sphenix-l AT lists.bnl.gov
Subject: sPHENIX is a new detector at RHIC.
List archive
- From: Anne Sickles <sickles AT illinois.edu>
- To: sphenix-l AT lists.bnl.gov
- Subject: [[Sphenix-l] ] formation of IRC08
- Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2025 14:27:01 -0600
Hi all,
I'm happy to announce the formation of IRC08 (dijets in pp). The IRC is
Bill Llope (chair), Dhanush Hangel & Ben Kimelman
The IRC should proceed to meet with the PPG and their work.
As always, the status of the various PPGs/IRCs can be found in the wiki here: https://wiki.sphenix.bnl.gov/index.php?title=AnalysisTracking#sPHENIX_PPGs
Anne Sickles
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
sickles AT illinois.edu
- [[Sphenix-l] ] formation of IRC08, Anne Sickles, 02/20/2025
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