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phys-npps-mgmt-l - [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] ROOT: Jira -> GitHub

phys-npps-mgmt-l AT

Subject: NPPS Leadership Team

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Chronological Thread  
  • From: Brett Viren <bv AT>
  • To: Phys-npps-mgmt-l AT
  • Subject: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] ROOT: Jira -> GitHub
  • Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2020 09:15:52 -0400

Probably you all saw this:

It may be a useful ingredient in deciding to use Jira for EIC or other
BNL related stuff.

Their main arguments appear to be:

- increase population of potential issue submitters by using a larger
authentication pool (GitHub > CERN GitLab or CERN Jira)

- gain related GitHub integrations for servicing issues (GitHub

- a neutral change w.r.t. "open source'ness" (GitHub vs Jira)


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