sphenix-l AT lists.bnl.gov
Subject: sPHENIX is a new detector at RHIC.
List archive
- 25/02/01
- 25/02/04
- [[Sphenix-l] ] Abstract Submitting, Weihu Ma
- Re: [[Sphenix-l] ] Abstract Submitting, Perepelitsa, Dennis
- Re: [[Sphenix-l] ] Abstract Submitting, Megan Connors
- Re: [[Sphenix-l] ] Abstract Submitting, Weihu Ma
- 25/02/06
- [[Sphenix-l] ] sPHENIX Publication Board Nominations, Megan Connors
- [[Sphenix-l] ] sPHENIX speakers bureau nominations, Megan Connors
- [[Sphenix-l] ] No PCM this week, Perepelitsa, Dennis
- [[Sphenix-l] ] uBNL Journal Club Wednesday, Feb 12, 4:00 pm - EPOS, Gabor David
- [[Sphenix-l] ] INTT ladder NIM paper review, Megan Connors
- [[Sphenix-l] ] Reminder - uBNL Journal Club today, Feb 12, 4:00 pm, Gabor David
- Re: [[Sphenix-l] ] INTT ladder NIM paper review, Megan Connors
- [[Sphenix-l] ] formation of IRCs for PPG02 & PPG07, Anne Sickles
- [[Sphenix-l] ] Fw: New STAR paper ready for submission: "Measurement of Two-Point Energy Correlators Within Jets in pp Collisions at √s = 200 GeV", Huang, Jin
- [[Sphenix-l] ] Urgent need to get upcoming shifts filled, Ron Belmont
- [[Sphenix-l] ] You can do "Collider User Initial Training" online/remotely now, Yip, Kin
- [[Sphenix-l] ] Welcoming Kyoto University to sPHENIX, Megan Connors
- Re: [[Sphenix-l] ] Welcoming Kyoto University to sPHENIX, M. Naruki
- [[Sphenix-l] ] Nominations for HF TG co-convener, Huang, Jin
- [[Sphenix-l] ] sPHENIX Hero: Greg Ottino, Huang, Jin
- [[Sphenix-l] ] Please join the first preGM+PCM and 192nd General Meeting (GM), Huang, Jin
- [[Sphenix-l] ] formation of IRC08, Anne Sickles
- 25/02/21
- [[Sphenix-l] ] "QM/DIS Preview" PCM this Friday, 12pm BNL time, Perepelitsa, Dennis
- [[Sphenix-l] ] formation of IRC09, Anne Sickles
- [[Sphenix-l] ] formation of IRCs 04, 11, & 12, Anne Sickles
- Re: [[Sphenix-l] ] "QM/DIS Preview" PCM this Friday, 12pm BNL time, Perepelitsa, Dennis
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