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Subject: NPPS Leadership Team
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- From: Torre Wenaus <wenaus AT>
- To: NPPS leadership team <Phys-npps-mgmt-l AT>
- Subject: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Fwd: Vince
- Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2021 12:49:51 -0400
From: Torre Wenaus <wenaus AT>
Date: Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 12:35 PM
Subject: Re: Vince
To: Rajagopalan, Srini <srinir AT>
Cc: Ma, Hong <hma AT>, Klimentov, Alexei <aak AT>, Butehorn, Charles J <butehorn AT>
Thanks Srini for your support! I had a very positive conversation today with Meifeng and Shantenu on having a Physics component to Vince Pascuzzi’s work. Summary:
CSI anticipates two projects for him: complex workflows with Shantenu, and HEP-CCE PPS with Meifeng (Vince is currently working on PPS at LBNL, so good continuity)
Meifeng’s interest is in having him work on ACTS in PPS (we (ATLAS) succeeded in having PPS accept ACTS as a targeted app)
We in Physics completely share the ACTS interest, both for ATLAS and sPHENIX (and very likely EIC). Finally we can begin building up some in-house ACTS expertise rather than just training up an ORNL person :-) ACTS work involves not only accelerators but AI/ML as well, where we also need to build expertise.
Proposed division of his time is 40% Shantenu/workflow, 30% Meifeng/PPS, 30% Physics/PPS. The PPS work would be one coherent work program centered on ACTS, so his project split would be 40/60 workflow/ACTS.
From Physics we would treat Vince as an NPPS group member, in which context we can connect his ACTS work to ATLAS, sPHENIX and others.
Vince’s career path interest is CS more than physics, his career advancement will depend on CSI and a CS publication record, making me think it would be best to collaborate on the basis of Vince being a full CSI employee, rather than a joint appointment with Physics. But I have no experience with joint appointments, maybe there are considerations I’m not aware of.
We agree that the complex workflow program is not part of the collaboration at this point. Of course over time it would be very desirable to leverage that 40% of Vince too, but that’s a different discussion for later.
Vince will start with BNL on Sep 7, if plans hold, and will move to LI not long thereafter. Oct 1 would be a natural date to start the collaboration if it proves possible, else asap thereafter.
So, bottom line, an investment from us to support 30% of Vince, leveraging a valuable program on ACTS occupying 60% of his time, the program agreed between us and Meifeng. A one year plan for now with the expectation that it continues if it goes well and funds are available. Sound OK? Comments?
This is fine. Go ahead. There is some Lali funds left.. can cover for first year in a separate account - Chuck knows the details. Use that.
It would be good to define the scope of work and make sure we can agree.
I assume no M&O support for authorship is needed.
- [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Fwd: Vince, Torre Wenaus, 07/28/2021
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