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[Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Proposal to Jamie for 1/2 FTE new EIC sw effort
- From: Torre Wenaus <wenaus AT>
- To: NPPS leadership team <Phys-npps-mgmt-l AT>, Maxim Potekhin <potekhin AT>
- Subject: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Proposal to Jamie for 1/2 FTE new EIC sw effort
- Date: Wed, 27 May 2020 11:59:41 -0400
Hi all,
I plan to make the following proposal to Jamie following discussion among the EIC SW WG conveners. If you think it is misguided, or you have any comments at all, please let me know!
Hi Jamie,
A couple questions about EIC software support. The deadline for new EIC detector R&D proposals is coming next month. Up to now we've relied on a small allocation to software consortium R&D to support travel. That account (which I manage now) is down to $7k or so. How can we replenish our travel funds? A new software R&D proposal is probably not the sensible way to do it. Can we get $20k or so (when we start to travel again) from your detector budget?
The other question is about effort. I haven't forgotten that you have allocated 1/2 FTE for PHENIX data & analysis preservation :-) I haven't found a way to use it on an existing person. I have been looking for an opportunity to add a complementary 1/2 FTE to turn it into a full person we can hire, and I think there's a good case now for the other 1/2 FTE to be EIC software support, with another 1/2 FTE of new EIC software support being requested to JLab by Markus (which would presumably be applied to JLab based effort). Here's why we need an additional FTE of EIC software support.
In EIC software, the YR developments and the most recent workshop last week have clarified our needs. The suite of simu tools we support in the software working group are accepted and in use across the YR working groups. It is clear that for the indefinite future we will have two full simu + reco frameworks, fun4all and escalate (g4e + jana2). Actually we have three because EicRoot is still getting a lot of use. On the fast simu side we support one, eic-smear, though some in the community are using delphes. What is clear now, and what we're getting requests for, is we need cross-validation between these tools. Between full and full, fast and full, and fast and fast if delphes catches on. We are going to ask Kolja to help here, in the context of eic-smear; he can help both with the general infrastructure and applying it to eic-smear. But he can't do it all, and the software working group conveners are asking for help in the form of an FTE of new postdoc-level effort. This effort would be used to help develop the infrastructure (common format for kinematic outputs from simu and reco, standard set of validation ntuples and plots, validation workflows, etc.) and to perform the validation of our supported software packages and cross-validation between them.
I am asking you for 1/2 FTE postdoc level support, which I could combine with the DAP support to hire someone. DAP and the validation work fit very well; validation is part of DAP. And Markus is asking JLab management for 1/2 FTE support. The two labs collaborating to support an FTE worth of effort (across two people) on a task that is manifestly important and generic -- and which is all the more important because we have not converged on one framework, though the work would be needed even if we had -- would be a very good message of support for the immediate software needs of EIC.
Interested to hear what you think on these points.
A couple questions about EIC software support. The deadline for new EIC detector R&D proposals is coming next month. Up to now we've relied on a small allocation to software consortium R&D to support travel. That account (which I manage now) is down to $7k or so. How can we replenish our travel funds? A new software R&D proposal is probably not the sensible way to do it. Can we get $20k or so (when we start to travel again) from your detector budget?
The other question is about effort. I haven't forgotten that you have allocated 1/2 FTE for PHENIX data & analysis preservation :-) I haven't found a way to use it on an existing person. I have been looking for an opportunity to add a complementary 1/2 FTE to turn it into a full person we can hire, and I think there's a good case now for the other 1/2 FTE to be EIC software support, with another 1/2 FTE of new EIC software support being requested to JLab by Markus (which would presumably be applied to JLab based effort). Here's why we need an additional FTE of EIC software support.
In EIC software, the YR developments and the most recent workshop last week have clarified our needs. The suite of simu tools we support in the software working group are accepted and in use across the YR working groups. It is clear that for the indefinite future we will have two full simu + reco frameworks, fun4all and escalate (g4e + jana2). Actually we have three because EicRoot is still getting a lot of use. On the fast simu side we support one, eic-smear, though some in the community are using delphes. What is clear now, and what we're getting requests for, is we need cross-validation between these tools. Between full and full, fast and full, and fast and fast if delphes catches on. We are going to ask Kolja to help here, in the context of eic-smear; he can help both with the general infrastructure and applying it to eic-smear. But he can't do it all, and the software working group conveners are asking for help in the form of an FTE of new postdoc-level effort. This effort would be used to help develop the infrastructure (common format for kinematic outputs from simu and reco, standard set of validation ntuples and plots, validation workflows, etc.) and to perform the validation of our supported software packages and cross-validation between them.
I am asking you for 1/2 FTE postdoc level support, which I could combine with the DAP support to hire someone. DAP and the validation work fit very well; validation is part of DAP. And Markus is asking JLab management for 1/2 FTE support. The two labs collaborating to support an FTE worth of effort (across two people) on a task that is manifestly important and generic -- and which is all the more important because we have not converged on one framework, though the work would be needed even if we had -- would be a very good message of support for the immediate software needs of EIC.
Interested to hear what you think on these points.
-- Torre Wenaus, BNL NPPS Group, ATLAS Experiment
-- NPPS Mattermost room:
[Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Proposal to Jamie for 1/2 FTE new EIC sw effort,
Torre Wenaus, 05/27/2020
Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Proposal to Jamie for 1/2 FTE new EIC sw effort,
Laycock, Paul, 05/27/2020
Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Proposal to Jamie for 1/2 FTE new EIC sw effort,
Torre Wenaus, 05/28/2020
Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Proposal to Jamie for 1/2 FTE new EIC sw effort,
Laycock, Paul, 05/28/2020
- Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Proposal to Jamie for 1/2 FTE new EIC sw effort, Torre Wenaus, 05/28/2020
Message not available
Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Proposal to Jamie for 1/2 FTE new EIC sw effort,
Alexander Kiselev, 05/28/2020
- Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Proposal to Jamie for 1/2 FTE new EIC sw effort, Torre Wenaus, 05/28/2020
Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Proposal to Jamie for 1/2 FTE new EIC sw effort,
Alexander Kiselev, 05/28/2020
Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Proposal to Jamie for 1/2 FTE new EIC sw effort,
Laycock, Paul, 05/28/2020
Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Proposal to Jamie for 1/2 FTE new EIC sw effort,
Torre Wenaus, 05/28/2020
Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Proposal to Jamie for 1/2 FTE new EIC sw effort,
Laycock, Paul, 05/27/2020
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