Don Lynch.



From: sPHENIX-cold-QCD-l <sphenix-cold-qcd-l-bounces AT> On Behalf Of Nils Feege
Sent: Friday, June 8, 2018 12:41 PM
To: eic-dsg-l AT; sphenix-cold-qcd-l AT
Subject: [Sphenix-cold-qcd-l] EIC Detector Study Group / sPHENIX Cold QCD TG meeting Monday night at 8:30pm ET


Dear EIC and Cold QCD enthusiasts,


our next meeting is scheduled for


Monday, June 11th, 8:30pm ET.


The meeting is BlueJeans only ( with the agenda evolving at


We will have a presentation by Qinghua Xu on the sTGC development at SDU for the STAR forward upgrade.


If you would also like to present something, great! Please let us know and we will reserve a spot for you on the agenda.



Christine Aidala & Nils Feege



Dr. Nils Feege

Research Assistant Professor


SUNY at Stony Brook

Department of Physics & Astronomy

Stony Brook, NY 11794-3800


e-mail nils.feege AT

skype nils1920

phone +1-631-632-8710


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