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Re: [[Sphenix-l] ] pp24 MBD/ZDC Cross-Section Analysis Note Uploaded to Invenio
- From: Dylan Neff <dylan.neff AT cern.ch>
- To: sPHENIX-l Digest <sphenix-l AT lists.bnl.gov>
- Subject: Re: [[Sphenix-l] ] pp24 MBD/ZDC Cross-Section Analysis Note Uploaded to Invenio
- Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2025 19:22:18 +0100
Hi All,
After the Invenio update the analysis note has migrated to a new
Dylan Neff
Hi All,
An analysis note for the pp24 MBD/ZDC Cross-Section analysis from the Vernier scans has been uploaded to Invenio.
We find an MBD cross-section of 26.1 mb. We quote both an asymmetric (more accurate) and symmetric (less accurate) uncertainty.
Symmetric: 26.1 +- 3.0 mb
Asymmetric: 26.1 +4.3 -1.1 mbThanks,
Dylan Neff
- Re: [[Sphenix-l] ] pp24 MBD/ZDC Cross-Section Analysis Note Uploaded to Invenio, Dylan Neff, 03/06/2025
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