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sphenix-l - [[Sphenix-l] ] Can Run-24 be extended?

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Subject: sPHENIX is a new detector at RHIC.

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  • From: David Morrison <morrison AT>
  • To: "sphenix-l AT" <sphenix-l AT>
  • Subject: [[Sphenix-l] ] Can Run-24 be extended?
  • Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 11:35:01 -0400

Dear collaborators,

Thanks to the successful efforts of many people, sPHENIX is now firing on all cylinders, taking data toward our full menu of physics goals.  At the same time, the nominal end of Run-24 is rapidly approaching.  You might have noticed this passage in the mini-PAC report we sent around on August 19:

[...] the best course of action as of 8/19 would likely be for sPHENIX
to be given additional time to implement their full detector suite, including the TPC, before
beginning the four weeks of high luminosity pp data-taking. This might require BNL to seek
additional resources to extend Run 24 to allow four weeks of high luminosity p+p data taking with
the full array of sPHENIX detectors as well as the three weeks of AuAu running that is absolutely
essential for commissioning and preparation for Run 25

With this sage advice from the PAC in mind, Gunther and I met with ALD Abhay Deshpande, Wolfram Fischer, and Jamie Dunlop on Friday to discuss the possibility of extending Run-24.  An extension would require approval from DOE ONP, and Abhay indicated a willingness to broach the subject with them -- but also that he'd need convincing projections of the physics impact for that discussion to be productive.  Again, many people have stepped up to provide very useful plots quantifying the effects of a few week extension.  These positive effects are super-linear in the additional time.  Yes, you collect more data, but you can also invest a bit of the extra time to try some DAQ adjustments that might have a big payoff -- changes that you wouldn't be willing to try if the time were short.

Abhay has also asked us to answer the obvious next question: "Suppose DOE says, these two or three weeks come out of Run-25, would you still want to pursue them at this time?"  We think the answer is "yes", mainly because our "RAA" measurements will be limited by the pp statistics.

We'll keep you in the loop!

Dave and Gunther

David Morrison Brookhaven National Laboratory phone: 631-344-5840
Physics Department, Bldg 510 C fax: 631-344-3253
Upton, NY 11973-5000 email: dave AT

  • [[Sphenix-l] ] Can Run-24 be extended?, David Morrison, 08/26/2024

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