HI Gunther and Dave, It seems neither Cameron or me can post slides on the indico page.. attached. Cheers, Cameron & Ming ----- 
| Dr. Ming Xiong Liu P-3, MS H846 Physics Division Office: 505.667.7125 Mobile: 505.412.7396 Los Alamos National Laboratory lanl.gov    
-- From: sPHENIX-l <sphenix-l-bounces AT lists.bnl.gov> on behalf of Gunther Roland <rolandg AT mit.edu> Date: Friday, May 7, 2021 at 8:50 AM To: "sphenix-l AT lists.bnl.gov" <sphenix-l AT lists.bnl.gov> Subject: [Sphenix-l] Final reminder: Meeting this Friday, 5/7, noon: Future sPHENIX physics organization Friends, A reminder regarding our meeting at noon today, where we will try to collect ideas from the collaboration on the organization of our future physics effort. There still is space on the agenda for a couple of more short presentations - please let us know if you would like to be added. Access key is "babar1008".
Friends, We have prepared a rudimentary agenda for this Friday's brainstorming/discussion meeting: To allow as many collaborators as possible to present their views (in particular graduate students and postdocs), we are proposing a 1-2 slide flash talk/elevator pitch format for the initial round of presentations, followed by a discussion session. As we follow up on this initial brainstorming session, there will be time for more elaborate presentations in future meetings. If you have slides you would like to show, please send them to us and we will upload them in advance, or let us know that you would like to speak, and we will make a place-holder entry on the agenda. We would like to again encourage grad students and postdocs - you will be key to the sPHENIX physics effort - now is the opportunity to help create the organization that will best support your future work! Even if not presenting a complete vision of what the organization should look like, any input on elements to include or avoid will be appreciated (as long as it fits on two slides).
Dear Collaborators,
As we announced at last Friday's GM we will have a discussion/brainstorming meeting this Friday, 5/7, noon-2PM, on the evolution of the sPHENIX physics organization. We have sent a special invitation to the current and past TG conveners (copied below), but hope for broad participation from the collaboration.
In particular, we look for input from the younger members of the collaboration, but also from collaborators who served in leadership roles in the physics organizations of other RHIC collaborations and the LHC experiments.
Any input prior to the meeting, e,g. in the form of an org-chart sketch illustrating your ideas, would be particularly helpful! Of course, even more interesting would be to hear ideas on non-traditional approaches to organizing the physics effort.
Gunther and Dave
Dear present and former Topical Group conveners,
As we get closer to the commissioning and data taking period we should continue the evolution of the collaboration structure, e.g., in terms of physics groups, overall physics coordination, physics object reconstruction, etc etc.
We would like to call a meeting on Fri, May 7, noon-2PM (*) to start this discussion. As many of you have experience both in the sPHENIX TGs and in other experiments, we look forward to suggestions on ideas and best practices sPHENIX should consider for its overall physics enterprise.
Some obvious topics to think about: - What is the right number of physics/topical groups (PAGs in CMS jargon)? - Which topical groups should be added/subtracted/merged? - Should there be "physics object groups" (POGs in CMS jargon) responsible for objects like e.g., jets, e/gamma, tracks, centrality, HF? - Do we need a formal mechanism coordinating the physics effort (e.g., CMS "Physics coordination" incl. PAG and POG conveners)? how should that operate? - Should there be Physics Co-Coordinators? Number, term, charge? - What is the mechanism for forming an author team? - ....
To start this discussion with a diverse set of ideas, we would like to ask each of you to individually prepare a sketch (org chart, w/o names) of a possible vision for the sPHENIX physics organization to be presented at the 5/7 meeting. We will also ask other interested collaborators to prepare contributions.
Gunther and Dave
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