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eic-dsg-l - Re: [EIC-dsg-l] [Minutes] [Sphenix-cold-qcd-l] Next EIC Detector Study Group / sPHENIX Cold QCD TG meeting on Monday, June 25th, evening at 8:30pm ET

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  • From: "Aidala, Christine" <caidala AT>
  • To: "eic-dsg-l AT" <eic-dsg-l AT>, "sphenix-cold-qcd-l AT" <sphenix-cold-qcd-l AT>
  • Subject: Re: [EIC-dsg-l] [Minutes] [Sphenix-cold-qcd-l] Next EIC Detector Study Group / sPHENIX Cold QCD TG meeting on Monday, June 25th, evening at 8:30pm ET
  • Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2018 02:13:02 +0000

Below are minutes from today’s meeting.





Carlos Perez Lara – Additions to EIC tracking


Tracking code now configured to use MAPS/TPC and Vertical Forward and Backward GEMs together.  MC truth still being used instead of pattern recognition.  Now separate radial, phi, and longitudinal resolutions enabled in the code for all tracking subsystems, with placeholders enabled for efficiency and noise as well.


p. 7 (and 9) – Not clear why efficiency changes so much far from midrapidity.  Most of the losses are due to the track fitting failing rather than the non-Gaussian shape of the fits.  Will be investigated further.  Important to have better than 10% efficiency at maximum/minimum pseudorapidities.


p. 8 – Will look into why midrapidity momentum resolution for 2 GeV appears to be worse than for higher momenta. 


p. 9 – Higher tracking efficiency in forward direction due to geometry—more tracking stations and longer lever arm.



Kara Mattioli – Update on charm tagging with EIC-sPHENIX


Studies so far studies at event generator level for various processes leading to open charm.  Planning to investigate charm measurements via both displaced vertex tagging and D -> pi K reconstruction. 


Low multiplicity environment of EIC will degrade primary and thus secondary vertex resolution—will see by how much compared to p+p collisions at sPHENIX.  Low multiplicity environment will in contrast offer an advantage to pi K reconstruction due to low combinatorial background. 


No convenient event generator available to study e+A, but can at least look at e+p with 100 GeV proton beam as the relevant beam energy for heavy ions, which should lead to nearly the same kinematics, even though the overall event multiplicities wouldn’t be the same as for e+A.



Joe Osborn – Extended barrel calorimeter in EIC-sPHENIX GEANT4 simulation


The default Central EMCal in the EIC GEANT simulation now covers an extended pseudorapidity range from -1.4 < eta < +1.1, implemented as a simpler (than the actual sPHENIX CEMC in GEANT) sampling shashlik calorimeter.  It’s straightforward for users to modify this eta range.  The energy resolution was tuned to match the energy resolution for the actual sPHENIX CEMC.  The geometry is 2-D projective, also for user-modified eta coverage.  Existing clustering code works with this version of the Central EMCal. 






From: Aidala, Christine
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2018 2:25 PM
To: 'Nils Feege' <nils.feege AT>; sphenix-cold-qcd-l AT; eic-dsg-l AT
Subject: RE: [Sphenix-cold-qcd-l] Next EIC Detector Study Group / sPHENIX Cold QCD TG meeting on Monday, June 25th, evening at 8:30pm ET


Dear all,


A correction to the announced agenda: Kara Mattioli will be presenting on charm tagging.




From: sPHENIX-cold-QCD-l <sphenix-cold-qcd-l-bounces AT> On Behalf Of Nils Feege
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2018 1:04 PM
To: sphenix-cold-qcd-l AT; eic-dsg-l AT
Subject: [Sphenix-cold-qcd-l] Next EIC Detector Study Group / sPHENIX Cold QCD TG meeting on Monday, June 25th, evening at 8:30pm ET


Dear EIC and Cold QCD enthusiasts,


our next meeting is scheduled for


Monday, June 25th, 8:30pm ET.


The meeting is BlueJeans only ( with the agenda evolving at We'll hear from Carlos about forward/backward tracking with EIC-sPHENIX, from Cynthia about charm tagging, and from Joe about extending the barrel electromagnetic calorimeter in our Geant4 simulation.


We look forward to hearing you at the meeting.



Christine Aidala & Nils Feege



Dr. Nils Feege

Research Assistant Professor


SUNY at Stony Brook

Department of Physics & Astronomy

Stony Brook, NY 11794-3800


e-mail nils.feege AT

skype nils1920

phone +1-631-632-8710


  • Re: [EIC-dsg-l] [Minutes] [Sphenix-cold-qcd-l] Next EIC Detector Study Group / sPHENIX Cold QCD TG meeting on Monday, June 25th, evening at 8:30pm ET, Aidala, Christine, 06/25/2018

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