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- From: "Li, Xuan" <xuanli AT lanl.gov>
- To: "sphenix-l AT lists.bnl.gov" <sphenix-l AT lists.bnl.gov>
- Subject: [Sphenix-l] 2023 APS April meeting abstract deadline extended
- Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2023 19:11:15 +0000
Dear All,
I was contacted by the 2023 APS April meeting organizers about the abstract submission and the submission deadline has been extended to Jan. 17, 2023. This will be a good conference to present all recent physics studies (but not limited to) by the
sPHENIX colleagues. You could see more information below:
Best Regards.
April meeting abstract submission extension
Dear Members of the DNP,
The April meeting submission deadline has been extended until Tuesday, January 17. The submissions link is
In addition to the usual sorting categories, there are a number of mini-symposia that are accepting abstracts. These sorting categories are:
D17a) AI for Nuclear and Particle Physics
D17b) EIC Physics Before the EIC: Ultraperipheral Collisions at RHIC and the LHC
D17c) Hadron Spectra as Probes of QCD
D17d) Heavy Flavor Production from Heavy Ion to Electron-Ion Collisions
D17e) Lepton Number Violation
D17f) Multi-messenger Astrophysics and Nuclear Physics
D17g) New Techniques and Challenges for BSM Physics Using Rare Isotopes
D17h) New Theoretical Developments in Hot and Dense QCD
D17i) Opportunities with JLab Upgrades in Energy, Luminosity, and a Positron Beam
D17j) Quantum Information and Quantum Sensing
D17k) Toward an Effective Field Theory Description of Nuclear Forces
I am sorry about the late reminder about the extension but I did not know that the deadline had been extended until Thursday afternoon. I hope many of you will still consider submitting abstracts to the meeting.
best regards,
Ramona Vogt
DNP Secretary-Treasurer
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[Sphenix-l] 2023 APS April meeting abstract deadline extended,
Li, Xuan, 01/13/2023
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