sphenix-l AT lists.bnl.gov
Subject: sPHENIX is a new detector at RHIC.
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[[Sphenix-l] ] 2nd preGM+PCM and 193rd General Meeting (GM) on March 6/7
- From: Megan Connors <meganeconnors AT gmail.com>
- To: Sphenix L <sphenix-l AT lists.bnl.gov>
- Subject: [[Sphenix-l] ] 2nd preGM+PCM and 193rd General Meeting (GM) on March 6/7
- Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2025 12:25:05 -0500
Dear collaborators,
Please join us for the second preGM+PCM and 193rd GM:
First preGM+PCM: biweekly collaboration-wide meeting series for news, analysis approvals, and discussion at an Asian time zone friendly time
Thursday March 6, 10 PM EST
192nd General Meeting:
Friday March 7, 12 PM EST
Those at BNL are welcome to join from the conference room in the 1008 counting house
Looking forward to talking to everyone with the combination of the two meetings!
Best regards
Jin & Megan
- [[Sphenix-l] ] 2nd preGM+PCM and 193rd General Meeting (GM) on March 6/7, Megan Connors, 03/06/2025
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