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[Sphenix-run-l] Notes from the 9 o'clock meeting (7/24)
- From: Stefan Bathe <stefan.bathe AT baruch.cuny.edu>
- To: sphenix-run-l AT lists.bnl.gov
- Subject: [Sphenix-run-l] Notes from the 9 o'clock meeting (7/24)
- Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2023 09:11:30 -0400
RHIC (see attached slide)
- vacuum now better than pre-maintenance
- single-beam study on Friday was screwed up by not turning off continuous gap cleaning
- relies on collimators to remove kicked beam, which had been moved out
- single-beam test repeated at the end of this store around noon
- Angelika will try to come in for that
- continuous gap cleaning at 1 Hz will be turned on from the next store by default
- continuous gap cleaning: level of distortions acceptable at this intensity
- continuous gap cleaning seems to work for us
- fill number for 56x56 store for original crossing angle studies is 33878
- side peaks with 56x56 orbit, no side peaks with 6x6 store

Stefan Bathe
Stefan Bathe
Professor of Physics
Baruch College, CUNY
and RIKEN Visiting Scientist
Baruch: BNL:
17 Lexington Ave Bldg. 510
office 940 office 2-229
phone 646-660-6272 phone 631-344-8490
Baruch College, CUNY
and RIKEN Visiting Scientist
Baruch: BNL:
17 Lexington Ave Bldg. 510
office 940 office 2-229
phone 646-660-6272 phone 631-344-8490
- [Sphenix-run-l] Notes from the 9 o'clock meeting (7/24), Stefan Bathe, 07/24/2023
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