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Subject: Commissioning and running of sPHENIX
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Re: [Sphenix-run-l] Chuyu Liu's calculation about luminosity reduction for z = +/- 10 cm for pp
- From: "Yip, Kin" <kinyip AT bnl.gov>
- To: Rosi Reed <rosijreed AT lehigh.edu>
- Cc: "sphenix-run-l AT lists.bnl.gov" <sphenix-run-l AT lists.bnl.gov>
- Subject: Re: [Sphenix-run-l] Chuyu Liu's calculation about luminosity reduction for z = +/- 10 cm for pp
- Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2023 17:35:47 +0000
Hi Rosi,
I agree with your arithmetics except probably "0.08 L is in |z|>10 cm" should be "0.09 L is in |z|>10 cm" (because 0.25 - 0.16 = 0.09).
That's how I understand it also.
Hi Kin,Let me make sure I understand the math correctly. If L is the full luminosity without a crossing angle, then in that case we have 0.2L in +/- 10 cm and 0.8L |z| > 10 cm.With a 1 mrem crossing angle, looking at the plot, the total luminosity for pp is reduced to 0.4 L. But, the luminosity in +/- 10 cm is 94% of the no-crossing angle case, or 0.94 x 0.2 = 0.19 L. This means 0.21L is in |z| > 10 cm.With 1 2 mrem crossing angle, the total luminosity is reduced to 0.25 L. The luminosity in +/-10 cm is 79% of the no crossing case, so 0.79 x 0.2 = 0.16L. This means that 0.08 L is in |z|>10 cm.
So naively, assuming I understood the math, we would want to figure out how much luminosity delivered in |z| > 10 cm is problematic for the tpc and set the angle accordingly? It seems that no matter what, we lose out on luminosity in the sweet spot, so the future decision really will be in understanding what level of background we tolerate?
Sorry for repeating the mail - I wanted to make sure I understood it.
On Thu, Sep 21, 2023 at 12:26 PM Yip, Kin <kinyip AT bnl.gov> wrote:
Please see the plot and the message/explanation below from Chuyu Liu for his calculation about luminosity reductions (within z= +/- 10 cm or outside) for pp.
From: Liu, Chuyu <cliu1 AT bnl.gov>
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2023 12:19 PM
To: Yip, Kin <kinyip AT bnl.gov>; Hock, Kiel <khock AT bnl.gov>
Cc: Fischer, Wolfram <wfischer AT bnl.gov>; Minty, Michiko <minty AT bnl.gov>; Drees, Angelika <drees AT bnl.gov>; Huang, Haixin <huanghai AT bnl.gov>
Subject: Re: [Sphenix-run-l] Fwd: [request for input] sPHENIX crossing angle with PP in Run24
Hi Kin,
Here's the plot along with some key messages:
- The reduction in luminosity for polarized protons is milder compared to AuAu, primarily because of the shorter proton bunch length, resulting in a reduction factor of 4 compared to a reduction factor of 6 for AuAu with 2 mrad crossing angle.
- Luminosity within a range of +/- 10 cm accounts for 20% of the total luminosity when there is no crossing angle.
- When a 1 mrad crossing angle is introduced, the luminosity within +/- 10 cm is 94.0% of the luminosity without a crossing angle.
- Similarly, with a 2 mrad crossing angle, the luminosity within +/- 10 cm is 79.4% of the luminosity without a crossing angle.
Chuyu Liu
Collider Accelerator Department,
Brookhaven National Lab, Upton, NY
Work: +1 631 344-4431
Cell: +1 631 202-7823
From: Yip, Kin <kinyip AT bnl.gov>
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2023 7:47 AM
To: Liu, Chuyu <cliu1 AT bnl.gov>; Hock, Kiel <khock AT bnl.gov>
Cc: Fischer, Wolfram <wfischer AT bnl.gov>; Minty, Michiko <minty AT bnl.gov>; Drees, Angelika <drees AT bnl.gov>; Huang, Haixin <huanghai AT bnl.gov>
Subject: RE: [Sphenix-run-l] Fwd: [request for input] sPHENIX crossing angle with PP in Run24
Yes , I think that is what Tony asks (for now at least).
-------- Original message --------
From: "Liu, Chuyu" <cliu1 AT bnl.gov>
Date: 9/21/23 07:35 (GMT-05:00)
To: "Yip, Kin" <kinyip AT bnl.gov>, "Hock, Kiel" <khock AT bnl.gov>
Cc: "Fischer, Wolfram" <wfischer AT bnl.gov>, "Minty, Michiko" <minty AT bnl.gov>, "Drees, Angelika" <drees AT bnl.gov>, "Huang, Haixin" <huanghai AT bnl.gov>
Subject: Re: [Sphenix-run-l] Fwd: [request for input] sPHENIX crossing angle with PP in Run24
Hi Kin,
Sure, I can work on that. I will plot total luminosity and +/-10 cm luminosity VS crossing angle, similar to what wolfram did before. Would that be sufficient?
Chuyu Liu
Collider Accelerator Department,
Brookhaven National Lab, Upton, NY
Work: +1 631 344-4431
Cell: +1 631 202-7823
From: Yip, Kin <kinyip AT bnl.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2023 8:17 PM
To: Liu, Chuyu <cliu1 AT bnl.gov>; Hock, Kiel <khock AT bnl.gov>
Cc: Fischer, Wolfram <wfischer AT bnl.gov>
Subject: RE: [Sphenix-run-l] Fwd: [request for input] sPHENIX crossing angle with PP in Run24
Hello Chuyu and all,
As Tony asked below, do you have a way to estimate how much luminosity is inside +/- 10 cm ?
You've got non-Gaussian shapes of beam profiles etc. in your simulation. I think, you have had some knowledge of beam profiles/sizes. Can you please do your luminosity calculations for just +/- 10 cm and give us the results ?
On 9/19/23 15:48, Anthony Frawley wrote:
Hello Kin,
For most of the sPHENIX physics program, the usable luminosity is from collisions inside the MVTX acceptance (z = +/- 10 cm). Increases in luminosity that occur outside the acceptance of our silicon do not help that program, but they contribute background in the TPC that is harmful.
It is important to understand by how much the luminosity inside z = +/- 10 cm would increase with a reduced crossing angle.
Best regards
Tony Frawley
From: Rosi Reed <rosijreed AT lehigh.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2023 1:22 PM
To: Yip, Kin <kinyip AT bnl.gov>
Cc: Liu, Chuyu <cliu1 AT bnl.gov>; Anthony Frawley <afrawley AT fsu.edu>; Bazilevsky, Alexander <shura AT bnl.gov>; sphenix-run-l AT lists.bnl.gov <sphenix-run-l AT lists.bnl.gov>
Subject: Re: [Sphenix-run-l] Fwd: [request for input] sPHENIX crossing angle with PP in Run24
Hi Kin and all,
Thanks for sharing, this was really interesting. One thing that's not clear to me, when it is said that we aren't able to get the luminosity that we had in previous runs "after so many years", do we really understand the issue? Is it a training issue - I understand that a large fraction of C-AD operators up until Run 23 hadn't been around for top energy running. Is it something in the RHIC ring itself? AGS? Since the luminosity is so important both to the program we can have in sPHENIX and for the EIC, I'd like to understand it a bit better.
On Tue, Sep 19, 2023 at 10:24 AM Yip, Kin <kinyip AT bnl.gov> wrote:
Thanks, Chuyu. I’ve updated my https://bnlbox.sdcc.bnl.gov/index.php/s/9oDpcep7ZD5Ciyk ,
in case some collaborators can’t get to your sharepoint file.
From: Liu, Chuyu <cliu1 AT bnl.gov>
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2023 10:12 AM
To: Yip, Kin <kinyip AT bnl.gov>; Anthony Frawley <afrawley AT fsu.edu>; Bazilevsky, Alexander <shura AT bnl.gov>; sphenix-run-l AT lists.bnl.gov
Subject: Re: [Sphenix-run-l] Fwd: [request for input] sPHENIX crossing angle with PP in Run24
I've added two more slides to the end of the presentation on projections for pp and pAu with crossing angles. Link:
Crossing angle Lumi reduction.pptx
Chuyu Liu
Collider Accelerator Department,
Brookhaven National Lab, Upton, NY
Work: +1 631 344-4431
Cell: +1 631 202-7823
From: Yip, Kin <kinyip AT bnl.gov>
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2023 11:07 AM
To: Anthony Frawley <afrawley AT fsu.edu>; Bazilevsky, Alexander <shura AT bnl.gov>; sphenix-run-l AT lists.bnl.gov <sphenix-run-l AT lists.bnl.gov>
Cc: Liu, Chuyu <cliu1 AT bnl.gov>
Subject: RE: [Sphenix-run-l] Fwd: [request for input] sPHENIX crossing angle with PP in Run24
Our polarization experts such as Ralf Seidl and Sasha have had some email discussion about the polarization effect with crossing angles.
- What is at stake here? Do we have guidance from CAD on crossing angle vs maximum luminosity?
In the RHIC Retreat, basically, C-AD (Chuyu Liu and Wolfram Fischer) told us that what we saw ( a factor of 6-7) is “right” and real.
Their previous calculation assuming Gaussian only profile is wrong. After the RHIC Retreat, I asked Chuyu and he
sent us this file for his new calculation :
From: Sphenix-run-l <sphenix-run-l-bounces AT lists.bnl.gov> On Behalf Of Anthony Frawley
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2023 10:41 AM
To: Bazilevsky, Alexander <shura AT bnl.gov>; sphenix-run-l AT lists.bnl.gov
Subject: Re: [Sphenix-run-l] Fwd: [request for input] sPHENIX crossing angle with PP in Run24
Hello Stefan,
This seems like a very important question that we should make sure to get right.
What is at stake here? Do we have guidance from CAD on crossing angle vs maximum luminosity?
From: Sphenix-run-l <sphenix-run-l-bounces AT lists.bnl.gov> on behalf of Alexander Bazilevsky <shura AT bnl.gov>
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2023 10:21 AM
To: sphenix-run-l AT lists.bnl.gov <sphenix-run-l AT lists.bnl.gov>
Subject: Re: [Sphenix-run-l] Fwd: [request for input] sPHENIX crossing angle with PP in Run24
Hi Stefan,
Ralf has calculations of the expected impact of the cross angle on polarization. I haven't seen any calculations like that from STAR people. So, they are talking qualitatively (yes, the effect may be there), but we are talking quantitatively (the effect is small).
I think Ralf may give more details and/or correct my understanding.
Sasha.On 9/18/23 10:09 AM, Stefan Bathe wrote:
Hi All,
Please see Kiel’s message below. I don’t feel qualified to answer this by myself. So I’m asking for input. But I’d like to turn this around within 24 h.
I think the answer to the question why we are not concerned about running polarized protons with a crossing angle is quantitative: in principle it’s a concern, but quantitatively we think we can live with it. But I don’t know what the actual evidence is.
I think there’s no reasonable chance we’d switch to a zero crossing angle except in a disaster scenario (luminosity so low that we don’t need a crossing angle; or no tracking).
Stefan BatheProfessor of Physics
Baruch College, CUNY
and RIKEN Visiting Scientist
Baruch: BNL:
17 Lexington Ave Bldg. 510
office 940 office 2-229
phone 646-660-6272 phone 631-344-8490
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Hock, Kiel" <khock AT bnl.gov>
Subject: sPHENIX crossing angle with PP in Run24
Date: September 18, 2023 at 09:20:48 EDT
To: "stefan.bathe AT baruch.cuny.edu" <stefan.bathe AT baruch.cuny.edu>, "Bathe, Stefan" <bathe AT bnl.gov>
Cc: "Fischer, Wolfram" <wfischer AT bnl.gov>, "Minty, Michiko" <minty AT bnl.gov>, "Schoefer, Vincent" <schoefer AT bnl.gov>, "Gu, Xiaofeng" <xgu AT bnl.gov>
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Hi Stefan,
To support intensities at RHIC above 2.1e11 protons/bunch, a crossing angle at sPHENIX is needed.
Is there a reason why sPHENIX is not concerned about having a crossing angle for polarized protons where STAR is?
Is there a possibility that sPHENIX will change to a zero crossing angle during the run, which would limit the maximum intensity?
Thank you,
_______________________________________________ Sphenix-run-l mailing list Sphenix-run-l AT lists.bnl.gov https://lists.bnl.gov/mailman/listinfo/sphenix-run-l
-- Alexander Bazilevsky Brookhaven National Laboratory, Bldg. 510D, 2-232 Upton, NY 11973 Tel: 631-344-3712 Email: shura AT bnl.gov -------------------------------------------------
Sphenix-run-l mailing list
Sphenix-run-l AT lists.bnl.gov
Rosi Reed
Associate Professor, Physics Department
Lehigh University
16 Memorial Drive East Office 406
Bethlehem, PA 18015
Click here to sign up for an appointment
Sphenix-run-l mailing list
Sphenix-run-l AT lists.bnl.gov
Associate Professor, Physics Department
Lehigh University
16 Memorial Drive East Office 406
Bethlehem, PA 18015
[Sphenix-run-l] Chuyu Liu's calculation about luminosity reduction for z = +/- 10 cm for pp,
Yip, Kin, 09/21/2023
Re: [Sphenix-run-l] Chuyu Liu's calculation about luminosity reduction for z = +/- 10 cm for pp,
Rosi Reed, 09/21/2023
- Re: [Sphenix-run-l] Chuyu Liu's calculation about luminosity reduction for z = +/- 10 cm for pp, Yip, Kin, 09/21/2023
Re: [Sphenix-run-l] Chuyu Liu's calculation about luminosity reduction for z = +/- 10 cm for pp,
Rosi Reed, 09/21/2023
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